Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

@hollyho Has it been shaded or had less light than other plants?

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Nope, she’s had her own light the whole time. The plant she came from went 100 days. I noticed the one banana toward the end. Only found 5 seeds. It was my favorite so I thought I’d see what one of those seeds would do. I may let her go a while longer. I changed the light to 16/8 instead of 18/6. The other autos are almost finished anyway and I’ll be putting some photos in that tent. I may let her ride and see what she does when the lights change :woman_shrugging:


She looks healthy, and like she’s not interested in flowering :joy:


Definitely! Almost 80 days in a 1 gal fabric pot of coco/perlite is not cool. I thought the smaller container would help her start flowering earlier! I’m scared to death if she ever does flower, I’ll be in trouble lol im watering 2 times a day now but I guarantee you I’d have to bump that up :grimacing:

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:thinking: could be a blessing in disguise if it’s a photo plant with the same bud you loved as the mother. I would make some clones and keep em going until the photos are ready to flower.


I am! I haven’t set up the clone king yet tho lol it’s still sitting in the box :woman_facepalming: Wish me luck!


I didn’t wanna out you on the free seeds thread, so I’m here to give a gigantic thank you to @hollyho for the Blackstrap S1 beans. All 12 made it safe and sound. Now to pick a winner and get her soaking. I’m so so so excited to finally get this going! Thank you so much :hugs:


I hope they’re great! When you give me the green light, I’ll probably give a few packs away on the free seeds thread or here lol I didn’t want to start sending them out to everyone before they’re tested lol if everything’s good, you can post here so @Reefer and @Qtip know too. I sent to them also. Thanks for letting me know they arrived! Good luck!


Got mine today too! I think I’m going to sneak some of these into the current grow, since I don’t have enough to manage already :joy: Thanks so much, will have fun sorting through the mixed seeds!

@Banquo I’ll race ya!


Great! Let me know how the germination turns out! :grin:

P.s. I’m still out of likes :slightly_frowning_face:


Last one down! (That was making seeds, that is)

Strawberry nuggets x CDLC - Day 88 :hocho:

Harvested the beans out of the lower branches that were target pollinated. Only dusted hers once. And it was a little early on. Still got over 100 seeds. I’m happy w that :grin: there still may be some hidden throughout the plant. I’ll know next week.

I have a couple more pics I’ll upload later.

@BasementBeans thanks for the heads up on the counting app lol so much easier than when I counted out the 900 blackstrap seeds :rofl::rofl::sweat_smile:

Oh and boyyy the smell on her! She’s definitely putting off some CDLC stench! Smells a little like my Ewok x CDLC cross. Whewww! I couldn’t really smell her when she was in w the others. This is one of my favorites! Good job BB! :yum:


Very nice, making be excited for mine to start pumping out some beans!


Hell yes! I’ve ordered so many seeds just so I can make more and trade w you guys! :rofl: I was obsessed w ordering, now I’m obsessed w making seeds :laughing: this is my last order… kinda mf stoked tbh

Good luck w yours! Tag me in your journal and I’ll watch yours also! And btw! Has the blackstrap bean popped yet?

Oh and I have some lip smackers by exotic genetix going right now. On week 6. Already topped and put the tops in the Cloner. Should be able to sex soon :woman_shrugging: It’s my first reg grow.


I just ordered clones and a whole bunch of beans for the same reason :joy: Went on a strainly kick last week…

Plus, strawberry cough (kk), apples and bananas (compound cut), super lemon SMAC, Gary Payton clones and a bunch of beans that are en route from demonic genetics. Going to order from Mark, then likely cut myself off for a while :joy:


I ordered from him too lol got bubba kush (which started out weird), og cake, black and blue skunk, blue god, and some others I can’t remember atm.

Also got some ethos. Thug roze, white wedding, and Colin. And a lot more lmao. I need to post my collection so we can collaborate :heart_eyes:

I don’t have as many regs as you guys tho! But fem and autos are abundant over here.

Did the blackstrap you germinated ever do anything?

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By the way, if you want to split some 10 or 20 packs let me know. I’ve been wanting some of the HSC autos, but having a hell of a time finding anything other than 10 pack autos…

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Hsc? Humboldt?

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Yeah, there are 4-5 I want to run. Same with some fast buds, Dutch passion, Anvil and other gnome stuff, as well as Penthouse, Roc, and Twenty20 :joy:

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I need some Dutch passion! I just got some gnome automatics “moth man” I plan on reversing and making more of those too! I only got 2 as freebies. They’re pre release. That’s how I got the thug roze by ethos too lol


Nice! I’m thinking about picking up The Forge and Coal Miner’s Daughter Regs.

I have some Frisian Duck for you…