LouDog's LED Lounge

Very cool @NICO you know how much those CJ’s excite me! So awesome


I got all males the first 4, I planted 3 more to hopefully find a female. Fingers crossed that o e of these 3 are that special lady.


Got my fingers crossed as well. Got some slotted for next pop myself if all goes well…. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

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Anyone here ever pop any mental floss? That one really intrigues me as well. Tbh almost all of @LouDog420 stuff is killer! Those CJ X SB got me excited as well.

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Haven’t popped them yet, but I snagged a pack of each of those to run next year.
Lou mentioned to be vigilant about intersex since the CJSB was bred outdoors (and cuz Casey), and that the MF are gonna take some hunting to find gold.
I’ll get into these once my headstash is backed up, and I can take some risks without running myself outta weed.


Also CJSB is old (2012) so about 1/2 to be expected he mentioned. Nice. We’ll have to compare notes when you do @HeadyBearAdventures

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I need more grow space!!!


Oh God don’t I know this…. I had an option about 5 years back (right around legalization) to run a huge grow (greenhouse and indoor warehouse) but opted out because I envisioned it being a nightmare and not enjoyable…… now that I’ve moved and downsized I’ve been kicking myself for 1.5 years straight for turning that down. Worst part is the guy who took over and did it. Clarke , an old friend now works for Tweed. :man_facepalming:t2:


@NICO Casey can do some freaky stuff, especially as the beans get older. I’ve seen quite a few varieties self top like that.

@TopShelfTrees1 Mental floss was an open pollination of a full pack. There were some intersex tendencies in the bunch. But I’ve never grown the f2s out. As much as I would have liked it to be killer, the mental floss didn’t scratch my itch like I thought it might. That was very much the og/chem/sour heyday and she didn’t quite hold up to some of the other stuff I was running at the time.

I think a lot of the newer crosses I offer will have better luck of bringing keepers out of a single pack. Important to remember I chuck for preservation, so generally trying to keep the widest gene pool around for personal preservation, which just requires hunting more plants to find your personal something special.


@loudog420 this is maybe a better picture of what I’m talking about. That is all a single leaf.the 2 Leaves and main just all turned into the same growth.


The other 2 are fine. All 3 look exactly the same, all uniform. They look different from the 4 males .

That is the one male I haven’t flowered yet, in case the pollen from the other 3 goes bad before I find a female.


Day 23 undercarriage cleaned and 75% done with defo. Up to 7 feeds daily, still at 2.7-2.8 ec, with a RO flush between res changes (a little more than once a week)…


Dropping the pic here in the lounge… More info on the St. Jude thread

Bosscotti from Solfire


beautiful what a tent of males brother.

awesome …


Thanks man, I’m lucky enough to have a space were I can let the males really drop without worrying about pollination and check for later maturity traits. But I like to keep my lines open (male selection ultimately you never know how they’ll breed until growing out the progeny) and run as many pollen donors as possible, only pulling out anything that’s obviously deleterious.

I’ve got a ton of your gear, anything in particular you’d suggest outside of the AK lines? Looking for that absolute fire but also commercial potential at this point (terps, yield, post process ease, structure, pest/pathogen resistance, etc…)

I’m planning future pops and want to fit some Jaws gear in :wink:

Good vibes bud,


have had so much incoming and outgoing id need to know what i sent you brother.



Had a bosscotti pop full sacks on some lowers, and a 100k tossing fertile nanners at preflower nodes, so there’s some incidental pollination this round that did some damage. Not too bad if considering it should be spread through 7-8 pounds, but not sensi either.

Unfortunately that’s the name of the game when hunting new gear and loading a room up to the gills with different untested phenos…

Right, left, center… Day 33


Sucks hearing this but we know all to well it happens. I’m highly intrigued by the bosscotti because of the lineage. Really looking forward to hearing your impressions


Don’t beat yourself up, Lou. I’ve had sacks pop up and open almost overnight. It happens. It’s a sinking feeling, but with that many plants, you’d spend half a day, every day checking each and every one of them. Do you think it was stress or genetics?

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A little bit of both… Genetics from the glue/cookies in the lines as well as some light leaks… I had to cull a 100k last round that went full balls at nodes, so that’s a pretty good indication with 2 out of 6 showing heavy intersex with a little stress. But the keepers are fire, so it’s worth the trouble, imo.

All good, dog will hunt