Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Are you talking about Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew? If so, that is spinosad and it could work. Again, get another opinion though.

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I agree with the fungus gnats. BT and sticky traps is a good option.

Yes I have that. I was just listing the stuff I have so you could maybe help me w a plan of attack :smiling_imp:

When I google it, it says fungus gnat larvae are white. These little things squirm like they’re tiny worms. Fml

I’m not seeing any leaf damage. I only saw one gnat in there earlier and sprayed it down with soapy water. That kills them if you can catch them mid flight lol :dart:


So, I understand your sense of urgency, but maybe whatever they are isn’t harmful at all. Are you seeing any negative effects on your plants?

I think fungus gnat larvae can range in color, probably depending on what organic matter they consume.


No, not seeing anything damaging YET lol it’s coming out of a lot of these pots. I thought the recharge had something to do with it at first. Seems like when I stop the recharge, I start seeing these come out like crazy.


The bad thing about them is that it only takes one to lay many 100s of eggs. They multiply very quickly. I have had them pretty bad before, but they really never seem to do any damage to mature plants. I have had good success in greatly reducing their numbers with crushed mosquito dunks and yellow sticky traps. I can’t ever seem to get rid of them, but they don’t really bother me anymore.

Edit: I don’t want to assume for sure that is what you have there.

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That is interesting. No idea what the correlation could mean.

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Ok well I have yellow stickies in there already. I’ll throw out some mosquito bits too just in case since they won’t hurt anything anyways.

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Could all be in my head :sweat_smile:

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Hope you fight off any harmful insects and keep the good ones brother…
Sorry i couldn’t be of any help…

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All of these are in 1 gallon fabric pots so if I do have to treat it, it should be easy. Running treatment thru 5gal would be tougher lol


Ewok x CDLC. She started out as #1 in this journal. I plucker her out of a Ewok x CDLC auto flower and thought she was auto. She is NOT. By the time I had space and could move things around and get her flipped, she was already around 11 weeks? I have 3 clones of her that I had to flip also. I’ve been feeding her a little heavy as you can see is starting to show in her leaf tips slightly. She’s the biggest plant I’ve had in a 1gallon :grimacing:

I wasn’t sure if the pics would do her justice so I measured :joy:- 28” from the top of the coco up. 32” across the canopy. I’m lucky she’s pretty evenly distributed across her canopy bc the pot itself is only 7-7.5” wide. Without a net I’ve been scared about her plopping over :sweat_smile:

Day 116/39F(?)


Here’s the Lipsmacker babes. Looks like they’re partying lol

Pic 1- lipsmacker5
Pic 2- lipsmacker4
Pic 3- both- 4front, 5back

As you can tell #5 is taller, #4 has curly hair :joy:
They smell very sweet so far.


This is the Ewok x CDLC auto that the seed came from

Here’s the photo seed that came out of her I have going right now in the 1gal… idk why her leaves are so bunched up under the tops. Not enough stretch? Should I cut some of those leaves to keep them from laying so tightly against the sites?


I would guess springtails. If so, they aren’t really anything to worry about. They are decompers and eat decaying organic matter.


Lipsmacker5 buds are holding hands on 4/20 :joy:

Lipsmacker5 (I have a clone of this one I’m trying to reverse, only been flipped for 6 days)



Lipsmacker5 clone just got sprayed w sts and she’s hanging out til she dries a little more, then back in she goes.

Day 8 since flip and I’ve already sprayed her at least 3 times lol making up for not spraying her BEFORE the flip. I still have my fingers crossed that she reverses.

I’m only spraying the bottom 4 branches. I’ve learned from my last go round that it doesn’t take much. And I’m hoping that i don’t accidentally reverse the top 2 branches so I can get some s1 seeds from her too and not just the crosses. I have a back up clone of her that finally rooted tho so I will continue to spray this one and if all goes well, I’ll have some s1 regardless. Just may have to wait a little longer since that clone will be about a week and a half behind the others.

Also, if #5 will hurry up and throw some balls I may be able to pollinate #4 mom. I threw her clones out bc she started to herm on me and I didn’t want to breed that into any future crosses BUT since taking those off and zipping the tent up all the way for lights out, she hasn’t thrown any more. What do you guys think about pollinating her? The #4mom has just started week 5 of flower and she’s a little slower than #5 mom so I may be able to pollinate, I’ll just have to let her go a little longer. The reason I’ve changed my mind is bc it would give me some more diversity bc she’s different from #5 in several ways. Kinda sucks I only had 2 females to work with for Lipsmacker (s1?, r1?) You guys have about a week to submit your input :rofl:

I’ll post some pics of the other clones in a little bit.


Ok here are more pics.

Clone tent- will be used for the reversal/pollination. (The one that got sprayed w sts is still hanging out in a different room lol but she goes in the middle) and the auto flower that popped up on its own- finally grew out of the weirdness.

And the moms in the other tent

Last but not least, the clones that are still in the cloner. I can’t wait to get them transplanted so I clean that thing lol they will be transplanted and go straight to 12/12. LS5 is a short clone so I had to take a separate pic of her. Couldn’t even see it from down under.

Btw- not smart to try to lift and take pics without turning it off first :sweat_smile: things got crazy.


What concentration are you using on your STS?
I originally used the instructions from Sebring’s video, but his written instructions are double the concentration. In any event, I know that what you are doing is working, so I figured I’d ask you.