These were from Exotic Alchemy by way of Brazilian Seed Company
There was an FBSC run with these a couple years ago and unfortunately something happened to the grower and we haven’t heard from them since. There’s a wealth of info in that thread though so I’ll just post a link for anyone interested in more of the history:
I started with 14 seeds and 100% germination. 24 soak in water + H2O2 then into a damp paper towel inside a zip lock and into a dark cabinet.
However, you may notice the one in the top most right corner seems to be missing a head and it seems that some insect possibly nipped it off. Here’s a close up:
I was obviously annoyed but decided to just leave it there with the group. I didn’t really think it had any chance of growing back but sure as shit 2 days later I noticed a spec of green growing.
9 females. I have them separated currently as I want the ladies to have some more developed pistils. I really need to get them potted up to 3 gal soon.
Thanks @invisible I appreciate that. So far so good. Had a little battle with some potential mites and aphids but I’ve got some lady bugs in there now that I’ve been moving from the outdoor cannabis garden to indoors.
Kind of a lame answer by me but not yet. They all seem pretty similar so far. Haven’t done any stem rubs yet to see if anything stands out. Life’s been busy so really just been trying to keep them happy and waiting on more flower development before anything really catches my eye.
@gcomputer Nice! I actually didn’t realize they still had some in stock. These were from cltvrs from earlier this year. Are you planning to run them anytime soon?
@Sdoyle wow so your plant also lost its head and then made a come back? That’s an impressive tree trunk you got going on there. What did the rest of her look like?