Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

A few plants are ready to be ditched. Some Oreoz pheno’s lack terps.
The mix pheno’s of Red Pop / Oreoz are the ones i keep for a 2nd run. (those from the pics)
Tropical beach cocktail, vanilla gas
Still 2w to go

Santa will be happy


Sounds delicious, you’re famous for your tasty crosses so this wil be no difference :heart:


Some of the frostiest of frosty buds … I love your grows man


This is Malisco Haze made by F.O.T.H at week 15 smelling like mangos. It is Eskobar’s Jalisco Jaze X F.O.T.H’s Malzilla.
Jalisco Jaze is Soma’s Amnesia Haze X Eskobar’s Jalisco Ibl.
Malzilla is Sannie’s Shackzilla X Afropip’s Malawi Gold.


Hey esko, didn’t know you were around here and then when I found out I binge all the thread :laughing:

Reminds me my old days lurking on OPG. You’re still killing it. I like how your grows are really economic (not on their size though) and optimizing everything. Learning a lot on the plant cycles and signals too, thanks!

There’s one thing you did not reveal, that is the recipe of the DIY hormex. I’m curious. I’m sure it’s a pretty simple one too, like “get yourself some raw IBA and done”. Maybe with some cheap raw vitamins. :laughing:


Hello @funkyfunk ,

Hormex is
0.013% IBA
0.24% Naa
0.25% Vit B (Thiamin Hydrochloride)

Best to use IBA-K, this is the one that disolves best.
Naa, you need to disolve in (foodgrade) alcohol of at least 70%
The VIT B … hmmm, its in there but the scientific proof of VIT B … is not 100% …
VIT B dilutes in water, very simple.

My DIY version atm only contains 0,24% Naa + 0.25% Vit B
4ml per gal / 0.95ml per Liter

Hormex do have 2 versions. The +IBA version and without it. I dont know what they are selling atm or if they switched the blend.

Works great in my aero cloner.
First week i use it.
Second week i dump it and swap to nutrients (flowering nutrients)

Make sure you have a good scale! You dont want to overdo the ingredients or they will do more worse than good.


Ah I was so close! What did I win? :laughing:

More seriously, thanks for the recipe. Good to have the proportions. Indeed one need a good scale for such a microdosing, or make huge batches.

Looking forward your next posts and strain judgements.

Et bonne fin d’année!

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Joyeux Noël et bonne année à toi et ta famille aussi.
Vous avez acquis des informations, personne ne peut vous empêcher de devenir plus intelligent :wink:

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Hehe certains ont essayé (y compris des profs ou des parents), mais ça n’a pas marché. De la curiosité, toujours! Avec ça et du temps, tout le monde peut apprendre à peu près tout et n’importe quoi. Mais avec de l’aide sur les forums, ça va encore plus vite :smiley:


Def looks black and frosty!!! Very nice!! Is black supafrost some of your work or your just doing a search for keepers? Do you usually run all black strains? Like that slurricane 7 x garlic sherbet?..I usually go back to your post there a couple times a month…just to drool.


Always searching for keepers in a wide diversity of seedmakers. Those who test for HpLVd have priority.
I do have my own black and red superfrosts, fe choc rain projekt. Also from others.
Slurbert is a big yielder and good smoke.
The lineup for 2024 is huge and impressive.


Can’t wait to see it, man! Have a good one!


Cherry Bang Bang, another plant. Few days beneath 9w flo.
Keeps the loud cherry terps but last week vanilla cream did blend in. Didnt see that one coming.
More leafy, less frost then the other one harvested so far.
Again very dark colors. Top leaves stay dark green, bottom of leaves do turn purple.
Beneath the fan leaves very pretty purple black flowers who accentuate the trichs.
Very nice equal clouding of the trich heads without having allot of ambers.
Very easy to grow. No remarks at all.
All the specs combined, she’s not gonna stay.


Granny’s Apple Fritter (Apple Fritter x Sundae Driver)
Indica type, little stretch, only mainstems did some. To dense internodes and plant structure for me.
Semi compact buds, frost not overwelming. Average yield.
The interesting in this one is how it smells.
Very clearly it smells like burned paper and lime window cleaner. Burn/chem/lime. Akward!
While the plant did not express that burn spec previously. The last week in cooler temps did made this happen.
It is a bit weird to speak about a burn smell kinda terp but it is real and very clear to smell.
It’s not smokey, its paper burn like. It’s aggressive and dominant.
With a parentage claimed to be Apple Fritter and Sundae Driver, uhm, this is weird.

I am not a fan of full defoliation but when dense structured plants pop up i do remove some larger leaves.
Everywhere i removed a leaf, the closest part of flower near to it turns purple. I wonder what triggers this local only anthocyanin increase.


Banana Zkittlez from Terphogz
A keeper, against my will.
Love & hate
Sometimes having the courage to take a clone and flower it.
To grow, Z structure = i not like it.
When its harvest time. Worst plant ever to trim & medium yields.
After drying and some curing, glad i did the effort. This tastes amazing


Nice first 2024 reports. All over the place in term of plant types, but mouth watering anyway.That cherry bangbang knows how to tease :slight_smile:


That Banana Zkittles sounds amazing! Is she a fruity smoke? Or more like candy?

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excellent, man … enjoy !! :sunglasses:

First steps on mapito …
This is di frutty from Karma genetics …around day 35


@escobar……dont mean to hijack the thread….this is di frutti at day 45 ….first time i use mapito ….i used This Plastik Trick you told few years back at opengrow……i love This Technik……but Looks Like you dont use it no more! Is there a Special reason ??
They got. a Little out of Hand….way to Tall for my Taste .

Still Not perfekt my mapito……but i will work on it .

Love the Knowledge you Share