Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Hopefully this doesn’t feel like a high jack, but I think it’s on topic, if not sorry @hollyho

Have you (or anyone else) ever done a staged crop where you harvest all the ripe buds and then pollinate the less ripe buds below?

By the way, thanks for the insight, you were suggested by a couple of people as someone I should link up with at some point regarding autoflowers :pray:t2:


Thanks, it looks like I may make it this run then as long as I get pollen in a week or two


Yes, you can target pollinate the lowers and chop the buds when there ready leaving the seeds to ripen.

Will say seeds that form near the end of the buds typically ripen first and are are of a bit better quality though really its just minor semantics.


From @Mr.Sparkle ?? If so, I have some of those as well :joy:

Only when jacks been smoking the left handed cigarettes lol

What are you trying to cross??

Uh oh… I pollinated quite a few lowers :grimacing:

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Wtf is this? I looked it up and looks like leaf septoria? It’s only in the sour crack. I was watering 2 times a day, I’ve now backed off to once a day. What should I do to help her?

Reused Coco/perlite+jacks 321
3gal fabric pots
Under viparspectra p2500
On day 55/36F


Yes!!grew two out so far deff nice plants


Great to know! I also have some trizzlers from him that I’m wanting to hit with Ewok og (mephisto)


Just to clarify I don’t claim the twizzlers are mine, sure i made those seeds from one’s I was given but that’s it, no outward crossing or further refinement work or whatever.

And that spotting something’s up, check your run off levels


@Mr.Sparkle There’s nothing up with the runoff? :sob:

And are they trizzlersby twenty20 mendicino?

Here’s a close up of one of those sour crack leaves…


Update on the baby makers :joy:

Blackstrap clone. (The only calyx that looks full :woman_shrugging:)

The (Double Grape x 3BOG) x CDLC. Calyxes/bracts look ready to pop open all over her!


Yup to whom the trizzlers are originally from.

As for your run off if your typically in that range with that split, I would harbor a guess looking at the 27th build up started happening as a 0.4+ec or 200+ppm rise from in vs out is typically too much and the plant may be going into a possible slight lockout now, also what the plant is seeing at soil/medium before watering could be much higher than your runoff.

Also as plants finish up their intake drops and when you start seeing that spike happen its usually a good indicator to taper your feed off or start to go to water only.


Thank you for your help! I thought it was too early for it to be trying to finish but the sour crack is supposed to be one of mephistos fastest strains so you’re probably right! I will start tapering more and Only water once a day and see if it helps. Im in coco. Idk if you saw that note. Or if it matters where this is concerned. It’s just crazy bc I’ve never had anything like this happen lol


yeah its an oddity only reason i asked further for runoff levels is just how dark the plant was looking and knowing when things get pinched off on the top end the things that occur don’t necessarily fit within the normal issues one may see.

Just keep watch of pH as well as again the pH of your run off is gonna be a combo of your feed coming in and whats already there so say a 6.2 on the way out likely is higher in your coco, though .

The plant still looks like it has time left so id advise just possibly lowering your feed level a bit for now as see if it levels out.


Yeah it has at least another 4 weeks! I’ve never seen anything like this so I was stumped… still am honestly. I looked everywhere for bugs :joy: I didn’t see anything at all. It just hit that plant so hard and so fast :thinking:

Took one of the damaged leaves off the sour crack to double check for bugs. No bugs. Where the leaf looks worn, there’s an abundance of trichomes tho. It’s wild. Maybe a defense mechanism? I forgot to take pics or I would post. But here’s one of the base of the leaf. This thing is super frosty. Even these regular leaves are coated. And even farther down on the leaf where the damage is, trichomes galore.

But anyway… here’s the base of a sour crack leaf…


Here’s the blackstrap mom today… day 88

Sorry about the blurry one, my iron is super low. I’ve been feeling like trash and super weak. It’s the best I could do before I got tired of it.

image image image

Progress on her over time…
(I’m ready to get her out of there, I’m dreading it already. I’m so tired and weak :sob:)


Colors, contrast, and frost; a deadly trio of bag appeal!


Wow looking great @hollyho!! Nice and frosty :cold_face:

I say the same thing before I go into my garden every day. Just picture this gif.
If the baby can do it, you can too!! :joy:


I really need to grow some Black Strap… Such a pretty plant, well done!


@HeadyBearAdventures thanks! We will see how she smokes soon I hope :crossed_fingers:

@Oldtimerunderground thanks man! I need that baby to come help me lol


Thank you! I think one of the phenos are even darker than this one! There’s a lighter purple and a darker purple. I think this is the lighter one? But she’s very pretty! She has a lot of red on her! I’ll post updates on her.

The baby makers are on day 20 since pollination. These pics were taken a few days ago.

The blackstrap clone (left) is 26” tall. The (DG x 3bog) x CDLC is 33” tall. And that’s with some bending lol. They’re almost comical to me bc the clone is looking like one HUGE main cola basically. And the other is just big. She has grown up into the light so I had to try to bend her. Although it’s not working very well it did help give me another inch or so. I’ve had to turn the light all crazy just to help get her some light.

As soon as the blackstrap is chopped (tomorrow?) I’m going to hang it in this small tent to dry and put the seeded plants in the big tent to finish up. Hopefully about 30 more days?


Update! 4weeks since pollination for the blackstrap clone & (Dg x 3bog) x CDLC. Both were dusted with blackstrap clone #1 pollen. I’m seeing brown!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Blackstrap clone

Had to take a fingernail to her to check her seeds but they’re in there!

(DG x 3bog) x CDLC

I think I pollinated her a little early, the buds started getting bigger and I can’t really see the seed pods anymore but here are the bracts bc I can see them easily… hopefully the seeds under the bud are just as mature :crossed_fingers:

@Banquo @BasementBeans @Oldtimerunderground @Mr.Sparkle

2 more weeks right? I’m going to be paranoid about them busting out and falling into the coco and trying to germinate :joy: