Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

One of my Chocolate Rain clones, a leaf got stuck at the sides of the waterbox cloner.
The leaf was stuck between the edge of the foam plate and the reservoir and i did not notice this.
While planting the rooted clones (39/40 score) i suddenly bumped on this.

The DIY hormex is doing its job …


hello @eskobar that is amazing man :grinning:

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so that is a bit of a clone that got trapped am i rite?

have you done this before do you know if it will grow in to a nomal plant ??

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Esko ??? you really have green fingers I’ve never seen this. plant it and see what it becomes


Yes, somehow it got stuck between the foam collar plate edge and the bottom reservoir, that is correct.
A leaf of a Chocolate Rain clone got squeezed into that edge.
The roots are coming from the nerves of the leaf and not the leaf tissue itself.

In the right conditions (petriscale, sterile agar solution with nutrients) it could become a plant, yes.
With lots of patience. 1 - 2 - 3 months.
But this is not my target for this one. I bumped on it and i show it.


haa haa madness :crazy_face: i love plants :green_heart: :green_heart:

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TL1 @ 8weeks flowering
Highest plants are suffering a bit from the high PFD + proximity of UVB, so i reduced the LED power.
@Drip-n-wet , yes the nutrient presure is high, this is the outer limit of space cultivation :slight_smile:

Deeper colors in the Black Apple Hitchcock but nothing black.
It’s hard to get cool night temps, spring/summer is here.

Some pheno’s do not color and have different flower shape
The yellow pistil knobby one, rockhard like concrete

Allround shots

Banana Slammer is doing great to

The rest of the plants is hard to photograph, will come later.

Two Black Apples H. are being removed to reduce the canopy density.
Booster leds and UVB are increased in time during light cycle.


nah, man … i bet the 2 BAP’s hermed, lol :rofl: (just joking, haha).

looking awesome, enjoy bro !! :slight_smile:


Black Apple Hitchcock nr 1
Honey - grapefruit smells
Frost levels ok, sticky trimming job. Could have had one week more but it is what it is.

Black Apple Hitchcock nr 2
Exotic soap - ripe red apple sweetness fizz, it has nice smells
Frost levels ok, thick trich layer surrounds the fan leaves, less density than nr 1

Canopy will now fall open a little bit and it will improve the others to have another week of flow.

@santero , no herma’s found. The reason for harvest is to reduce the canopy density.
With all those mixed strains all the times, its a battle each run to control it. The name of the game i play.
The incoming air is controlled and coming from BH rooms that are in a constant fog of FEM pollen.
No contaminations, the tripple pollen filters and vacuums are working, just like calculated.


Stunning strain, I did not know about her, until you started to work her.
Thanks for sharing, your amazing grow set up, once again Esco!!


esko won’t work the BAP-line, but
he will (maybe) fuse it to nice things.

so far they look really nice to me. worth the money? who knows.
but they are really pretty and sound lecker/tasty :slight_smile:

congratz, bro ! :wink:


What a great technique I would have never thought about that thanks

Those all look so frosty

Thanks for sharing


Black Apple Hitchcock Nr 5:
TL1, 9 weeks flowering

Little indica shaped, bad leaf to bud ratio, no colors.
Frost is average.
Smell is tropical grapes and some citrus influences.
Low Yield.
Time to say goodby, thank you for trying.


Black Apple Hitchcock Nr 3:
TL1, 9 weeks flowering

Large indica shaped, average leaf to bud ratio, light colorisation
Average frost levels
Very good smell, tropical grapefruit apple perfume.
Average yield, good density of buds.
Can stay for another round of judging.


Mizzizzippi Mud Nr2, seedpack nr 2
TL1, 9 weeks flowering

Ice cream / lemon sorbet / some OG influences, average frost but with local concentrations.
Long trichomes. Decent yielder. Decent density of the flowers.
Bred by Dark Horse Genetics,
I did like batch nr 1 allot and wanted to see more.


Black Apple Hitchcock Nr 4
Tl1, 9 weeks flowering

The yellow pistil knobby one, the most apart looking from the entire batch.
Rockhard buds, like concrete. Average frosting.
Grape smelling but not loud.
Waste of time, bye bye, thank you for trying


Black Apple Hitchcock Nr 7

The most interesting one from the Black Apple tryout.
Grapes, Apple, Pineapple = very loud terps.
Good yields and above average frost from top buds to bottom ones.
The most interesting one so far … but no black colors.


Love seeing the selection process @eskobar !!

As usual your buds/ plants look great! Thank you for sharing.


Man that last 1 sounds so delicious!!!
Pix are awesome!!


Melonaid Zkittlez (The Plug, fem seeds)
TL1, 9 weeks flowering
Just harvested a few of the main buds, rest is for later this week - no time left now today.

Exotic watermelon, very tropical loud terps, hints of dry gin.
The Plug did not let me down yet. The strains of them that interested me did deliver. Well done!
The few friends that will taste it with me will be amazed for sure.

No nanners were found so far in TL1, i would warn other growers. (expect the same from all of you)

To be selected for breeding the plants have to be grown a decent amounts of rounds.
I never chose new ones. I do never **** on the first dates :wink:

More to come in the upcoming days