Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

Banana Slammer (Slurricane x Banana Punch)
Average yielder but good taste and potency. Worth the grow from time to time.


Banana Zkittlez from Terphogz. A cross of Banana Z3 x Zkittlez
Rather expensive seeds. After the ‘compost crap’ Melon Berry 'O from that same company i actually do like this one.
Dominant banana smoothie aromatics with some grapefruit candy tingle. Decent yielder.
Indica sativa, estimated 50/50; tripple stretch.


Runtz, one of the keepers
Hype or not … i like it


Banana Cake
The last one, the keeper


Nice, real banana?
I tried a few who claimed but
For me at least it did not work out.
Real banana tastes would imo
Be epic


That Banana Cake looks great.:beers:

@Toker1 , yes very real banana. Like banana peel and mixture of mashed banana aromatics, milkshake style ripe banana.

Thank you @valleymicro, its not the strongest i have but it sure is tasty.

Some more Runtz, another number


:fire: :beers:

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Do you guys get some plants some often without smell at all? I have noticed that in mapito. I don’t know why it could be, maybe the fertilizers? The lights? it is something that keeps me doubting about hydro. But there are other plants that develop a strong smell. And all of them gets the same food. Any inputs?

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The only time i have seen this in almost 25y of cultivation was at a friends growops.
The heat radiation from HID lights damaged terpene production, in combination with very high RH.

In all my units, the smells are over the top. Since the switch to HLG leds i had to double my exhaust power and also the filters. I have huge Torins that i barely can carry alone.
Jarring the buds i post here in TightVac pots (who normally never let me down) has become dangerous. The smells come out, even in my weedbar where they are locked away.
When i go outside and take a bud with me, high risk, the smells go through 3 very thick zip lock bags who are stashed inside a tiny TightVac.

I would love to have more information about how you grow.
Genetics, growlight, RH, temps, VPD, …

I am sure that your no smell problem is not related to hydro. There is something else going on.
Or you post it here, or you send me a pm where i can have a look at it in all privacy. Its up to you.
Such cases do interest me for further investigation.


Hi thanks Escobar,
Genetics are all USA from Zkittlez to Azucar. Kush and others. I have LED Luxxlighting, humidity in flowering around 60%, Temps from 20 to 27, and ppl around 700. Yes it is something strange cause the genetics I am using are very smelly. I am using metrop and some others supplements. It is something that challenges me too, need to find the cause of this problem.

Thank you for your interest


The plants that have no smell, are you talking about after harvest or as their growing? I know if harvested too early it can cause little to no smell. Also if your in a room with a bunch of different strains sometimes the stronger smelling ones overpower the more subtle smelled ones. And some strains just don’t make much of a stink until we’ll into flower.


Ive grow several strains from Terphogz. Besides my bad experience with Melon Berry 'O (that still had allot of smell but it was bad, like dry drift wood) the others are very intense in terps.
Metrop, very good quality. Never had any issues with it. I been using Rob his products for a long time to.

What @Kushking902 say, harvesting to early, can be a reason.
But my plants cannot be flowered more than 2 weeks without huge filtration because of the smell. I grow lots of strains, mixed.

What happens after harvest can be a reason to.
Harvesting and preparing the flowers for storage and user ready is where i often see mistakes.
Slow drying, darkness to stop the chlorophyl, fans are ok but not to much.
If these factors are not ok, there will be a dominant hay smell, no matter what strain or grow ops.


ppl, i think you mean PPM.
700 is low for LED cultivation.
What kind of EC/PPM meter do you use?
there is allot of diversity, depending what conversion table to use.

But … even the worst grown plants i saw in my life. Undernuted or overnuted, they still had smell.

LED grows need more nutrients because there is not much burnoff like you would grow under HID lights.
While in the past my shedule was Tap water + 1 ec in HID systems, under led this 50 to even 100% higher.
Heat radiation of HID lights, they let the plants evaporate allot more than under LED lights.
More evaporation means , water + nutrients = you give less
LED lights have way less heat radiation, so the room temps need to be higher to heat up the canopy and get the VPD on point. Slower evaporation means the % of nutrients in the water needs to be higher.

Your temps of 20 - 27 cannot be the cause. Ive been under that and above that without having problem LED grows.


Sorry 700 ppf(umols). I use blue lab ph and EC meter, at the moement they are in day 26 with plenty of sticky resin, so I guess the smell should be out there. At the moment I am at EC 1,6, my water is 0,2 EC and PH 5,6. Maybe I have to raise the food, but plants are deep green and healthy, well I notice a bit of clorosis in some buds today.
My water temp always 21 to 22, with plenty of O2, it is weird. Some of the plants smell and others nothing. I am repeating with a pair of clones that on the previous run were super smelly and in this the smell is 0

@Sharky , 700 PFD is a bit low, you can go to 800 to 850. (i go higher then these maximums, you will see in my update below). If your plants are healthy no problem. When you see yellow edges on the leaves you must up the P and K.
I cannot explain why suddenly the clones of a smelly plant do not smell anymore. Never heard or seen that before.


Update of TL2
25 Days in flowering
I had to backup the Scorpion Diablo, the light intensity was to high.
Some peaks were swallowing, uhm … lol
They did stretch out last days.

Dimmed back to 369 watts to have the high peaks at

Hoovering around with the PFD sensor had these results

Acceptable for now but NOT towards end of flowering.
TL2 front view, left two are Slurbert from Inhouse G. and right side is Red Delicious from Exotic.
Xmas trees that will be ready by Xmas. Fantastic, Santa gonna fly home stoned.

Everything looks ok


Red Delicious

TL1 is still going, did not had to the time to trim them al. (i am a wet trimmer, always have been)
The Strawberry Banana do look pretty good

In situations like this, where trimming them all is delayed with a few days amongst the plants i do have to refill the rez to flood them again. I hate to cut wilted plants, i would ditch em probably.
So the rez got refilled two days ago with just plain tapwater and a maximum dosage of Humic Acid, putted on ph5.6 and done.


What is your tap ppm ? Just curious… I saw how you mentioned vpd for led… what is your lowest recommended ppfd for led grows? Do you ever see issues going to low with light power? I know higher temps is necessary but what about intensity @eskobar ?

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Hey @Terpsnpurps
My tapwater was allready spoken about in this topic but i copy paste it for you:

My tapwater has an high detail analyse each year by contract obligation. I have the luck to live in a region where mineral spring water comes out of the tap. We drink it, we shower in it. It is allround used.
The total tap water ec depends on the season/temperatures. 0.8 - 0.9 EC.
The PH is 7,44 - 7,89

Ca 104 mg/l
Fe - Iron 20 µg/l
K 16,7 mg/l
Mg 13,6 mg/l
Mn 4 µg/l
Na 37 mg/l
O2 13 mg/l
NH4 0.1 mg/l
NO2 0.001 mg/l
NO3 3 mg/l
SO4 88 mg/l
Al <10 µg/l

Allot of growers would freak out with this kind of high ec tapwater but i can asure you that everything you see here is grown with that stuff. No tricks, no treatments what so ever.

Propagation and first veg = 0.4 to 0.8 kPa
Last veg towards start flowering 0.8 to 1 kPa
Mid flowering towards end flowering 1kPa towards 1,4 kpa

If you dont have sensors for it or/and do not have good control on your ops, try to hit 1kPa, this is the magic average number to look for.
Watch out with all the different kPa calculators and shedules online, they differ allot amongst each other.
(The most precise calculation is done with Room temp vs Leaf surface temp vs RH vs Atm Presure)

I steer the VPD with the Dehumidifier (winter, early spring), a tiny heater with a fan on it below the table in very cold frost days, light intensity = dimmer on HLG led, exhaust and inlet fans controllers + regulating valves, humidity machine with controller.
I did not encounter one setting that works stable. I steer constantly. After a while you know what to do.

Lowest PFD i go is 100 - 150 (seedlings), 150 (clones) up to 300 after a few weeks germination or rooting.
Veg is going from around 250 - 300 towards 600
Flowering, i go from 500-600 up to 1000 and some peak flowers even 1100. (ive done higher numbers without CO2)
But at end of flowering , last week to even 10 days i learned to BACKOF the PFD, 800 to 600.
At that point i maximise the UVB and the Booster bars.

In the heat of the summer, i do drop the PFD a little to keep the max temps within range.
In Winter i commonly go higher in PFD to get benefits from the heat that i can generate from the LED.

Higher temps in VEG towards week 6 of flowering, most of the heat comes from my dehumidifier.
I hardly have to put the little heater on.
This is mostly done in winter season. At those moments the inlet and exhaust controllers + valves are dimmed/steered to optimise temp/humidity
When the plants are adult sized and making flowers, i do allow a bigger temp flux day vs night, but never when they are still in growth.

Right now, Winter mode starting.
I block the inlet valve 90%
I 90% block the exhaust valve and dim the exhaust Torin up to 40%
The dehumidifier is on non stop and gives heat to extract the moist. I use this energy very wisely.
This goes on till week 2 or 3 in flowering mode, when they start to smell and get way more leaf mass.
Then i slowly up the exhaust first, opening the valve.
Towards end of flowering i start to work with the inlet valve so that i certainly have a cooler last two weeks.

What i have written down, is still an ongoing learning curve at this moment.
It is my experience so far that i have tried to share.
Constantly trying to finetine and i getting better and better on it.


Beautiful work here!! Very nice!!