LouDog's LED Lounge

Can’t wait for the next round, stellar work as always !


Almost there…

Quickfill is killer compared to stuffing fabric pots… I usually drip directly to medium without drip stakes, instead just using stakes on the line with a free drip to watch for any clogged emitters… So that was a pita making sure the drips were flowing down my line stakes or falling into the open holes to hydrate each container. Have real drip stakes coming for future rounds, but we made it work…

Only had two clogged emitters after line cleaning. Quickly replaced…

Excited to see how they perform overall for growing plants…

Pre and post hydration…

Next round
Irene x T1000 (TK/Urkle) from CSI
Bosscotti from Solfire
Skullcap from Karma
Trunk Funk from Archive
Kush from Swamp Boys
Gas Stank from Swamp Boys
Don Mega x Red Runtz from Exotic
100k from Exotic
Purple Zkittlez x Temple Kush from Ethos
Peyote Purple from Cannabiogen

And selected cuts or personal lines…
Bubblehead from Tony/Karma
OG Chem from Ganja Rebel
Double Strawberry Diesel f2 from Ganja Rebel
AK 47 f2 from Joey Weed
OG Chem x New York Candy Orange
Casey Jones x Sour Bubble IX1

Should be a good time…


Now THAT’S a setup!
Good luck, doubt you’ll need it :seedling:


What quickfill bags are you using?


1 gal closed top from floraflex. A bit over $2/plant… Much better than stuffing pots…

Plan to compare to the 2 gal next round… But I can regularly get 3oz/plant in 1’s, with 10.5 plants per light under this setup, giving a respectable 2lb per light… Might be able to push out a bit more weight with 2’s, but doubt it will be significant and imagine anything beyond is more genetics and managing irrigation properly. If anything, it might help with dry backs during the night when we’re not running irrigation cycles.


Nice! Let’s goooo!


That’s awesome and are you still running dual timers to make the fees cycles work out or are you using a controller?

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Yes, daisy chained timers still, no irrigation controller.


7 days veg… Everything grabbed and is taking off. A week or so more, snip some cuts, and flip them down…


Flipped, day 2… Running Advanced Nutrients - Cultivator Series, just mixed up the first res and the chelation is awesome… Used to take hot water and a magnetic stirrer to get Jacks Part A 99% mixed always with some sediment still… The AN, we went straight RO and a few minutes in the magnetic stirrer for basically 100% solubility. The package came a little moist, so we had to mix by EC instead of weight, but we’ll get it dialed…

Starting at 2.0ec and we’ll push from there depending on how the plants react.

Probably overvegged a bit, but only 13 days from clone to flip here


My mentor JUST got his bags yesterday! I’m excited to see how it performs! Awesome news


Day 6, feeding around 2.0ec… Bloom ferts came a bit damp so mixed by ec the first couple batches to get accurate weights for my specific res and float setup. All good now, simple 2 part with 1.0ec of base of 1.0ec bloom… Better than a 6/7 part jack’s, so hopefully this brings the weight and quality… Dissolves much easier as well.

We did get some intense light burn on a few phenos’ fans when flipping the lights and going from checkboard on/off for veg to full bore. Pulled the damaged leaves, dropped the lights to 80% and temps to 81/82 with 65%rh and all good. Just cranked the lights back up and no issues. Speculating… We were running the room a bit hotter at 85 instead of 81/82 with 70-75%rh instead of 65%, maybe that had something to do with it and were trying to drive the plants a bit too hard… Still waiting for that perfect run :wink:

Umami tester 762E hanging in the walkway


I really like this set up @LouDog420 . I might abandon my ebb n flow buckets for this system. It doesn’t feel as rigid as having a set amount of buckets tubed into place.


Do your tables have drainage or do you only use small amounts of water? I recently made a top feed system that works well but I be been thinking that tables would have been easier to grow different plant numbers.




Lol thanks :grin: reading with my eyes wide shut


Thanks DirtW, yep drain and raised slightly so it all drains to one side… Simple bulkhead → flex hose → pvc → sump

Pics and descriptions of drainage system in this post: LouDog's LED Lounge - #4 by LouDog420

Definitely nice for flexibility @indicana_jones just grab a goof plug or pop a new line and emitter in for more or less plants… I may be pulling 3 plants this run do to slow growth and finishing them in another space if they don’t pick up the pace…


Sump back to res?

Duh… Disregard! :joy:

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no recirculation, DTW :wink:

Just pulled a plant due to intersex… Out come the goof plugs

Trunk funk from archive… Older seeds, only got two up out of the pack… Male was tossed a while back due to intersex… Now the female follows suit…


Plug to get some beans and raise some money for St. Jude with the spooky scary st jude halloween special: Beans 4 St. Jude - #521 by LouDog420

Click the link and smash that donate button. New bosscotti crosses and plenty of other gear…


Meanwhile… Second trellis in at Day 14. A few shorter phenos, mainly from the irene x t1000, and a few taller girls, but otherwise looking like we hit the stretch pretty good without major tuckage needed.