LouDog's LED Lounge

I would just go lay down on it. Looks very good.
I would love to do that, but I wouldn’t be able to get in there and work it. I would’ve fallen over like a big bull.

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Thanks hemp. That would be one expensive mattress for a bull :wink:

Caught covid, neglecting the space a little while getting over that plus the incidental pollination took some wind out of the sails. Still moving along though… We’ll start with some cola shots in the next week or two

Day 41


Very nice brother!


5x5 veg

AK47 f2
Casey Jones x Sour Bubble IX1
Double Strawberry Diesel f2
Don Mega x Red Runtz
Irene x T1000
OG Chem
OGC x New York Candy Orange
Purple Zkittlez x Temple Kush
Peyote Purple
Trunk Funk


Running the 100k even though it gave you trouble last time? From seeds or cut?

Love everything I see. One of my favorites threads on OG.


Oh ya brother! Looking forward to this one

The 100k still around is a different pheno that hasn’t shown intersex. 2 out of 6 showed intersex issues, 3 yielded like shit, and there’s one left…

Most everything I run in flower is from clone. I’ve found seeds and clones can behave differently even when its the same plant, so I try not to waste time running things from seed and just grow them out, take clones, and flower clones to make sure selections are as accurate as possible…


Question, @LouDog420 you think it’s worthwhile running some f3’s (from original head packs) seperate but along with the ix adage/repro? Or it would just be wicked similar mostly?


Always a numbers game. Pop it, imo


Sweet was hoping you would feel the same. This is gonna get real fun

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Day 50… Ran the res dry and got some leaf burn closest to the AC on a bosscotti in a half gal. Not my favorite out of the bosscottis, but hard to tell with no smell still due to the corona…

Replaced the cal-mag+ with growmore flowering calmag (no N) and halved the calnit around day 46. Next res refill will hit the N harder then final flush I still like to run N-free calmag and micros

Same old, same old… Gonna try an advanced nutrients run next round, their new cultivator 3-part salt line with some additives, seeming to be mostly MKP, benes, and some humics/fulvics…

Fall colors coming in on the peyote, 100k, and don mega x red runtz rows. Darker green on the bosscottis, light green on the purple zkittlez x temple kush, and some early yellowing on the AK and Double strawberry diesel rows…

Left, right, middle


Gorgeous brother, gorgeous!


In your opinion. Which light performs the best for you? Just curious

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If you scroll up to post 17, there’s a chart with measurements taken at trellis level with an apogee. Seems like the Growers Choice falls off the quickest at the edges and corners.

I always get a bit of burn on the Spectrum King and Grow Light Science… SK being there’s no onboard dimming feature if you’re not using a controller. GLS just pushing more light so I keep it turned down to 80% and the girls always take an extra second to get settled in.

Guess that means the Total Grow?? They all can stack some nice frosty flowers, so I think it’s more dialing space, feed, and genetics to any given light and climate… Overall, plenty of good LED options in the $600 range these days…

Good vibes,


Most definitely! Thanks for the input :pray:t3:


Wow wow wow bro. I’ve been so busy fucking off around here I just found this new thread of yours. You are putting in work on the grow space and everything.

These new GLS lights are insane. I ran 4 of the old 300s with no problem. I added a 600 into the mix and that bad boy kicks off some heat that I wasn’t expecting.

Either way your whole set up is inspirational and I’m following along from here on out!


Thanks bud, appreciate the kind words.

Double Strawberry Diesel f2 at 52 days, about ready to come down. flush on


FNA! Just found your lounge @LouDog420 and I am blown away!


Thanks LzBoy

Pushing clicks to the Beans 4 St. Jude thread… Tasty cola shots over there from this current round, and if you didn’t know about the fundraiser and free seeds for donations directly to St Jude, now you do!

All sorts of crosses already listed and more coming down the pipe…

For colas, click here…

Full room shots, day 57… left, right, center.


Forgot to snap pics before getting to work… Harvested at 63 days… A little early for some, a little late for others, but once you start, it’s very hard to stop with the trellis and some floppy girls.

Hanging in the dry room… Winter time, this room is killer at 60/60 or colder… Summer, it can get a little warm. Just trellis hung from wire suspended to the ceiling/floor joists. Plants hung whole after deleaf (got lazy and there’s a few that still need plucked…

100k 2

Bosscotti 3

Reset gets everything cleaned. Sterilized with sodium hypochlorite, then we turn off the AC, set ventilation to recirculate, and get it up to 120f for a few hours.

Run some chlorine solution through the irrigation system, first clearing the mainline, then through the drippers, and follow up with hot water flushing everything clean. Replace any clogged drippers.

Still running into some high humidity issues, so added a second 35 ppd dehui… These little residential units always seem to burn themselves out or overheat and then shut off, so I throw it on a timer for 28minutes on, 2 minutes off and it seems to stop the failures.

Lots of room for improvement between overveg, high humidity, feed/drybacks… Adding second layer of trellis for support and dropping the original layer half a foot or so… Next run will be in some floraflex quick fill 1gallons and a bunch of new girls.

Good vibes,