Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Ok guys! Thanks! So I misjudged that one big time :joy: I was thinking a few days :grimacing:

I need to find something to lay them in so they don’t get messed with or knocked over… right now I just have them in a new strainer. But since it’s rounded at the bottom, I’m scared they’re an easy target lol


Paper bags :wink:

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I used paper plates but, a baking pan would have higher edges. I would let them dry at least 2 weeks as well :v:t4:


Congratulations on your first successful seed run @hollyho !!!


Thanks! They’re still just hanging out in a small bowl I found for now - out of the way lol

RH is around 40-45 in there.

As for the blackstrap clone… I plucked a cpl off earlier and checked them and the ones with seeds in them were mature. The others were seemingly empty but when I looked closer, there were tiny little things in there. About as small as this .

Idk what’s up w that. I pulled 5 good seeds off though. About 8-10 more than had nothing in them. None were immature and that plant isn’t doing much anymore. I plan to chop her soon. Any day now. Man I hope the whole plant didn’t do that.


-I took the blackstrap clone down about a week or so ago. Blackstrap s1? Whole plant pollination.

-The dark devil came down about 5-6 days ago. I only pollinated a couple lower bud sites but I still got about 100 Dark Devil x Blackstrap (F1?)*

-Will be taking the sour crack down soon. Only a few.

-Still waiting on the double grape plant to finish up to get the {(dg x 3bog) x CDLC} x blackstrap seeds. She was a whole plant pollination.

There may be more too. But they were pollinated a little later and still have a while to go overall.

*I had plucked some of the most mature seeds off the double grape cross and they were in the table with the devil cross and my daughter accidentally knocked them over. She was quick and caught them before they went everywhere but I had some of the double grape and some of the Devil seeds fall into the floor :woman_facepalming::sob: so I have about half of the Devil cross that I started with. May do a mixpack? The dark Devil seeds are a lot darker but I don’t want to guess.


@hollyho I’ve been avoiding buying black strap and dark devil hoping we can trade some beans. I wouldn’t mind a mix pack :man_shrugging:

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Here’s some pics of my blackstrap mom that got cloned and went on to pollinate these crosses. She was more red than purple. When cutting the buds away from the stems, she was super red where she was touching stem. Very beautiful. Super sturdy plant. She smelled floral with a little gas in the background.

And since the sour crack is about to come down I’ll go ahead and post her up too. I had (and still have) some kind of issue as you can tell by the leaves. She has continued to bulk up the whole time tho and she’s super chunky. And omg she’s soooo frosty its ridiculous. I had to put a pc of paper over my camera flash to keep it from glaring. She’s pretty damn big. Idk yet but I think she’s even bigger than the blackstrap with 2 weeks less veg. She smells sweet. Idk how to describe it lol I hate to compare her to grapes bc when we think grapes, it may be grape flavoring, grape medicine, grape soda, ect. They’re all different in my brain :joy: but if you can imagine the little sweet green juicy part of a purple grape- that’s what this smells like. To me. :joy::woman_shrugging: No bitterness, no fuel, just sweet. I can’t wait to see if she keeps her smell after curing.


@hollyho That blackstrap is a beauty :heart_eyes:


I think so too! I wish I would have thought to take a pic of the bright red by the stem. So pretty… but I get busy doing something and the rest is history lol but even the outside was more maroon than “purple”. You could really tell when she was beside my purple lemonade. Which was a little deeper and bluer purple.

Here’s a pic of the sour crack taken about 30 min ago. She has wide buds lol my poor little chunk chunk.

(the bud at the very bottom of the pic is candy Mintcakes)

The back building technique was used on her.


Ok so the Ewok x CDLC #1 that I didn’t think would make it Is finally flowering! She’s in week 10 somewhere. I’d have to go look. But this seed came from her mom who threw out one banana near the end. The seed probably wasn’t mature enough. The germination process was rough. I guess her shell was a little tough and when she tried to bust through, she broke a little bit of her taproot off. I saw it floating in the cup of water I was soaking her in. I went ahead and planted her anyway :woman_shrugging: It took her a while to get going! I thought for sure she would just start flowering early from the stress and be super small. Her mom was my favorite so I let her hang around to just to see what would happen.

So I looked to make sure- she’s on day 71 :flushed:

I took these a few minutes ago. She’s been topped and I took a lot more of her undercarriage yesterday. I have about 15 clones in a cup of water. Idk if I’ll do anything w them since she’s the product of a hermie but I heard they’re not all bad if they didn’t herm from stress related reasons :woman_shrugging: Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

She’s under a spider farmer(sf1000). In 1gal (which I thought would make her flower faster :woman_facepalming:) 90% coco, 10% perlite. I’ve been watering her 2 times a day but I think she’s wanting 3 now so I’ll probably start that today. Instead of 8cups twice a day, I’ll probably go to 6 cups 3 times a day.

I guess the seed not being fully mature has caused her to take longer? We’re 10 weeks in so I’m going to let her ride and see if she will finish up. I just thought I’d share for learning purposes lol I know any sane person would have probably kicked her to the curb by now :grimacing:


In my experience they will finish no matter what, even clones that barely root because they were taken late in flower. I have some that were just lower immature buds when the top buds were heading down the home stretch. They have fully matured despite their tiny root systems. Some are still in full flower mode weeks after the donor was chopped.

I also don’t think any of these plants were slow, they just got slow starts due to early struggles to escape their rapid rooter and were quickly shaded out. Also, my fastest plant, a sativa leaner (amnesia), was ready at about 75 days. The rest of my plants could have been chopped at day 85, but they were still stacking.

I still have clones of the Amnesia that was fast finishing up, I also left 6-7 branches that I left that were small less developed and shaded flowers still growing, I chopped the rest. I basically chopped her above the 3rd nose. This plant was sandwiched by the monster DSD I just pulled 1 lb.+ from and the monster WW that yielded 600g+, so life wasn’t good. But here are those flowers encroaching day 120, nearly 50 days after much of the rest of her could have been chopped, and nearly 30 days after she was mostly chopped :crazy_face:

My longest plant, which had the least light in the tent for most of the grow, then had more light focused at the end was cut down a week ago, she probably could have kept stacking, but I have 100+ seedlings ready to go and she was in the way. Once she had light focused on her she finished up fast. But another interesting observation… A few of her clones that were taken mid flower (pictured below from a couple days ago), revegged and is now in mid to late flower, at day 115-120ish!

Basically, my belief is that light and early development plays a huge role in how quickly autos finish, as well as how big they yield. Stunt then early on and give them very little light, and I believe you could keep a clone of a clone running for 6+ months.

These plants want to keep living, however long it takes to finish. And I’m going to put this to the test with some good genetics that are known to finish in under 80 days…

If pollen shows up this week I’ll be pollinating some of those old clones to see what happens :crazy_face:

Sorry to threadjack, but thought this might be helpful info for you and others :v:t2:


You’re right, they will just keep going and going! I need to figure out to get them to finish faster :joy: that sour crack from mephisto is supposed to finish 55-60 days! I’m on day 86 with 45 clear/45 cloudy/ 10 amber. Maybe. I’m not good at guessing percentages. But u get the point. :joy: there are still quite a few clear ones even if I’m off. My patience is running out. She fattened up a couple weeks, now she’s just sitting in there being lazy and taking up space. Grrr.

No such thing :grin:


I have 2 days left in the “2week seed drying” for the blackstrap s1? (Still waiting on someone to confirm or correct me on that :joy:)
And the “mixed” seeds that got knocked off the table. Which is some dark Devil x blackstrap and some {(double grape x 3bog) x CDLC} x blackstrap.

Is there a way to tell they’re dry enough for storage or shipping?


Usually 2-3 weeks is good enough. If you weigh them, you can tell they’re done drying completely when they stop losing weight. At least I remember reading that somewhere, lol. Never felt the need to weigh the seeds really, unless I was trying to get an approx. seed count.


Ok wth :woman_shrugging: I’ll try it :joy:


Yes, I’ll give you an address to send them to that will confirm if they’re dry enough :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Lol! Tomorrow I’ll probably count those as done! It’s been 30-40%rh in here. If it was bud, they would be crispy by now :joy:


I have a little problem that I can’t figure out.

This is the double grape cross pregnant with blackstrap babies. She’s on day 77. Still some white hairs but she’s been pregnant at least 8 weeks. I was going to wait for her to finish her buds before I harvest the seeds.

These leaves are a few nodes down from the top of the branch. They’re yellowing on the tips and crunchy, the rest of the leaf is fine tho. Since they’re shaded and even the tops of the branches are fine, I don’t think it’s light. Maybe she’s trying to finish up and needs less nutrients? But these are the smaller leaves, not fans… so idk if it’s nutrient related? Maybe go back to feeding once a day instead of 2?

This is also happening on the candy Mintcakes. Not enough light toward the bottom? Watering too much? Maybe bc there’s not enough wind around the bottom? Those are my guesses. If anyone knows, clue me in please. Thank you!

@BasementBeans @Banquo @Oldtimerunderground @Reefer @repins12 @Mr.Sparkle