Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Look like boys to me


I think so too. I guess I’ll chop them tonight. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: that just leaves 1 that I know for sure is female. Thank you!


@Banquo i think I’m going to have a problem opposite to yours! I have a bad feeling all 6 lip smackers are male. Only 1 og cake so far is female. I’m not going to run a whole tent on 12/12 for just a couple. So if I don’t see females soon, I’ll chop everything and start over. Probably back to autos until winter bc the days are shorter and I won’t have to worry about light leaks as much. I haven’t made up my mind.


That’s one reason I started buying female seeds. I had no luck at all with regs. Last time I grew a few out I got 4 of 5 as males. Last 2 runs have been just autos and I’m liking these so far.

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I get why others love them. Being able to “keep the genetics open”, having their choice of pollen for making seeds… I just don’t have the space and time to waste on them. Wish I did. I have so many feminized! As soon as I get these sexed, I’ll know how much space I have and may pop a few fems to reverse. If I can get a few females of this lip smackers, I will reverse one and make some fem seeds of this too. I have some projects coming up that will include in house, solfire, some pbb s1 and a mac1. Also some autoflower beans I want to make. I have moth man- gnome automatics, jogi og- binary selections, marathon og- dark owl, and many more. I can’t wait! I guess I’ll just be the person on here that only has fem seeds to give away :woman_shrugging:


If you’ll only have fems to give away add me to your list. I also don’t have the room to be growing males however it is a future project to make my own strain.


Used the trichoscope to try to sex these lol I think 1,2,3 are males. 5 is female. Not sure about 4&6 yet.

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Here are some update to wrap up this journals journey…

The sour crack and DG1 came down on 3/4 at day 86 and 76. (Already pics I think)

I took the strawberry nuggets x CDLC down on 3/15.

The candy Mintcakes ended up turning grayish purple by the end and smells like baby food (?) chopped her on day 103 on 3/20

And DG2 came down 3/22 on day 95. And her smell is stout! Whew! And soooo frosty!

Now the only ones left are the Ewok 1&2!

Ewok 1 finally for sure started to flower! :woman_facepalming: She’s a day older than Ewok 2 and I’m about to take #2 down! Crazy! But these Ewok x CDLC are so great!

I’d also like to add that the huge ewok1 is in 1gal coco/perlite (different coco, the kind that’s like a bunch of hairs lol, barely any perlite) and shes drinking about 8cups a day- and ewok2 is in 3gal coco/perlite (the chunkier kind of coco with more perlite, maybe 30%) only drinking about 5cups a day. Huge different but I guess it comes from the veg time - apparently Ewok1 that came from an auto has taken to being photoperiod? She’s a weirdo but as long as she puts out :woman_shrugging::rofl:


The Ewok x CDLD is a beauty! What’s the smell like?

By the way, here’s an update on the lil girls, Black strap on the right. Thanks again!


Damn son! They’re gettin it :grin: I still can’t believe I made them and they’re real plants somewhere else. It’s amazing!! Thanks for the update, it makes my heart happy :blush:

And I agree! The Ewok1 came out of the plant that is my profile pic! I hope she’s the same as that one bc she was a beaut!

And most of the ewok x CDLC I’ve grown out have all smelled really funky! Like super gas/ammonia? Very potent! Last year when I could have swore I had Covid but tested negative, once I was better and could smell again, it made me sick almost. My sense of smell was overwhelmed by it after taking a time out. Haven’t smelled anything like it since. The DG2 I got from @BasementBeans is pretty potent tho! Must be the “CDLC” in them??


Double grape & CDLC are both known to be on the potent side of things. I recall Stan saying double grape usually tests high 20’s% THC and they’ve seen over 30.


#2 - my wife said she couldn’t smoke that one all day lol she saves it for night time. The DG1 wasn’t that powerful but she got taken down on day 76 and was packed full of seeds.


Interesting. I’ve never even paid attention to potency when buying meph stuff. Always assumed that they weren’t strains you buy for potency, more for terps and structure. I have both running now, so looking even more forward to trying them!

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Took the Ewok 2 down this morning. In the dark w flash. She looks a lot different than the pictures in my last post under led lol but to me, she’s beautiful in both. I love every one of these I have grown. I will definitely be using my last few to make more!


:astonished: Stunning plant!
I think I’m in love…


They look tasty!


Me tooooo! When I took all of her ties off, right before I cut her, she leaned so heavy she was pulling the whole grow pot over. I had to hold the whole thing still w one hand and try to take pics with the other lol poor thing.

This is the first time I’ve topped an auto and I loved the structure! Also going to try to get more stretch like this one. The topping, stretch, and defoliation made this one grow so well!

I think I have 3 seeds left. I’ll have to look to make sure! But I need more of these!! I talked to the people I got them from and they don’t have these anymore. It’s Ewok x CDLC. I bought a pack of the Ewok. I may pop all 3 Ewok x CDLC and a couple plain Ewok. Maybe even some more of the strawberry nuggets x CDLC and double grape crosses I got from basement beans and pollinate all of them w an Ewok x CDLC! I have grown one or two of these last 3-4 runs and I’ve not been disappointed w any phenos! Always so pretty and grows so well. The smell is always great too. It’s definitely a winner!


Those look gorgeous, i am impressed!


Thanks! I’ll be making more in the future! :crossed_fingers:


What an adventure. Was really cool to see your entire journey! I will be following along to see what the future holds.