Loud (road-kill) skunk

God is getting really tired of evil men along with the “watchers” been doing the same thing as it was in Noah’s day.


Some say the end is near
Some say we’ll see Armageddon soon
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this

Bullshit three-ring
Circus sideshow of

*depending on the time keepers and region we are entering or have entered the 5th or 6th sun :sun_with_face:



Yet people keep bringing children into the world like crazy…. Something is coming, surely. It’s the timeline that no one knows except those who do know. No wonder anxiety, depression, suicide etc. is running absolutely rampant in society. :man_facepalming:t2:


Sorry for more off topic but Look into cataclysmology.

The Adam and Eve Story
CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf (2.2 MB)

SuspiciousObservers on YouTube
Randall Carlson - Kosmographia


I saw this movie the other day and it was shit.


Yes but they Always leave out the God factor, and I too am am observer :slight_smile:


edited by author…I’m here for weed.apologies for off topic


In the song “How We Do” by 50 Cent and The Game; The Game has some lyrics mentioning skunk. I will add below

… Dre found me in the, slums
Sellin’ that skunk, one hand on my gun…

If anyone has connections to the famous rap artist maybe he knows where some skunk is haha.

Link to video here: https://youtu.be/PH34kMOjmQk

Time stamp mentioning skunk @ 1:28


Everyone bored tonight? Please stay on topic so we don’t have to start hiding posts.

This thread is heading through politics and religion, and we know that’s not allowed here because we will all speak our mind too easily and then we all suffer.

Please spend your words on loving the plant and how wonderfully blessed we are to be able to grow it and discuss it openly, with people from all over the world, all at one time. Spend your words spreading love, even to the people you don’t yet understand. Let’s concentrate on building relationships with each other and try to find the common areas that we can all agree on, and go from there.

peace :v: :pray:


Everything is connected. We know why you dont want certain topics spoken of its the same on every website. Keep the mushrooms fed shit and in the dark. Thats the line. The sun has changed it changed the plant. Nothing else makes sense. Genetics dont just dissapear Worldwide within 10 years. And dont tel me my SUV melted the polar
On Mars either. Something is wrong with the Sun.


I am 51. Grew up in Southern Cali smoking RKS from Humboldt County or mexi brick weed. Now, I’m terrible with genetics, but I know what RKS tastes like and I am quite certain that it is whatever skunk that makes up half of the original Cheese. The Cheese was right there with the strains of that era and that’s really the only place I get hints of the original RKS.

Imagine my horror when I learned that road kill had been bred out by the time I started growing and that it no longer existed. Of course that was one of the first strains I wanted to re-experience from my youth. sigh

There has been a preservation run on some RKS but I haven’t heard whether it was truly road kill. I suppose I will have to grow one out and see. I am extremely skeptical, but for the love of skunk, I’ll try.


To be as fair as I can OG has put up with the most amount of thought provoking posts out of any social site. Minimum censorship so there is that token of glory but I have seen it here but yea let freedom ring is what is coming for the World. Those opposed to freedom will not have a place. I know things.


that could be the northern lights…interesting dude!!!

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I always thought that Cheese was columbian x skunk. Since I’ve grown tons of Skunk 1 plants and none of them have resembled cheese, my thought was the rks was actually on the Columbian side of things. But could be the afghani…


From my experience. The right pheno of orifinal afghani and colombian gold. Both of which I have found need to be crossed

Single source pungency is the key to the reek. And making sure they line up in the cross.

I’ve had skunk spray ghani and rks colombian but something is missing from each- f1 “vigor” in this case f1 reek.



The heime cheebas RKS, I have that going at the moment and from what I can tell so far is it just hasn’t been “locked in yet” I just flipped to flower about a week ago and is just now starting to set real good I’ll let you know more as time goes and I also have a Iranian landrace going as well which also supposed to have a RKS pheno so we will see and I’m prepared to cross them if need be but I’ll try pure a couple cycles first just to see


I did the coop for those. There were some heavy smelling phenos but nothing like I was hoping for. I haven’t seen anyone grow out the next generation yet so I’ve been curious to see what shows up in it.
I crossed a purple Kush with an rks male, I’m growing that now. One of the phenos has a nice stem rub but has a decomposing smell coming from the leaves when I get in close. It would be nice to see a heavy skunk show up in the rks f2’s


Everything I read about hieme was no rks. Maybe dank. Bit skunky. Worth 1000 canadian for no rks? Nope

Thanks for sharing the feedback. Looking forward tonyour review



I’m gonna go for a female this season, but I can’t really give much feedback or pheno hunt as I grow one crop per year outdoors and have no space or time to waste on males. I’ll only grow out the best looking female and literally only one plant. I’ll let you know what comes out for me though


it’s afghani hybrid no question…but the afghan stock used for line testing has to be landrace to have any chance of reality. reliable source tells me the afghani male gooeybreeder using is direct from kandahar via the military…and there isn’t anywhere closer than that on og I’ve seen…you have to walk guerilla country and get access…and us marine corps have so if you want something resembling rks…its bandit country with the army trading hands and sending em home…its why I’m quite interested in the story he told…lololol

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