Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

Nice… starting up already wow!!!


Kaaa boom. you have this down .All pro



Ok, where to start …
I use a simple Xtream 40 waterbox. Other brands are fine, but i prefer the ones with domes.
I bought the waterpump double (in a aquarium store) and some extra foam filters (do not buy the carbon filter types) for it. This makes things easier to clean/swap and work very effective.

The foam collars i buy in China. Mr Ali is your friend. Way cheaper than the local shops.
They all import it, its just the cannabis tax they charge more.

Your UC roots, Cleanse or ClearRez is the same type of products.
Some of my friends use the first two succesfully. (from them i know its chlorine based)

I chose Clearrez, DIY
It contains Calcium hypoclorite - Poolshocker - Chlorine. 65%!!!

DIY CLEARREZ ( i use a recycled/well cleaned 2,5 L old hesi rootstim jar)
Stock solution:
2,5L of distilled water + 0,661 gram of the poolshocker = shake & ready.
Usage dillution:
1,5 ml per Liter in the waterbox.
Needs to be added again every 4 days.

To make waterbox clones some things are important to understand.
First 7 days are to push the Auxins with , for example Hormex. (want to learn DIY?)
Next 7 days are to stimulate the root formation with nutrients.
Both 7 day cycles, need a sterliser.
It can be done even faster cycles, but i not recommend that.

I have used Collodial Silver succesfully to to keep the water bacteria free. I do not like the H202 method. Clearrez is my favorite. Easy, cheap and effective.

In between waterbox rooting runs, i clean the waterbox very simple.
I toss the used nutrient water away, i rinse the waterbox with tapwater and use a soft sponge to make it clean. No hard cleaning sponges!!! they make the plastic have more pores. More pores is more bacteria chances.
I fill the waterbox with tapwater after rinsing and sponging. I add a cup of bleach. I trow in the foam colars in the water. And i put the pump on. Some hours is enough but a entire night is often my chose.
After the sterilising, i carefully take out the colars with gloves first and i rinse them with tapwater. I put them in a new plastic bag to stay sterile as much i can.
The waterbox water itself gets dumped to waste and after this i simply flush it with tapwater.
No more sponging, no more rubbin, nothing.

Fill waterbox with tapwater, add the auxins - Hormex.
Set on 6.0 ph (even 5.6 works, 6.2 ph to …)
I dump the Clearrez in it, and put on the pump non stop.

Watertemps in the waterbox must be measured constantly.
To high temps = failure. Do not exeed 22C. I try to aim 20C personally.
In hot times, summer. You can steer the pump timer to 15min/15min of, to keep temps in range.
You can play with the timer from the pump to steer the temps. Always make sure you have 50%+ spraying of the time.
The heating of the water in the waterbox, it comes from the pump.

Wear gloves! always. Many of you also smoke Tabacco and can contaminate your clones.
Not only tabacco is a danger, but any contamination is risky.


WOW! I’m sounding like damned parrot, but Thank You (greatly) for posting up all the details!! I also printed out the information you posted up for me on Open Grow on auxin a while back.
Fantastic information!!


20 Hours later in the waterbox


A look on the energy usage/price of the last TL2 Run

It gave me this


TL2 restart … begins with cleaning …
Previous to nicer pics, i must start with the pile of dirt … allot to clean.
Music on! Courage gathered and went for it.

Mr Clean at work

Flooding with steam …

0 EC drain, zero ph

Hey, just kidin, my vape is attracted to moisture.LOL
After installing the booster bars just like TL1. All flowering units get upgraded @ terp experimental
I took this spectrum

It looks like this when testing them. 4 x 27 watt (+UVB test)
Tell me, who does not like pink :wink:

No booster leds, normal HLG Scorpion Diablo (and UVB)

Chocolate Rain, Runtz, Banana Zkittlez, Berry O Melon and one Mizzizzippi Mud
The mapito crates have been watered from the top with a low nutrient VEG solution, enzymes and rootstim. Ph 5.6

About TL1.
The steering of the VPD is perfect. Increasing the RH to 65 - 67% gave its effect in lowering slighly the VPD. For 1,5 weeks of flowering these numbers are spot on.

Happy with this


One day later


the results speak for themselves !! everything is thought through very nicely.
(although that must be some of the most expensive homegrown ever, lol.)

very beautiful, man … keep it up’ski !! :slight_smile:


Yes, expensive but not impossible.
Everybody is free to spend on his hobby what he can and want.

I do highly recommend data sensors for everybody who grow. Supersmall to XXL.


LOVE the sexy photos of the empty reservoir, and grow tray shots!!
I wanted to see the under ware, the pump, aerator? looks like maybe.
I did get a start in the crop steering stuff, a bit old school, while I save up some money.


Them antique sensors work great to.
You can put a cam on it and do timelapse to log.

If you want to see something in detail, just ask.
HD style = show everything from A to Z. From dirty to clean, errors & wins.
If everything always is … 100% fantastic, do never trust that.
Blood, Sweat & Tears. Sometimes you hit the wall, sometimes you go through it.


Another version:

Sometimes you are the bug, sometimes you are the windshield… :+1: :laughing:



TL1, 3weeks and 2 days since 12/12
Everything ok. The pwec was 9 before flooding yesterday! VPD = 1.2 - 1.3
Front plants indica vs the back sativa’s, the difference is clear to see.

Black Apple Hitchcock is showing allot of trichs very early. Looks promising.
One stretch indica type, the rest is identical shaped.

TL2 update, 12 days in VEG 18/6
VPD = 1.0

PFD is slowly being cranked up

Automaticly the DLI is going upwards (one down value = summerhour switch)

Photoperiod data, again one down value = summerhour switch

Spring is coming, the wet winter season seems to be over. The input air is allot dryer last two weeks.
The Dehumidifiers have been OFF. The overkill Torin exhaust steers the RH in combination with the inlet valve system.

The waterbox clones are allready in Coco Cork dust (Mills) since last update and are doing fine.
Soon, Very soon … TL2 will be pushed in flower.


Well there it is again man, the reason, I stop in to read your words, Coco Cork Dust, hell I never knew of it. So I do a Google, and damn, I find a fishing bait tutorial!!
Then I find what your speaking of, a perlite substitute, and more!! I Love to learn man!!
Best to ya!


6 days ago …

Today, de-leafed, shapeshifted and ready for flow … one of the next days
The waterbox is again full with goodies.
Runtz, Chocolate Rain, Berry O Melon and Banana SKZ.


@webeblzr Now I need to check this out there’s always something new going on here lol

Runtz, Chocolate Rain, Berry O Melon and Banana SKZ.

Now that’s one kill line up
My friend

Thanks @eskobar for all the information that you share


This thread is epic
Thank you @eskobar :pray: the amount of detail you’ve given is unparalleled.


Update time,

TL1, 5 weeks in flow
The highest plants are at 1050 PFD, the lower at 780 PFD, no CO2
VPD 1.2 - 1.4

Some Black Apple Hitchcocks are starting to show some colour allready

Buds are looking ok, very light dark colours are incoming

Low Angle TL1 view,
The plants get 2.2 EC (0.8 tap + 1.2 flow nutes + 0.2 ec MKP + Triacontanol + Chitosan + Enzymes)

Everything looking healthy after a 30% dryback reaching 12,5 PWEC !!! = crazy

A rare view in BH1 (Black Hole nr 1, a breeding room like the TL rooms you see here)
Amnesia Haze (Soma first cup cut, old girl) xxxx reversed xxxx rootcut method + STS

TL2, after the shapeshift and defoliation i gave them another week veg. Today they are officially in Flowering
At 600 PFD and 1.8ec (0.8 tap + 1.0 ec veg nutes + Triacontanol + Supervit + Enzymes + Chitosan)
VPD 0.8 - 1.0

Enjoy your evening, it’s still weekend


Wow man, you are a master… Those leaves… :exploding_head:.

You have a very hard water at 0.8 EC. Mine comes out 400-500 mS/cm and is causing me problems. One quick question, sorry if you answered this before: when you calculate your feed solution, do you analyze you tap water and take different elemental ppms into your calculations or do you ignore them?

Specifically my tap water has high levels of Ca and Mg (up to 75 ppm Ca when stabilized by lab for analysis!), but those are mostly bound in carbonates like CaCO3, which are not available to plants in “normal” feed mixes (I don’t break them with acids for instance…). So I just ignore those levels and calculate like my water has 0 Ca. It’s been working… okish at best.

Love to hear your input, all the best! :seedling: