Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

yesssss, real deal amnesia …
these crosses are going to KILL !!

Go, esko, GOOO !! :slight_smile:

… and not a second too late, btw … haha.
US peepz are CRAZY for hazes nowadays.



I must make a correction to previous update.
The PWEC did not yet came through in the graph software.

Towards the flowering weeks evolve i do increase the drybacks.
The concentration of the ec gets higher doing this = nutrient stress in the positive sense.

The real number of the PWEC was 17

Maybe a shocking number for some but the plants do love it …


Fuckin A esko!!! Those plants are furrier than my friggin animals!!!


you can say that he knows what he is doing… looks great


Not a master. The led growing has a steep learning curve. I analyse the data, make mistakes and learn.
I do not test things that allready have been documented. (tbh, there is also a lot of bullshit online, allot of sales and myth stories, some products are supersimple and get a flashy name)
Estimated is that before end of this year, i will have the skills to master LED growing.
Not happy yet at this point.

My tapwater has an high detail analyse each year by contract obligation. I have the luck to live in a region where mineral spring water comes out of the tap.
The total tap water ec depends on the season/temperatures. 0.8 - 0.9 EC.
The PH is 7,44 - 7,89

Ca 104 mg/l
Fe - Iron 20 µg/l
K 16,7 mg/l
Mg 13,6 mg/l
Mn 4 µg/l
Na 37 mg/l
O2 13 mg/l
NH4 0.1 mg/l
NO2 0.001 mg/l
NO3 3 mg/l
SO4 88 mg/l
Al <10 µg/l

I do not calculate the differen elements when i make a reservoir. I ignore them.
My main nutrients are:
Hesi hydro Veg and Flow (i also use powders in some previous grows, Hakaphos green and red, calcinit. But still learning there)
Haifa MKP

Hesi Supervit
Hesi Boost
Triacontanol, home made
Chitosan, home made
Cannazym (or a enzym i can get my hands on, they are all pretty simular)
Calgreen, for the last 3 weeks of flowering, this stuff i use against mold in the buds. But not always use it, when conditions are perfect i skip it. When VPD is hard to balance i use it.
Clearrez, home made but i only use it in waterbox

There are no secret products.
Less is more … is how i think and act.


“to boldly go where no man has gone before"


Very beautiful with all products and even your own products


@eskobar what’s up where you at. And a happy 420


On the fields, planting season is here.
Update next weekend.
Happy 420 for you to


Week 6, day 6 flowering, TL2

Diversity of phenotypes from the Black Apple Hitchcock.
Yellow pistil knobby

Very smelly one! Deep sweet grape smell, purple hues

Most indica, smells like green unripe apple fizz.

Dont know if i can get the colors on point, to reach low temps is almost impossible in this warm weather here.
The Banana Slammer smell amazing, creamy Slurricane.

The feeding and dryback is very aggressive. I did steer it this way.

TL2, 14 days flowering
The stretch of the Runtz is high, some manipulation of the canopy is needed.
Increased total EC to 2.3 EC to reduce the stretch with first flowering nutes.


such a badass thread props


Man esko bringing in that 420 season right!!! Awesome bro!!! :ok_hand:


the question everybody yearns over:
what are you going to mate to the reversed amnesia haze?

(get your seatbelts on, everyone :wink: )


That is an excellent question… :thinking:

I guess it comes down to which direction you want to push it in.

If you don’t want much change then there’s lots of other Hazes that could be used or something a little different like a lemon skunk or perhaps something like Gold star x Snow Lotus.

So many possibilities… so little time… :rofl:



Going to mate? is not correct, Are mating, is correct.
Allot of mating here, always :slight_smile:

The Amnesia Haze reversed is hitting clean Amnesia Haze females. I never keep the reversed plant seeds themselves IF they are in those plants. Most of the time the reversed females are almost fully transformed into male.

The other selections that are added are still ongoing works.

Time enough, not hurried.


lol, i meant if you already know what kind of original crosses you will make.
but that’s ok … time will tell :sunglasses: i know, that either way it’s gonna ROCK !!


I can give a big list but what if some do not meet my standards during testing?
So, i prefer to wait a little more.

Very high potency, taste, frost, average flowering time.

I understand you @santero that you wanna know the combo’s.
But you allready know what strains i have collected/selected in all those years sow its one of those, or all of them.

Some will be crap, some will be wurth gold. The chucking is easy, the further testing not.


This thread has so much good info!


Great pics .Those girls love you 17 pwec omy .Osmatic root pressure at its finest .The vpd has to be spot on for them to handle that .Keep em green


you are right, broski … any combo needs thorough testing first :wink:
no need to make people drool over stuff that may never be released.