Mandala Seeds review

@Foreigner @noknees
Thanks for your commiseration, I am largely over any disappointment, as it’s not a big deal
in the overall scheme of things.
It’s just that I started only two seeds and one was a dramatic failure, I usually start a lot more than just two seeds at a time… so the remaining four Satori fems will reveal all in due time.

I haven’t yet located some of my pics of my previous Far Out grows, anyway I will post some shots of the current Far Out later on.


Here is the Far out today. About 15 days into the flower cycle.
This plant is not stretching anywhere near as much as the earlier versions of Far Out.
It now appears like it will not need any stretch control at all, and I only have about 4 feet to work with.
Now I am hoping that the flowers will be the same tasty treats as before.

Have not been able to find pics of earlier grows yet… pending.


I’m super enjoying that hint of purple in the last picture.any smell to it yet?


No, not much of a smell yet, just subtle foulness, similar to ripe, unwashed gym socks.


Great to hear. I ordered what should be some killer, and challenging, sativas a few days ago from Mandala. Ace seeds goodies.

The Panama X Malawi is the latest, not to be confused with the Malawi X Panama.

I used to chat with Dubi years ago. This should be interesting.

Panama x Malawi (Limited Edition) - 5+1 feminized seeds Panama x Malawi (Limited Edition)
5+1 feminized seeds
Ace Seeds x 1 €65,00

Golden Tiger x Panama (Limited Edition) - 5+1 feminized seeds Golden Tiger x Panama (Limited Edition)
5+1 feminized seeds
Ace Seeds


Have had good experiences with them. They have some interesting strains. Have run Krystalica and would again.


I received notification that Mandala’s shop has reopened.
This new cross has caught my eye.,


Awesome! Checking it out now!


Did you get tasty treats from your last grow?

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Yes, the Far Out was very nice, with a very spacey and expansive, cerebral high.

Far Out right before harvest.


How long does it normally take for an order to ship? Placed an order on the 8th, paid on the 10th and has been sitting at “warehouse dispatched” since the 12th but not shipped. Just curious what everyone’s experiences are.

MANDALA SEEDS is a legit outfit. They answer emails in a timely manner. Discounts are given for leaving positive reviews. I was given a 5 Euro discount because I left a thank you note in my purchase notes. That was cool. Unique and rare cultivars are part of the catalog. Always a positive experience. The only thing that draws criticism is the shipping time. If you are placing an order from the United States, realize that crossing the Atlantic Ocean AND dealing with customs should always be expected. You simply have to factor that in. MANDALA’s stealth shipping is the best in the biz.


Just asking what to expect. I’m used to orders shipping shortly after payment. If I was concerned I would be emailing them, was just curious what to expect as it’s been longer than I’m used to. The shipping time itself is whatever to me.

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As I recall, my last order took a little over 3 weeks to arrive. I think that the package is shipped from a hub in France to the States.


Hey I can actually contribute here! I placed an order on October 1st (had been waiting for US shipping to begin), paid on the 2nd, it was packaged and put into warehouse dispatch on the 5th, and then on the 10th went to “arrival at shipping hub”. So 5 days from dispatch to shipping stuff. My order is supposed to arrive today (Colorado).


Cool, thanks! I know they’ll come, and transit times are whatever. I just wasn’t sure what their process was before it’s actually in the mail and don’t feel the need to pester them with questions lol.


Hey I’ll chime in too @Fitzera
Placed my order on the 10th, shipped on the 12th, through customs in the 20th (yesterday).
Expected on Monday/ Tuesday.


Haha mine is still not shipped

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I placed my order on October 2nd. Ten days later, the package arrives in my city(east coast USA). I received Kalichakra as a freebie.


Landed today!