Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

If your looking for older info on his Hydro flooding Mapito grows Id look on Opengrow…a ton of info there



I didn’t grow the first 5 of the pack so I have no opinion on them so far. Anyway they’re growing as we speak and I hope there’s a nosleep pheno in there. If there’s a release of the next generation by esko I’d buy it lol


I am there now, Lurking, looking, liking.


A good tip for Mapito Hydro Flooding is to never flood above 1/3 of the total height of the Mapito…capillary action will draw water up through the medium…basically you want to avoid flooding too deep as will pull the water all the way to the surface and cause algae to grow. :slight_smile:



@Alaskagrown , another mistake i see is the holes in the crates are made wrong. It may sound akward but they do have a meaning. Think with me here. When you flood the water enters from the bottom, the water rises inside the crates, capillary but also with the presure of the rising water. The dead air is pushed through the top of the crate mapito layer. When the water ebs away new fresh air is pulled inside.
I still see people using those fully perforated crates. I see holes that are like up half the crates.
Well, you lose the basic function of the system like that. The presure leaks are not ok.
But … that is my POV and experience. We tested this allot 15y ago.
Very correct, you want the top later to dry out in the first week. At the end of week 1 in crates, you can scratch lose the mapito a bit. If there is a layer of algae this is not a disaster but you need to break it lose.


I 100% agree with what you are saying!

When I used my large 4 x 8 trays and the pump turned off you could hear the suction and it pulling air back into the medium…if I remember correctly I had 2 x 1” fill/drains on each side and gave a really good suctioning/resistance and worked well.

Maybe it’s just me but I always loved the sound of it! Ha

All this Mapito talk makes me want to do another run…it’s been 10+ years since I’ve done a run like this…I bet if I look outside in my shed I still have 50 gallon “contractor” bags full of it! :wink:



I am here now, looking, liking, learning. Thanks @Alaskagrown & @eskobar


I’m an definitely getting an education here

Between @ifish and @eskobar I may learn how to use mapito in Octopots ?
Not sure if it’s doable


We can have a look to make that work. I dont know octopots but i have heard of them


I definitely would like to give that a try but I will it do this until I get back on my feet in the meantime I watch everything thanks


This the same @eskobar that used to have seeds available? If so , LONG TIME my friend. I know we are in for some epic growing. I’ve been contemplating this Mapito for SO LONG! @ifish has been nudging me also. Just started a new room/setup. Perhaps it’s time to give a crate a shot. Welcome bro, I’m sure you’ll love it here.


Hello @TopShelfTrees1, yes this is me. I had seeds at Sannies, Seeddepot and Cannazon in the past. I also helped out some other brands.
Thank you for the welcome. I do like it here, everybody is friendly and the focus is on growing without bs. Everybody doing his thing, i love that. Opinions are very much respected here.
A new room/setup, you make me curious. I am always interested. If you have a topic here i will search it because i want to see that


TopShelfs trees Right here my friend, just moved so I’m slowly getting stuff running again. All new to me. Looking forward to having you here. You sir are a helluva grower and a welcome e addition.


Thank you for the kind words @TopShelfTrees1
I come to stay & show, talk and look our beloved plants.
All of us do our best with the gear and knowledge we have.


Welcome to overgrow. Look forward to seeing you around. It’s a chill spot here. This post caught my attention. Like the way you think.


Thank you @rooted.

TL1 unit has run all nite with a bleach solution + superhot water. (without the crates)
Mineral buildup, bad bacteria, dust/dirt = everything is clean on the table and in the rez.
Allot of tapwater has been used to rinse all bleach.
Supaclean, thats how it starts. A job that has to be done every time.
The mapito crates have been rinsed with plenty of tap water to reset.

I flush/reset the mapito on the table itself where it drains in the rez. The rez pumps it to waste constantly.
The mapito is not ready yet, it must leak out more for few hours and heat up again.
The flushed mapito is ready when the drain water returns exactly the same values like the tap water.
So the EC meter + the Teros 12 sensor are activated constantly to have a visual on that.

A booster kit has been installed to hang a decent netting and reinforcement.

The rez is now heating up with clean tapwater. When the mapito is heated up from the cold tapwater rinse and the rez is on temperature (24 C at startwatering fase) the planting can begin.
The first rez is ment to set the EC and PH on point.
The mapito will be rinsed with this solution to plant:

Basic veg nutrients for hydro at 0.5 ec (above the tapwater)
PH at 5.6

After the flushing with this solution, i dump it to drain. Always. The only dump i do in the entire cycle.
It gets dumped because from experience i know the values are very unstable for further flooding.

Once again, the rez will get cleaned after planting and filled with tapwater that needs to heat up.
And then … we are off!

New data tech toys are on the way … more info coming soon.


Sorry I am just trying to understand… you only drain to waste once per cycle? I like that for sure. I get uncomfortable sometimes with people putting fertilizers down the drains all through the growing cycle. Bad for the environment. I know most of us are small compared to big agriculture but still. This is so cool… thanks for showing us your grow. Its unique for sure!


@eskobar I want to ask about your last post. You rinse mapito after use with straight tap water not pH adjusted? Water here is pretty alkaline 7.8 pH and EC around 0.5 mS.

I am using the 20kg sacks of grodan granulate.

When flushing the medium, run off is always very high. For example, if I use 5.5 pH to flush, I will get 6.5 pH runoff or even more. I experimented using really low pH inputs. For example I soaked the dry rockwool granulate in 2.5 pH and flush with 4.0. I got a decently low pH runoff but when I flushed with 5.6 to prepare before inserting clones, my drain was again high. Over time the pH rises and the last drops of drain are again over 6.5

This confused me a lot and caused me to hurt my plants very much in the past because I decided to feed with 4.0 pH to combat pH rise focusing too much on drain values.

This time around I just flush and flood with 5.7 and things look good.

I would love for you to explain a little bit. Thank you so much and I am very glad you are back. I have million more questions but try to hold back to not overwhelm you.

P.S. I see no PU foam in your mapito.


Already a wealth of information on here. :pray:t2: I am 100% going to try a crate as @ifish and a couple others have inspired and even nudged me. Appreciate any and all info you are willing to give. I really am.


I was trying to scour those crates looking for the foam. What exactly is in yours? @eskobar