Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Looks like more time, easiest way is to check is to pluck one and see, the last pick you will notice the calyxs are going yellow for those they are likely almost done


Looking so good! They’re probably close to finished already but you should definitely leave them another week or two :v: looking forward to seeing these F1’s grown out


This is what I needed to hear lol! Thanks guys! 2 more weeks it is!

I’ll get some more pics later or tomorrow of whole plants. I haven’t had much room. I’ll have to take them out or you won’t be able to tell one from another lol


The more patient you are, the less immature seeds you’re going to see. Just a little bit longer and you’ll be swimming in fem autos :v::fire:


Hopefully :crossed_fingers: I’m not seeing too many but I’m hoping they’re just hidden in there lol there are no bracts on the blackstrap clone. But really, the mom didn’t have many and the ones she did have were small so :woman_shrugging:

I also used the blackstrap pollen to dust candy Mintcakes, strawberry nuggets, and dark Devil and sour crack but they’re a week behind these pollination-wise. I haven’t even tried to check those lol but I’m definitely dreaming of them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::rofl: I’m about to run thru some reg photos so I won’t be able to get to these new crosses for a little bit. I’m going to send a few your way if you want to try them out? It will be about 4 weeks before Im able to send them. Idk if you would want to try them without me testing them first or not. Just let me know! These 2 should be ready by then? All dried and ready to ship?


I’d be thrilled to trade you for some when they’re done. They don’t need to be tested.


Awesome! I’ll let you know when they’re ready :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


First up are the fully pregnant plants.

Blackstrap clone- she has damn near grown into that blurple light and has some damage on her top leaves. She also grew weird after the cloning. Threw out 1 & 3 fingered leaves everywhere.

DG1- tall girl. She could have used a bigger pot. But I didn’t do much training w these bc I’m just using them for seeds. She’s also changing a lot. Colors, bottom leaves, clawing, not up taking as many nutrients. I had to move her out of the small tent. She’s almost a foot taller than the blackstrap. I couldn’t bend her out of the light enough. She’s being squished in the big tent but at least she’s not being burned to a crisp. I’m hoping she fattens up a bit more and finishes in 2-3 weeks. If she doesn’t start getting fatter I’ll just chop her when the seeds are done. The other bean of the same cross (dg2) from @BasementBeans is doing a lot better in the 3gal fabric.

Now, up next are the other crosses from BB.
Strawberry Nuggets x CDLC

(Dg x 3bog) x CDLC 2

I couldn’t get whole plant pics, I was just trying to get what I could to get this update done.

The last one is the Ewok x CDLC 1 that I didn’t think would make it. She’s been topped and in a 1gal forever. I started giving her some extra attention- watering her 2 times a day and giving her more nutes and she finally started flowering. Since I only have a few of these left, I’m going to let her grow.

I just thought I’d throw in an update of her to show that these autos are crazy tough lol she will getting cleaned up later today since she’s apparently not trash lol I hope she’s just like her mom. She was the best. This seed was a hermie from her mom trying to save her genetics. I just wanted to see if she would grow. I also have a clone of her, from her topping, that I hope makes it. Not sure if selfing her would be the best thing but I may do it just to see. The loudest smell on any auto I’ve ever grown YET. I have high hopes for the sn and dg crosses too! They all have that CDLC goodness :grin:


:cold_face: that strawberry nuggets cross looks like one frosty mama. How stanky is everything getting?


She’s smelling so good! She has that weird “ewwwwie” smell that my Ewok x CDLC has but with a hint of sweetness that the DG1 has. It’s hard to get a good smell bc I started so many different strains at once but I cut off a couple leaves earlier and squeeze-n-sniffed the cut and omg! I can’t wait! She will be funky before too long. She’s just starting to really bud. I’ve started watering twice a day to give some extra oxygen to their roots and they’re loving it. She’s been vigorous from the get go. She’s loving a higher ppm too. She’s definitely a keeper! I may run another 2 and reverse a whole one just to make more of her lol

Also… I’m very interested in how the (sn x CDLC) x blackstrap is going to turn out bc that blackstrap has a floral smell. And not very strong. I hope they keep the SN cross smell. Maybe they’ll just have some extra coloring? I’m kinda excited :joy:


Did you make a bunch of these? The F1’s will be a toss up, but you could easily take it a few generations and lock in the blackstrap coloration & the (SN x CDLC) terps. Sounds like a winner to me. If you need more of those to dig through just let me know.


I’ll have to wait and see how many I end up with! I did some branches near the bottom since this was the only SN bean I popped. Hopefully at least 20-25? This is my first go at reversing and pollinating so I really have no idea!


If you did a few branches I bet you’ll get more than that. Can’t wait!


I’m not promising anything… My grandma always told me “don’t count your chickens before they hatch” I’m scared I’ll say a number and get wayyy less. Lol! They’re those small little branches down low that I’d usually just chop off so the top of the plant could get that extra energy. So they’re not main stalks or anything. But I have my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: for sure!

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Interesting. That’s an auto, right? Strange that it’s growing like a reveg…


Yep! Auto! It took her a while to root. Maybe the extra time she was stalled? Some kind of stress from that? Idk :woman_shrugging:


Yep. It must have been stalled out and re-vegged, or something like that, to have gotten that big after rooting and still be growing after the original was cut days ago… I didn’t know that was even possible, I thought cuttings from autos would continue to flower on the same schedule regardless of roots.


The mom had just started throwing pistils when I took the clones if remember correctly. Maybe that had something to do with it? Still it’s wild bc it acted like a photoperiod but kept on trucking- flipped itself to flower a little while after it rooted and hasn’t given me any trouble.


Looking amazing, down the home stretch!


I love what you are doing with the crosses! I’m in process of running my first autos to learn the differences, but next run I am definitely reversing to make seeds too.