Mapito Eb & Flood - HLG starfleet - Strain Judging

i like the purp-green camo effect…a great lookin bud!


And the most important question to you eskobar: when and where can I get my hands on those? :smiley: for real though, dough as well as vanilla are up my alley, I like those deep and sweet flavors. For that reason I buy the same parfume for more than a decade.


Yes, Baklava from The Plug. I love all their seeds. I can confirm they are superfine Gelato’s.
Ran 3 packs and kept 2.
100% Germination all the time.
Watermelon Zkitlez = wow!
El Chapo, sorry i not grown that one.
Right now i am pregrowing their new Runtz crosses.
Never had hermie issues with their seeds, the price is high but still not like other brands.
They are one of the few brands i would even grow fems from.
Another one that i like fems from is Black Farm Genetics.
(not related, dont know them)


The other Baklava keeper from my mother stable.
Vanilla gelato in its purest form

20+year old Amnesia Haze, Soma first cup cut, is comin next. Maybe some Hulkmania to …


So beautiful!! Damn, I got a long road ahead of me to get there. Thanks for sharing your information.


Alright I have read the whole thing, first time I stumbled upon your grow was because of your excellent budshots. Now I was referred to here again for crop steering. Took my notes + bookmarked. great stuff - thanks!


(pics made last wednesday, catch up update)
TL1 unit update after 4 days in flowering. After the pretty serious defoliation at start of 12-12.


Hulkmania from TL2, not the nicest or strongest strain from my collection but terp wise this is one is king. Perfect daysmoke. Citrus inhale, citrus exhale, minutes aftertaste, vapor and smoke = citrus.
Even after half an hour, still smells citrus.
But … not the true to type Hulkmania, its my choice from DHG seeds when they were just released some years ago.


TL2 unit,
Amnesia Haze, Soma first cup cut
Under my wings since two decades.
Still performing, still KO hits, same rooting time, same plant structure.


Beautiful buds : )


TL1 unit update, LIVE, 7 days after 12-12 & defoliation/structure input
Full powa vigor
Front row indica, back rows sativa’s. All going well, everybody friends.

New generation (Portofino, Fritter Licker) for another TL unit …
Ready to be swapped with new birthlings

The waterbox cloner after 7 days
Typical cancerous looking swellings are formed, roots are starting to come
Within 12 hours, waterbox will be swapped from Hormex - Rezcleaner into Nutrients (flowering nutrients) - Rezcleaner.
From that point … things will go very fast.

At this point, still the same water from 7 days ago. No ph has been adjusted, the only thing that has been added is fresh rezcleaner after 4 days.

Have a great weekend all of you


I’m marveling at that well thought out and creative use of space…
Truly Rocking it!



Ok, i finally found your thread with the help of @Zanzibar. I’ve been reading about others talking about your grow methods. I was just coming on to Opengrow as you were leaving for a while. Now, I’ll try and go back and enjoy the whole thread. peace


Bloom nutes in the cloner , nice tip : )
Do you prep your mum, befor takin the cuts , with bloom feed also ?


Yes, 5ml per Gal. Bloom nutes of GH + 2,5 ml per Gal. Micro of GH
When the water gets swapped into this solution, again i put it one time to 6.0 PH.

I also used succesfully Hesi hydro grow, also the bloom nutrients.
The waterbox cloner works with lots of combo’s


@ifish , no prepping the mothers.
Normal healthy plants give good clones


Well, I thought I’d be smart and look up the actual meaning of the word Mapito, so I went to Google.

I don’t think it’s even in English dictionaries. And, I never really felt like I got an answer (I know about the growing medium), but, when I Googled, this is what I got. At least I got a really cool song. It reminds me of when Afropop was big around '85. I love this song! ha. Maybe your plants and your mapito will like it, too.



A picture while flooding TL1, everything under control.
VPD was lil to high at 1.3 so i steered to 1.1 / 1.2 VPD. I did that by increasing the RH to 67%.

Flooded with 2.0 EC at 5.6 PH.
Bloom nutrients to calm down the stretch. I do this explicit some days earlier than normal to keep control on the sativas in the back vs the front indica Black Apple’s.
About 30% was still left in reservoir before i refilled. This 30% was veg nutrients, rootstim.
The mixture of these veg vs bloom is not a problem.

The reservoir was topped up with
Bloom Nutrients Hesi Hydro till 2.0 EC
PH 5.6

The mapito took 50% of the reservoir. Ec drain was 2.086 EC
Ph 5.6 came back 5.7
Waterbox was swapped from DIY hormex into Nutrients.
Hormex always causes a little paling/yellwing, nothing to worry about.

The swellings on the stems are increasing fast, ready to shoot roots faster than lightning.


Hey Esco, when you say Rezcleaner, in your cloning box, do you mean a product like this?:

I’ve always had issues with the GroCloner unit after a few uses, and started to make them with throw away plastic containers. Use them 1 time or maybe 2 times, then the amount of roots to cuttings drops way down. I also use compost/perlite, in small cups for rooting, with less results and longer rooting time frame.

I also tried cleaning one with lye that you use to open drain pipes, with a 10/1 ratio, and heavy duty gloves on, with a face guard on. But that just feels very extreme to me.

Thanks again, lots to rethink. And maybe time to build a good cloner box, and cleanable manifold. Best to ya!!


24 hours later …
What happens in the waterbox stays in the waterbox :wink: