Manga Rosa (Exotic Alchemy)

Manga Rosa

These were from Exotic Alchemy by way of Brazilian Seed Company

There was an FBSC run with these a couple years ago and unfortunately something happened to the grower and we haven’t heard from them since. There’s a wealth of info in that thread though so I’ll just post a link for anyone interested in more of the history:

I started with 14 seeds and 100% germination. 24 soak in water + H2O2 then into a damp paper towel inside a zip lock and into a dark cabinet.

Gently planted them into some soil and about 3 days later they all popped above ground.

However, you may notice the one in the top most right corner seems to be missing a head and it seems that some insect possibly nipped it off. Here’s a close up:

I was obviously annoyed but decided to just leave it there with the group. I didn’t really think it had any chance of growing back but sure as shit 2 days later I noticed a spec of green growing.

Then about a week later it actually had some visible leaves.

So here we go, all 14 up and going about 2 weeks from germination.


A few more days later and the little weed warrior keeps on going.

Here’s everyone at 3 weeks


Week 4 and little weed warrior going strong still.

Group shot


Week 5


Week 8

Potted them all up to 1gal containers except for the smallest as that one was still developing roots.

Was getting ready to leave town for a bit so I used some plastic tubs so that the care taker could just keep them with a bit of water at the bottom.


Week 10

Returned home and found everyone doing pretty well. Flipped them into 12/12 lighting the next day.


Just under week 3 of flower

5 males. Very top left is that little weed warrior that came back from almost nothing.

9 females. I have them separated currently as I want the ladies to have some more developed pistils. I really need to get them potted up to 3 gal soon.


Your garden looks super healthy! Good luck on the run @deeez99


Thanks @invisible I appreciate that. So far so good. Had a little battle with some potential mites and aphids but I’ve got some lady bugs in there now that I’ve been moving from the outdoor cannabis garden to indoors.


Looks like you won the battle! Have you got a couple of favorites in there yet?

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Kind of a lame answer by me but not yet. They all seem pretty similar so far. Haven’t done any stem rubs yet to see if anything stands out. Life’s been busy so really just been trying to keep them happy and waiting on more flower development before anything really catches my eye.


Nothing lame about hat answer, I hope you find something special in there :+1:

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Very excited to see these grown out. I grabbed a pack of those a little bit ago and that thread you linked is full of goodies. Great work so far!


Thanks @invisible

@gcomputer Nice! I actually didn’t realize they still had some in stock. These were from cltvrs from earlier this year. Are you planning to run them anytime soon?

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Wow, the Manga Rosa!.

Good luck with the seed run.

It is a must have strain.


My tents are pretty full at the moment but we’ll see! Things change sometimes but for now soonest would be next winter. I really need a greenhouse/dep

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Thanks @Piter hope you are doing well.

I think we can all relate to that! I’ve seen some nice greenhouse setups here on OG that seem more cost/labor friendly then a full blown greenhouse.


I had the same thing happen to one of my plants outdoors this year. This is what it looked like at chopping time.


Looks great! Looking forward to the grow show my friend. Very cool!

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@Sdoyle wow so your plant also lost its head and then made a come back? That’s an impressive tree trunk you got going on there. What did the rest of her look like?

Hey what’s up @TopShelfTrees1! Thank you :pray: