Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

Hello guys, thanks for your interest in my system.

My mapito is Cutilene Mapito, It has ZERO foam in it, only some long cocos fibres, but very few.

I never use other types. Have tested a few and I only like this one. I actually avoid foam in mapito. Don’t want that.

If you cannot find or buy it. Use rockwool cubes, solitary. They work great. You don’t need the foam.

After cleaning the mapito from last run, where I removed roots as good as possible. (only the thick roots)

Yes, I flush/clean with plain Tap water = 7.4 – 7.5 Ph and EC is 0.6 – 0.7 (depending the temp)

It seems high right, but don’t worry. My tapwater is high quality, it is like Evian but from Tap.

After this flush with tapwater, I let drain the mapito few hours, sometimes even 24h.

In the mean time the cleaned and refilled rez gets up to temp (Tapwater here is now 8C – 46F)

When the rez is on temp and I want to start, I add the nutrients, enzymes and rootstim + ph is set to 5.6

(I have even done it without enzymes and rootstim, it works also)

At this moment I click on a smaller garden hose on the drainpump wich I use when I flushing the mapito.

Once again I flush the crates with mapito, but now with warmer water and the nutrients, rootstim, enzymes on ph 5.6

So in fact, I reset all the crates again to the Rez values now.

When this is done, I put the plants in it and I fire the LED at pretty low PFD, around 275.

From this moment on … no more watering from top. I watch the Volumetric Water Content reducing and I only flood again when this has dropped 25%.

NO dehydrator, I start with high humidity first days. 70- 80% is no problem.

Heat and high humidity is important in the first days.

The first week, nothing much happens visual. Everything happens inside the mapito = rooting.

The PH from the drainwater after first flood, comes back higher. 6 ph is not abnormal.

As soon the roots are starting to get grip and starting to eat nutrients, the PH stabilizes itself and comes back around 5.8 ph (from 5.6 ph rez, always 5.6 ph)

The ph keeps on draining a little higher until somewhere in week 2 flowering, it suddenly comes back equal or lil lower. Boom, that is the sign for me to stop veg nutes and swap to higher PK, flowering nuttrients. PH drop day, I call this. The plant controls its own uptake to eat more flowering nutes. P & K are better uptaked on lower phs, while N needs lil higher ph (than the 5.6 ph I give always)

Yes, I only once dump the rez, just after start. This is because there can be some lose debree or dust inside the water. This first flush rez I make, it never stays stabile.

The rest of the grow? Not one drop of water gets spilled. The rez get steered so I keep on getting 0.1 ec higher back in the drain water. That is my target.

I understand there are allot of questions and we I will try to answer them towards this run will evolve.

It is a big sandwich for me to just put everything straight away.

Some important data to come. PFD from the Apogee, VPD from the Atmos, Rez ec logging vs Pore water EC logging from the ES2 and Teros12.

Comments and questions are welcome, will answer them when I have the time to write a decent reply.

The journey will be fun!

I repeat it again, always say what you think. Positive or Negative, your opinion is very welcome.

The basics of this system is invented from Hennepdesk. He teached me this at young age. It was a spartan regime but the best education, on all levels. Youtube Hennepdesk to understand him …

We are now many years later and I kept modernizing it towards today’s standards.

Have you seen the prices in the dispensaries? Homegrowers are the future, we grow the same (or even better) fire. The smaller, the more easy the overview and control.


High RH, highest temps possible, 80F to even 85F is not a problem. (i not always reach that in winter)
Start PFD 275 and slowly increase the next two weeks to 800 - 1000 PFD
The Apogee 620 is logging and will show the DLI and PFD charts later.

Inlet air valve is closed
Outlet exhaust valve is 90% closed at this moment.
Forgot to mention this in my post above.


So why no foam @eskobar , I got foam in mine , do you advise taking it out ?
: )


Not the best looking starters but you will see they are going to warp speed soon.
I am one week behind shedule.
Black Apple Hitchcock (6), 1 Exodus, several Banana Slammer, Strawberry Rain, La Banana Cake and Watermelon Skitlez.

You can see the graph of the Teros 12 above in a post from me.
The moment the plants are harvested. PWEC does not change allot anymore, nobody on the dinna table.
You can see the moment at the right where i deplugged the sensor to clean the mapito + the flushing with tapwater. I will keep you updated about the data.

@ifish, foam makes it unstable. Ph and Ec. It is to capillary.


Yes my Mapito is old , not very chunky anymore , the foam kind off gives it some needed bounce : )
Is it because you flood every seven days now with your set up , that the foam needed to be removed , were as I flood every 2-3 days so my ph and ec stays more stable ?
: )


When your mapito is to mushy, add some % of fresh mapito.
The foam flakes release their water way to slow, so they become unstable. When soaked with water, it also contain very few oxygen, way less than compared to rockwoool.

I do not flood every 7 days. I flood when the VWC is dropped with 25% and later on in flowering i allow bigger VWC drops. Depending on the heat i can build up and how the metabolism is from the plants, the amount of flooding days differ.
TL2 is now also at flooding ritm of 3 days, while the first flood took 9 days.
The first two weeks i put in 5.6 ph (often this is veg) and the return PH is not very important.

In the past, i planted clones in mapito. Flooded every 3 days, that is correct. But the plants went almost straight into flowering. From this TL1 grow, i want some clones from a few in there. I need some plantmass to can do that, in veg mode.
Since i am one week behind shedule, the low nutrient regime i prepare the planters is not exactly what i like. But ok, it is what it is. I show how it is.

I am waiting for some extra data tech to arrive and also something i will upgrade, more light …


I appreciate your thorough response!! :heart:

When you do the first feed from the top to reset mapito, how many liters compared to volume of crate?

You say you never dump the res after first feed. Do you just top up your res as plants drink and add nutes? How do you deal with cleanliness of res? Walls of res become slippery after 10 days or so and water is less clear. I dump every 14 days and scrub the res with soap. Not neccessary?


Thank you for explaining : ) really helps me visualise what’s going on : )


@Gourmand, from the sea aquarium world you can buy jet pumps for salt water aquariums. They are great to use in our rezzes. They work with a magnet outside the rez, very easy. Lots of watermovement.

When i flood, the rez is half empty most of times. I refill it and start again by adjusting the EC.
The rez is 90 liter,
When 45 liter is added, i first adjust the EC value to what i want. this is Tap + 1.0 EC. In led i do go higher often to 1.3 ec nutrients. But the EC value can differ because i do grow by the data of Pore Water EC.
The rest of the additional products? i add them for the 45 liter i topped of.

The rez is slippery? When you have enough jet power to keep the water moving and the temps not to hot, it will not get slippery or dirty.
When you use to much products of different brands, they can fight with each other, then you have problem.
Not every nutrients can be mixed with each other or other products!

No, there is no cleaner in my rez.


fish bro, that is why i was pulling your ears to view water content meter.

In eskos graph his root pwec was 6ish then follow line to restart 0.5 pwec

water content about 55% full wet so 45% air.


@Drip-n-wet Haha I have to read and read and read again to get this in my dinasour brain , but I’m getting there lol


ow yes you still in…

ahhh no worry s you can break free from t rex .


Hey, we just got started and seen only few aspects of crop steering. Please get some rest for what is coming.


@Drip-n-wet it really frustrates some people ( family and work ) I did get a phone contract last year so I can make outgoing calls now , fancy fancy : )

I look forward to reading all this @eskobar I love the forward thinking , exciting : )



Sneak peek at one of the BH (Black Holes), seedmaker unit.
HLG350R powered, NO UV in seedmaking.
I prefer smaller units but allot of them for seedmaking.
What is special is that they all tripple filtered.
M5, F7/M7 and carbon.


A look at the Apogee 620 data log so far
The little bump on the back end of the PFD graph = HLG UVA bar on.
When i clean the rooms i put the led on on lowest to have light but i power of the UVA. I forgot to put the shedule back on.
The Apogee 620 does measure ePar, this means UV + Far red included. It measure outside the PAR box.

TL1 at 316 PPFD, live reading

It uses this amount of power, UVA bar included: (power usage is also logged)

Photoperiod, 24 hour light, non stop to start

So, at 316 PPFD, the Scorpion set at 314 watt let have a look at the DLI.
DLI = Daily Light Integral. To explain it understandable. It is the total amount of light rain per day the plant has felt.

27 is low, but ok in this startup stage


The first 7 days after planting on Mapito, nothing much happens above the medium. Everything happens inside the pito … rooting.
The roots allready touching the drill holes on bottom of the crates.
New shoots are forming, plants are getting more healthy color, all of them besides one that do a lil difficult.

Started with a very low EC level (in led growing terms) so i not waited for VWC to drop back allot.
Flooded two days ago with stronger EC solution to steer a higher nute value.

Aiming for 2.0 PWEC, while the VWC reduces i want a climb up to 3 to 3,5 PWEC.
Still, low numbers. But that is how roots form the fastest.
Pushing the heat in, allround temps 80 - 82 with an 85F max
RH is around 70%

Cranked up the PFD from the Scorpion Diablo to around 380 - 390

Photoperiod, still on 24h non stop light

Reaching a DLI climb from 27 up to 33 now. Pushing them plants to work.

In the mean time the babies go out of the babyroom. Allready cranking up the PFD.
A typical paling of the plants is normal.
Some Banana Skittlez and Berry O Melon from Terphogz + few Chocolate Rains again.

The newborns take over their places, still in germination phase. (2 days old, from thursday nite)
Planted in DNA Coco Cork. Expensive but happy about it. Specially for germination.

The cycle continues, non stop.
No surrender!

Upgrade incoming today + new seeds arriving every week


Just over a month ago i joined the OG family.
Time to celebrate and trow in nother unit, TL2
Slightly upgraded than TL1 (each higher TL number is improved build)
15 month old mothers were cut back and cleaned up, went straight to flowering.
They have given me allot of babies during that time and are refreshed ofcourse in the motherrooms.
5 weeks flowering now. Nutrients are all from Agricultural bags of 50 lbs, none of them are from the canna industry!
I wont flower of old mothers again like this, i not like it very much tbh.
But … they will yield and the quality will be ok.


TL1 upgrade 1 of 3 has been completed for this month.
6 different led bar sets have arrived. 4 bars from each.
Each set has it own spectrum speciality.
More booster bar sets have arrived to mount them, this means the height can be changed easy.
Mounting brackets have been made to fix the angle. (45 degree angle to start)

They are installed to increase Terpene production, not intented for yield.
The first trial set that has been installed have this spectrum:

Blue light at end of flowering = lightstress … can improve terpene production by 50%, in theory.
The PFD increasement has been measured with the Apogee620 and showed this result.

But the Apogee is fixed and loggin on the position where it does not catch all light photons of the booster leds.
The led bars are installed in series and a smart plug has been added to the software of TL1.
52μmol/s PER led bar, 28 watt per piece. At 30 cm distance they deliver 123mol/m²/s.
Peaking at 470 nm, blue spectrum.