Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

Last weekend, a few days after the last plants were harvested.

Allot of Portofino plants and some Fritter Licker, Strawberry Rain, Berry O Melon (presexed in the veg room)
Last night, allot of hours into the ice room.

The strains differences are clear to view in the Hashish.

The finest mesh

Needs drying and oxidising now. Will be pressed at low heat and then frozen up again.

The target was to transform this Hashish into resin but i not had the time to investigate a good machine nor i have the skills to do it allready … but it will come in the near future.


I’m positive @eskobar that the skills will come quick… all this is already way above my head :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hello @eskobar
Beautiful hashish pictures.
Many years ago I read in one of your comments that something you looked for in a good keeper was it’s ability to easily make clones.
I recently took cuttings from one of your strains (LA Con x Cocoa Kush) and they cloned exceptionally fast. I’m wondering if this is something passed down from selecting the parents. Also, how much value you place on ease of cloning when choosing something to breed with?


I call dibs on the dark pieces. I bet those are like taffy. Love watching and admiring your work!


@Zanzibar, there is only one mother that roots clones in 10 - 12 days and that is the old Amnesia Haze. Cloning time needs to be inside certain limits for my selections yes. A decent timing is 6 - 9 days.

TL1 is allready 10 days in flowering again. (after cloning and shapeshifting)
Portofino, Fritter Licker and some others are inside.
Pushing PFD up to 600 last days.
This was at start flowering 10 days ago.


@eskobar … So how high do you go with ppfd? I’m curious… because I think I’m able to go up to like 1000 ppfd… but… it’s only worth it if you have nutrients correct and plant can handle it… but how high do you go usually?


You can go up to 1000 PFD but not all plants like it. This high peak (i have been even at 1200 PFD without CO2) must be reached at mid flowering but also slowly being reduced towards end of flowering. You cannot end on 1000 PFD, quality wise.
In veg i come from 250 to 600 PFD, stepwise
Start flowering i reduce a lil, 500 or even 450 and i crank up first two weeks up to 800 - 1000 PFD, but that is depending the VPD, cause the PFD do help steer me the VPD. I prefer lower PFD to gain perfect VPD. Towards end of flowering i dropped back again to 600, sometimes even 500. I never pull the plug fully, not even the last days. To long darkness and the terpenoids allready start degrading!
Depending the season, temperatures, humidity, VPD, i steer the PFD …

TL2 run, 9 weeks flow (-1 day), looked ready. Work to do.
The smells are overwelming, superpowerfull.


Thank you for the description brother!! That totally makes sense for sure… how do you know when not to go higher ? What is the sign you look for to tell you to go down with ppfd? Absolutely beautiful job @eskobar

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Runtz S1 nr 1
Overal, weak weak weak!
Low color grading, low frost, low yield, terps are to soft.
Smell is def Gelato, dough, tropical berries but not explicit candy like i need.


Runtz S1 nr 2
Little better than nr 1 but still not my cup of tea.
To soft buds, flowers longer than i want, weak overal but a tiny bit better than nr 1.
Same terp range like nr1. Not what i want.


Runtz S1 nr 3
Things start to get interesting, but not a keeper.
Higher yields, gelato candy aroma’s with tropical berry influences.
A little more color.
Still, not convinced this nr 3 even diserve a second chance. Probably end up on compost bin.


Runtz S1 nr 4
100% Runtz, the candy gelato berry type.
Not convinced to keep but way better than 1,2 &3.
Better colors, loud terps. Yield is little better aswell is the flower density.


Runtz S1 nr 5
Things getting more and more interesting the higher the number :slight_smile:
Top bin terps, 100% Runtz popcorn.

Can stay in my Hotel for some time, want to see more.


That’s some great work the way you filter out the weak man!! Bravo!! :clap: :clap:


Runtz S1 nr 6
The most interesting one, def will stay some time. Will get a nice presidential suite in my Hotel.
Want to see more.
Nice colors, density of the buds is good, flowering time ok.
The terps are extreme, 100% what Runtz need to be.
Every 10 mins new gloves and fresh scissors, that says enough.
Some nice trays of buds.


Bravo my friend


Strawberry Rain, the one i call Red Rain, it colors very nice in lower night temps. Low night temps are impossible in this heat right now, still she performs.
This selection has been pollinated with the old Amnesia Haze fem pollen in another room. The seeds are drying, cant wait to test them out and see what fire comes out of it.
The power of Amnesia Haze is high but the Red Rain is way more powerfull and it is not a daylight thing.



this one looks so good


Just finished reading the thread, man i feel like I’ve been to a science expo…
And those roots on the leaf :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

And utilising the CO2 produced by the plants to feed the other plants, that’s some nasa level planning brother …

You are truly a green thumb brother…
I can imagine the years of hard work you’ve put into building this system…

Those are some mighty buds those plants produced…

Glad i took the time to read this :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


ah, it looks delicious … congratz !! :slight_smile:
the amnees will make her even better (!)