LouDog's LED Lounge

@NICO Casey can do some freaky stuff, especially as the beans get older. I’ve seen quite a few varieties self top like that.

@TopShelfTrees1 Mental floss was an open pollination of a full pack. There were some intersex tendencies in the bunch. But I’ve never grown the f2s out. As much as I would have liked it to be killer, the mental floss didn’t scratch my itch like I thought it might. That was very much the og/chem/sour heyday and she didn’t quite hold up to some of the other stuff I was running at the time.

I think a lot of the newer crosses I offer will have better luck of bringing keepers out of a single pack. Important to remember I chuck for preservation, so generally trying to keep the widest gene pool around for personal preservation, which just requires hunting more plants to find your personal something special.