Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

I sure will! I was so relieved when I pulled the drawer of the beleaf out and they were IN THERE! Even got 11 instead of 10 on top of them boosting me with a strain that cost $100 more for free. I’m super stoked lol


Lip smackers by exotic genetix- on day 8 in the cloner, we have roots starting! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Idk why that one is curved lol hopefully she will straighten up when I get her in some coco under a stronger light. For now I will keep them in the cloner until the roots are more established. I plan on making feminized seeds of this strain just so the next time I want to grow her, I won’t have to worry with sexing them. I don’t have space to keep mothers of everything :cry: hopefully I have a few females out of the 6 :crossed_fingers:


I got some of the SN x CDLC and a couple more. Was told to check out your journal. I’m mad into the autos myself now. Hopefully I can learn enough to start making my own Seeds and crosses eventually.

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Hah, I was going to pick this one up. Guess I will wait :hugs:

IIRC @banquo @Mr.Sparkle @ReikoX and a few others not popping in my head run a lot of autos. As do I… :v:t2:


I just harvested some of the Ghost Rose that @ReikoX made. Got a couple of those seeds from a friend who recommended me to this forum.


@NewfieGreenThumbs I’ve got a couple seedlings of those going as well. The girls look good! Welcome, not sure how long you’ve been a member, but it’s a great place!


@hollyho The beans have arrived safe and sound THANK YOU! :bear::purple_heart::+1::100::heart::fire:

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Great! Thanks for letting me know!

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Well the only one of my regs that I know for sure is female is OG cake #1. The rest I have no idea. Here are a few shots of the lip smacker clones. Which have started to root pretty damn good. Almost to the point I’ll need to transplant soon. The moms are being flipped to 12/12 tonight. Maybe I’ll know for sure soon.

I transplanted the bubba kush today out of their solos to the 1gal. Except for one, which has something going on w it’s leaves and looks cool. I forgot what it was called…


Whorled Phyllotaxy maybe?

Edit: I thought the coloration was just the light reflection, but I see the variegation now.

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I have no idea bud. Your guess is better than mine.

Can any of you guys tell what sex these are yet? :joy: they’re in day 44 and I still can’t tell!

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It’s called variegation. For the other pics, I’d say 2 looks male; 1 and 3 could be female, but not 100% sure those are pistils I’m seeing rather than hairs on the stem. Can’t tell at all on 5 yet.


Ok thanks man! I’ll wait a little longer. 4&6 didn’t have anything showing at all so I didn’t bother taking a pic.

That 2 looks like a whole pod that’s opened lol I was thinking the same thing. But it’s been on 18/6 the whole time.

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This is what I was thinking! I kept wanting to say vegetation and knew that was wrong lmao thanks! :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile::crazy_face: she’s the slowest growing one, but I think it’s pretty lol

Preflowers can drop pollen… and preflower pistils can get pollinated, for that matter. So you might already have some F2s starting over there. :stuck_out_tongue: If you don’t want them to keep coming, you might want to cull that one; if it opened one already, it’ll probably open more. Dunno, maybe get a second opinion first, there’s a whole sexing thread you can post in and get a lot more people weighing in than just me.

The variegation is caused by a mutation in the chlorophyll, I think; chlorophyll reproduces separately from the plant cells and has separate DNA, so it can be mutated without the rest of the plant having any mutations. It’s a negative mutation though, other than looking pretty, because it does cause slower growth. Less chlorophyll means less photosynthesis means less energy to grow.

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I was just waiting around to see if it’s something she will grow out of or if it sticks around. But you’re right, she’s definitely the slowest! She probably won’t make it past the solo cup. I didn’t transplant her bc I figured it was a waste of time.

I had no idea they could pollinate in veg :grimacing: I’ll probably get it and it’s parent plant out of there soon!

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Thank you @hollyho :pray::grinning:


Awesome! I’m glad they made it :grin:


Og cake 2

Og cake 3

Safe to say they’re both boys? The ogcake3 has something that looks like a white pistil starting to come out on the left in the last pic. But they both look like males to me.