Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Plant will start to consume itself, towards the end. As long as it is from the top down, Personally, I would say it’s normal. Just my humble opinion. I am not there looking at the plants, directly :v:t4:


It just started down there on the sugar leaves tho? It’s not even on all the branches, just in one area. Everything that gets moved to this tent starts having problems sooner or later :thinking: idk if it’s a nutrient problem (since it starts after kicking into flower) or something with the environment. Shiyyyyit :triumph:

Hard to say for sure what exactly is causing it. The good news is that it doesn’t matter! It’s close to the finish line and you’ll have lots of mature seeds. Awesome work!

How’s the SN x CDLC looking?

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She has the same yellow leaves near the top that the sour crack has but she’s cruising along and plumping up.


I have GOT to figure out where this issue is coming from. Maybe not enough wind? Plants too close together? The blackstrap didn’t have this problem but there weren’t as many in there at the time. The Ewok is beside the strawberry nuggets and isn’t showing signs of this. It has to be my nutrients, water, air flow, or temp swings? The light is about 20” at 50% so about 125 watts. On one half of the tent. About the same w a similar light on the other side. I just don’t think it’s the light. It is really driving me nuts.

I skipped watering today to see if that helps.

I would say the plant is coming to the end of its life.
My opinion


Man I hope that’s it. I’ve never had this happen before.

I’m about ready to give up on the jacks.

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All my seeded plants look bad at the end.
I take mine to near death though.
Mine are usually for seeds not smoke


I’ll just keep my fingers crossed and let them ride it out.

The sour crack stopped killing off her leaves. The bad ones are still there but no extra ones. All I did was lower her feed and feed less often. I guess I can try that on these. Maybe theyre just getting near the end and need less.

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I use Jack’s. I use a different formula for flower.
Maybe someone will have another opinion.
I dont go by pistals

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I was trying to say the same thing as my brother @Hydro921

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I go by trichomes too. But usually they don’t mature until after the pistils have matured :woman_shrugging:

@Hydro921 what do you use for flower

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I have many plants through white until the end.
How about this one lol.


That plant is making white still.
I use 412 per gallon

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Mine is the opposite of that one lol my fans are still green, there are just clusters of sugar leaves’ tips crunching up. Is that from flushing??

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I’m not sure

Plants that are seeded need a different nutrient mix than the standard flower mixes, so it could be nutrient deficiency; tough to tell exactly what that is though, because towards the end of flowering the plant will start consuming its own leaves for more readily available nutrients than what the roots provide. It’s called senescence. Could be either of those. Either way, I say ignore it and eventually the plant will finish so you can stop worrying about it. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was using 4-1-2 also until they started crunching up on me then I went back to 3-1-2 diluted to give them a little break. I’ve tried everything (which could have made things worse idk)

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I would stick with flower formula and what @repins12 and @Cormoran said


Now that u said that, the Ewok that isn’t having any issues (yet) isn’t seeded. The rest are. So maybe it’s some kind of seed-related nutrient issue :woman_shrugging: