Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

I ordered my chemicals off of Amazon. I’m not sure what he sends in his. I did use his video to help me tho. I use the sodium thiosulfate (penta) I think he uses the anhydrous. So my ratios were different. I make the 500ml stocks and then dilute to 1/9 stock/ro. I think I bookmarked the video, give me a sec and I’ll post here. Even if u already have it, others may need it sooner or later.


Here’s the video:

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I purchased my original chemicals from the the place he recommends - The Science Store, I think.
They didn’t have anhydrous, so I got Penthydrate.

I have watched the video, and made my first batch based on his numbers in it. I’m just not sure why the written instructions have twice the amount of chemicals in the same amount of water.

It worked for me last year at the video concentration. Just trying to figure out if it would be better at a stronger concentration.

So you just mix yours based on the numbers in the video then?
0.8 grams Silver Nitrate in 500mL water
4.96 grams Sodium Thiosulfate (penthydrate) in 500mL water

Then dilute 1:9

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Yep. I figure I can always change the ratio and dilute less if needed :woman_shrugging: It would be a shame to throw the stock out. I just made it December. I can use it for a long time! I mix fresh (add a to b then dilute) every time I’m ready to reverse the next batch. But I’m not messing with the stock. He says as long as A and B are separate, they last a long time.

You may be able to get double the use out of that if there are double the chemicals? You could always dilute less? I’m not sure why he started recommending more tho.

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I’ll go with what I have used, and what it looks like you use as well. Seems like it works and there is no need for stronger concentration.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

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Here’s another link I use just bc it’s in writing and I don’t have to search thru a video. It calls for a different ratio tho.

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No problem! Good luck friend! :grin: I’ll know in a couple weeks if this second time using the same stock still works. :crossed_fingers:


That’s even less concentrated than Sebring’s video, so I feel comfortable with it now.


I had some stock from about a year ago I was trying to use, but it no longer works. I mixed up a fresh batch, so I hope I caught the plant in time. Already throwing out a lot of pistils.

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Your stock is fresh fresh too right? You just mixed it up? You should be fine. And keep in mind, you can always go 2/8 if you felt like giving it a kick :joy:


It works my nerves so much bc you can’t tell anything until u start seeing balls so just spray tf out of her. I let mine sit in here earlier w a fan on her. I sprayed her 3 times, letting her dry between each dose lol I’m like you, I’m hoping I caught her in time. I had already flipped 2 days before I started spraying sts on this one. Some say u need to start a week before flip :grimacing: guess we gon find out lol

How far along are your ladies? Auto or photo?


Pretty amazing grow and definitely good reading as always you’re absolutely crushing it Happy growing The Doc

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They’re two and a half weeks into 12/12. Photo. I did the first STS spray with the new batch 3 days ago, so I think I’ll be fine.

The first plants I reversed with STS last year, I think I waited until I saw the first pistils because I didn’t know the genders of the plants I was working with. It still worked.

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Hell yes, I should be fine too then! :joy: learning from each other’s experiences is the best way for me. Thanks!


I’ve also learned (at least when spraying early) that when that sts starts working, she starts stretching like crazy- like a male. I have clones all about the same size and the one I’ve been spraying is really starting to stretch out past the female clone beside her. Idk if yours will hit that stretch since you’re already so far along. Keep an eye out and let me know! @middleman


Well, they’re ABC, so they don’t stretch much anyway. I’m documenting it in my grow log.
But I’ll keep you posted.


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To say I’m aggravated is an understatement. I’m about ready to give up on photos. Which really blows since I’ve just purchased a lot of :fire: photo genetics from in house, your highness, sunken treasure, beleaf… omg :confounded:

This is bubba kush 2. I bought these from mark on strainly that I kept reading about on here. My favorite of the 2 “girls” I thought I had. The other one is a tri leaf and not as vigorous but at least she doesn’t have balls :sob::sob:

These pics are all from bubba kush 2

And here is a pic of something weird on the bubba kush 1 (female so far but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a herm too :sob:)

It’s pretty early (no actual flowers yet) and she’s already growing balls, should I just trash this one too? The og cake did the same thing but different in that she threw bananas and pod sacs very quickly and well into flower. I chopped that one down. I was wondering if it was a light leak but have since checked and taken extra precautions even tho they’re in a tent in a dark room and no one is allowed to turn on lights in there after lights out lol is this genetics? I have even grown ILGM photo fems in there and never had a problem like this.

Everything w a power light is even covered w black electric tape. I’m just over this. The Lipsmackers and Ewok x CDLC are in the same tent. 1 Lipsmacker started showing signs of balls midflower near the bottom but I yanked them and have been checking and nothing else has come of it. This bubba kush is throwing balls early (9ish days since flip) and they’re all over the place.

Genetics? Check something else? Chop? Wtf?


To say I’m aggravated is an understatement. I’m about ready to give up on photos. Which really blows since I’ve just purchased a lot of :fire: photo genetics from in house, your highness, sunken treasure, beleaf… omg :confounded:

This is bubba kush 2. I bought these from mark on strainly that I kept reading about on here. My favorite of the 2 “girls” I thought I had. The other one is a tri leaf and not as vigorous but at least she doesn’t have balls :sob::sob:

These pics are all from bubba kush 2

And here is a pic of something weird on the bubba kush 1 (female so far but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a herm too :sob:)

It’s pretty early (no actual flowers yet) and she’s already growing balls, should I just trash this one too (BK2)? The og cake did the same thing but different in that she threw bananas and pod sacs very quickly and well into flower. I chopped that one down. I was wondering if it was a light leak but have since checked and taken extra precautions even tho they’re in a tent in a dark room and no one is allowed to turn on lights in there after lights out lol is this genetics? I have even grown ILGM photo fems in there and never had a problem like this.

Everything w a power light is even covered w black electric tape. I’m just over this. The Lipsmackers and Ewok x CDLC are in the same tent. 1 Lipsmacker (4) did start showing signs of balls midflower near the bottom but I yanked them and have been checking and nothing else has come of it. This bubba kush is throwing balls early (9ish days since flip) and they’re all over the place.

Genetics? Check something else? Chop? Wtf?


Just a thought, but probably not correct, are any of the plants you’re reversing near those “herms”?
Maybe the silver is inhibiting some ethylene if they are near them.

Again, probably not what is going on, but something I have wondered about in the past.


Nope, separate tent. Man I’m sick to my stomach. Would you go ahead and throw it out? The clone isn’t showing balls yet but it’s small. Went straight to 12/12 after being rooted. I keep thinking maybe it’s a light leak but my gut says no bc I’ve grown in a shed before… had the vents up top to swap air and I know some light got in. Way more than what could possibly get to these.

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