Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

I was wanting to try blackberry kush auto from Dutch but it’s always out of stock. The lemon kix looks good as well. The sour crack from mephisto I just grew has me wanting more lemon in my collection lol it’s so different and awesome. I have some sour crack x blackstrap I’m hoping carries on that smell.

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If you like haze and lemon, the amnesia I just grew from seedsman is gorgeous. I want to try it from another breeder. Blackberry Kush is one I’m eyeing up as well. Pound Town, Sour Apple, Blueberry Muffin and Pineapple Muffin, vanilla latte and magic melon from HSC all look good to me. I’m a little torn between 20 reg photos or 10 fem autos.


Do you have sts ingredients? You could always reverse them and cross that way?

I know a lot of people love regs but I don’t have the room to run them all the time so if I get a couple good females out of these lip smackers I’ll probably reverse and feminize them honestly.


I do, so I’d be ok with Fems if any of those appeal to you. Maybe we can get Chitown to help is out on some beans, but forget their handle here


Cool, I’ve heard of them but I haven’t ever ordered from there :thinking:

I’ll have to check them out.

I’ve been running into a few seed banks that want photo id if using cc like

Supreme seed



Yeah, not sure how I’d feel about that…

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What’s the counting app called???

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The one I downloaded is called “CountThis”

But there are a few on there!


I’ll have to check it out, I wasn’t looking forward to counting the seeds from my next harvest


Yeah i learned the hard way. I’m still cross eyed from counting them :rofl:

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I totally would have been counting seeds or taking wildly inaccurate guesses had I not read this thread :joy:


[quote=“hollyho, post:244, topic:70287”]
She has the same yellow leaves near the top

That could be some light-stress or Calcium deficiency or …?

I think it’s eating itself - if it’s taking the sugar leaves 1st that seems like a nutrient-lockout ~ PH issue.? - , but if you’re doing it for seeds, they should finish ok …:+1:.

Happy growing peeps


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@BasementBeans gets the credit :rofl: he has saved us hours of counting lol

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They’re chopped now so I’m just crossing my fingers it doesn’t happen again :joy: the seeds look fine so I’m happy. Thanks for the info though, I appreciate it :grin:


Late reply. Lol. Doh :roll_eyes: .!

Good stuff that you got your seeds from the plant …
Are those fem autos .?
If you have any for a trade , let’s talk .?!


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Yes! I’ve sent to a few folks already. Im waiting on at least one to get back to me and let me know they’re good before I give any more away or trade! Hopefully soon! And yes they’re auto fems! I reversed a Blackstrap from gnome automatics and pollinated a few different strains w it. So I’ll have these crosses coming up:

•Blackstrap x blackstrap
•{(Double grape x 3bog) x CDLC} x blackstrap-
(Mephisto crosses from @BasementBeans )
•(Strawberry nuggets x CDLC) x blackstrap-
Mephisto crosses from BB)
•Dark Devil x blackstrap- (sweet seeds)
•Sour crack x blackstrap- (mephisto)

I have more of the first 2 than the last 3. I’ll get back to you when @Reefer or @Banquo give me the green light. @Qtip probably hasn’t received his yet.

What do you have for trade?


I soaked 5-2-2 (i think, based on your seed description :joy:) so should have a good idea in 12-24 hrs :+1:t2:


We’ve got a sprout! When I went to bed around midnight last night she was still under the little plug I covered the hole with. I sprayed a little water on the root riot, went to bed, and when I checked around 05:00, this is what I saw! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

The seed had not cracked after 24-ish hours soaking, so I’d highly recommend a good, long soak, possibly even a light scuffing before the soak. She’s up and running now though, so that’s all that matters for this one.

I would like to gush for a minute and tell @hollyho how grateful, privileged, and honored I feel to be one of the first people to receive and start some of your first batch of seeds. I told you before how I see you as a grower and (future) breeder, and I meant every word. I feel this batch of Blackstrap seed is just the beginning for you, and you’re on your way to OG super-stardom. It’s a privilege to be here watching you go and grow, and I look forward to the future, and to testing out your gear! :pray:


I’m stoked now!! Thank you!! For the update AND the kind words! I wonder what made it take so long to pop :thinking: and you’re welcome for the seeds! You’re a pretty good guy! :wink: Making friends on here with similar interests is so inspiring. Boost each other up, learn together, share. The assist from you guys has helped more than you know!


I have been following your grow and I’m happy that it’s turning out well I hope that @Reefer n @Banquo have good success with them and I’m not sure about it but would love to get some of these and I have trades