Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

I love the way you set up the Supplemental lighting

Looks like I’ll be doing this to my area


I did doubt to install these to start, but i chose the ones with a little higher red

These are the ones installed right now:


The other sets …


UVB + Booster led bars only, testing PFD and system checks


Wow @eskobar that looks great!!! I love the way you made blocks with a screw in them to fix position very clever!!! I’m taking notes !!! Impressive !!! So I take it the 45 degree angle is for that certain height… so if you move supplemental light up… the angle should change … correct?


The waterbox cloner is doing fine.

Home made Rezcleaner + home made Hormex first 7 days. (will post info later how to DIY)
Partially flower nutrients + some micro’s in week 2
If i not fast enough to take the rooted clones out after two weeks, they block the pump


Yes that is correct.
First i was planning to mount the extra bars on the webbing bars but that would block the movement of them.
Because i grow lots of strains mixed, i need to be able to move them.
The plants do differ in height per run, since they are mostly seedtesters, its not predictable what to expect. For this reason i did buy extra booster bars. This gives the option to move them up n down like needed.
The suplement bars are not strong leds so they can get close to the plants.
They are not intented to hang high above the canopy, i want them around the canopy later on.
Maturing lower buds, adding terp power.
A little (non stress) defoliation and some from the side coming blue spectrum, it will work great.

Defoliation is tricky. Some do it so extreme that the plants actually put energy in reveg and they lose yield and flower longer then normal.
Some are pro, some against. But in my opinion, the middle way works best …


Would love to hear about your software stack. Is this all running smart devices wirelessly through home assistant or something similar?

Seconding @Terpsnpurps the side lighting looks great, interested to see how much of a difference it will make.


Yes, via the router, all via wifi to an encrypted cloud.
This means on the phone via 5G and also on the desktop computer and tablet.

When i am 1000 miles from my ops, i get alarms from Temp, RH (VPD) i can steer heater, Dehumidifier and humidifier.
I can eb and flood, steer al leds, all uv’s, the booster bars

A part is local via bluetooth, this is the energy monitoring and loggin
A part is via wifi smart plugs and software, for the crop steering

I added a camera for half a year to but removed it. Remote acces to check the units.
Also to make timelaps videos.

Each exhaust of each unit, has a valve. Also the inlet.
With these i steer temps and stabilise the RH.

The Nutrient part inside the rez, is remote acces also.
I can see what EC (bulk ec) goes onto the table when flooding, then the Teros 12 takes over and tell me the Pore Water EC (the nutrients in the pores that are left + get stacked)

The only remote that is not yet done is the PH … but that is a matter of time.

The exhaust and inlet fan on its own, is a climate controller and works solitary with presets. The valves help finetuning this.

Each fan inside each unit, can be steered by remote acces. Separate.
The Reservoir jet, heater, oxygen pump also. When i am flooding, they must can stop running cause when the rez is fully empty, they would run dry. That aint good.

This is also the case for all other units. From Babyroom with watercloner, propagators, to mommy room, to drying tent, …
For example, when the temps get to high in the watercloner in summer, i can swap the shedule so the pump sprays 15 min/5 mins off.

Projekt still ongoing, i am constantly inovating and finetuning. Its a hobby right.

When i find balance i will say how and what i do.


That looks like a space ship! :smile:


Thats amazing bro so hi tech
I need to up grade I’ll be watching and learning


If so he’s definitely captain kirk


WOW!! My oldtimers must have kicked in as I just found your thread, and read through it man!! Made me give the finger to the Super Bowl. Well record it LOL.
So good to see you back and blooming!!
That is the first I read you dropped the foam, and I understand the why of it also.
I’m running coco husks with large chunk perlite, with a blend of worm/sea compost, some organics added, into F&D, Aqua Tray, ( 2’x’2’x7.5") over a 20 gallon reservoir. The pump runs 24/7. I add a TEE, into the feed hose, so I always have circulation. There is still plenty of juice going into the tray. The plants love it.
More so in the trays on 24/7 then in the 1,3,20 gallon pots, with saucers under them, being hand watered. Dang what a revelation your thread just woke up in my old brain man!
This thread gives miles of stuff to think on, Thanks for sharing it.


Man that looks so well thought out @eskobar … fuckin bravo man!!! :clap: Thanks for the descriptions as well… everyone’s learning alot here!



old school Christmas tree controls ?



ey, old school treks are big science, bro … don’t knock it, LOL.
esko is spaceman now (and we satelites gather and gaze :slight_smile: )

so excited to see this thread grow and grow with mad infos !!

can’t wait for esko to bring his new stuff out and re-arrange
our ideas of “good pot” once more, like he always does, ha.


Damn, I love this thread. I feel like I’m peaking into the future with all this gadgetry!


Nice to see you san , We sent out search party s looking for you but had rough seas.Hope you had rum on island.

Eskos new Tl tents look ready for warp drive . Nothing like 2022 up date mega great infos he shares.


i was exactly were you left me, skipper.
great to see you back alive / in the open.