Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Do you do anything different for the seeded plants?

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I do both :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


Both what? :sweat_smile:

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I dont do anything different. I just let them almost die.

Think of it like a pregnant woman lol.
It takes alot out of them

Like I said, I’d recommend ignoring it… if you want to try chasing it though, it’s possible you could end up on the right mix. The info is presumably out there somewhere. Offhand, I think higher P and lower K might be a decent bet. I can’t remember exactly where, but I seem to remember reading that… I know I downloaded this chart from somewhere. Seeded plants keep a high phosphorus demand through their life, while normally the demand declines. That said, the burnt leaf tips seem more like potassium excess than anything else. :man_shrugging: Again, I think you could do more harm than good by chasing it and getting it wrong, so I’d LITFA unless you know what you’re doing or have a solid experimental hypothesis that you’d be willing to sacrifice a plant to test.

Cannabis Phosphorus Uptake


Your plants are gonna look rough at the end of their lifecycle, whether it’s a seed run or a bud run. Usually if it starts near the top, I consider it end of life span :+1:t4:


She’s just winding down IMO, maybe a little nutrient burn but likely just consuming herself, I wouldn’t let it deter you to let her finish. I never let some crunchy or funky looking leaves stop me if I still see white pistils being thrown and want to keep going :+1:t2:

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I am chopping tomorrow. Only the sour crack and double grape. The double grape was grown for seeds anyway and I need the space. I still have a double grape (no seeds) chugging along. My photo regs had to be transplanted. Which kicked the Ewok out of that tent and into the big tent w the rest of the autos. So I took the most mature 2 down. The double grape thats been pregnant for 7-8 weeks at least and the sour crack whose tops were past ripe when I checked earlier. I’ll post those pics later when I get them off the computer.

The rest will continue to do their thing even if I have to put them on 12/12 with the regs :joy: I still have a couple weeks tho. And I’m hoping the strawberry nuggets, other double grape, and candy Mintcakes will be finishing up by then.


My autos almost always get crispy leaves towards the end. I always thought it was from me droughting them too hard because it seems like the leaves that get crispy are the ones that drooped the most during the drought period.

Whatever the cause, if it’s this late in their life cycle, it’s probably nothing to lose sleep over trying to figure out. The cause will present itself one day and you’ll notice, and it’ll all click into place after that. You obviously care a great deal for and about your grow, I don’t see something like this being caused by a major issue or error on your end :slightly_smiling_face:


Senescence Is the technical term.
One thing I found that helped a little (before the leaves start getting crispy) is turning the light intensity down about 10~15%. That slows down some of the biological functions and seems to give the plant some respite in it’s old age.



Meanwhile I’ve got 1000 ppfd on some branches still attached to my 120+ dat and ammesia that was mostly harvested a month ago with crunchy leaves. Who needs leaves! :joy:


Damn you let them DIE die lol I practice a little bit of euthanasia over here :grimacing: I need more space!


Where you see death, I see remaining life :joy:


Right on! :rofl::rofl:

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@BasementBeans heres that double grape that was pregnant! Right before chop. She could have gone longer but the seeds cooked for 7-8 weeks and were readyyyy and I needed space lol I weighed the bud that was left just to see what she gave and it was still almost 2.5 oz :joy: she don’t play. I wonder what she would have done if trained and not making seeds :thinking: 1 gal coco/perlite with jacks nutrients.

Here’s a pic of the seeds that were in the bottom larfy stuff of the sour crack. When I started trimming her, she had a strong sweet lemon smell. Like lemon scented mr clean and lemon drops and gas.


Damn! That Ewok 1 is on day 78 and I thought it had started flowering but nope! She’s even bigger. All the stretch, no flower. I’m aggravated w her and I’m not sure whether or not to chop. She’s taking up at least 1.5 ft of my 5ft wide tent :triumph: and no plant can fit in front or behind her and the tent is 2.7ft from to back.

This is Ewok 2 on day 77. She came thru a day later than that one.


beautiful plants. they looks so happy.



Thank you! I’m thinking about chopping that Ewok 1. She’s in week 12! I just don’t think she will ever kick in! She’s healthy but I think she forgot her purpose lol

For anyone w experience w this- can an auto throw a herm, make a few seeds, and those seeds be photo? I’m really questioning her intentions :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


@hollyho I bet it’s somehow a photo… Maybe there’s still a minuscule chance for an auto to be a photo, but I think once you get to F5 it’s supposed to be 0%, but isn’t F4 like 1%?

Maybe now you can consider yourself one of the 1 percenters now!:crazy_face:

One of my beliefs that I’m testing right now, is that if given then right conditions that auto flowers will persist as long as they can until there can reproduce. I’ve had two plants now where I’ve gotten one lone seed. Both showed no obvious signs of a banana, no pollen has been present in my house, and these plants were taken well past their prime… It’s almost a last gasp to pass on life, and I suspect a lot of plants will do it if pushed far enough