Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

The Lipsmacker I’ve been spraying w sts in a different tent isn’t even throwing balls yet. I just don’t understand what’s going on

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Tough to answer. I probably would not. I would just try to stay vigilant and remove any pollen sacs - unless it just got out of control. I have successfully done that a couple times in the past and luckily must have gotten them all because I didn’t end up with any seeds. But I definitely would not breed with them.


Grrr… the only other bubba kush I have was a tri leaf plant so I’m not sure what’s hiding in that one either. So I guess I just won’t breed the bubba kush at all. And that bubba that has started to herm has balls everywhere. Idk if I could even get them all. They’re tiny and some may be hidden. Fml


Yeah, sorry to hear that. If it were me and there were a lot of pollen sacs, I’d probably chop - just because I don’t have time to keep up with it.

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That’s what I’m thinking. And I’m scared if I do get them all successfully, more will just grow in their place or maybe nanners bc… why not. Omg.

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I can’t wait for the next auto run. I’ll be posting a list of what I have and letting people throw out suggestions for crosses too. Sounds like fun to me :star_struck:

What all did you guys swoop up on 4/20? I went ahead and placed 2 separate orders from Nasc, with the extra %off I spent about an extra 6 bucks (more than what it would have normally been) and got extra 4 freebies. Worth it to me lol

I love Dutch passions packaging :heart_eyes: the kerosene krash is something I’ve been wanting to try but $75 is the cheapest I’ve found for 3. I think I paid $81 shipped w the discount :grimacing: everything else they offer lists smells as sweet tho and I needed some gas. I’ve been wondering why these are so much higher than their other strains. Can’t wait!

Still waiting on my order from insane seeds. Supposed to have it Monday. First time using them but i great deal on a pack of sunken treasure- heart breaker breaker. Normally 200, I got for 120.

There are still some sales going but I think I’ll forget about them and start focusing on what I’m going to pop next. Should keep me busy lol


I’m gonna be “that guy” and say something less than positive about Mark from Strainly. And this is solely based on my own observations, and is in no way me saying that dude is a money grabbing pollen chucker. Mark from Strainly is a money grabbing pollen chucker. But hear me out. Dude sells seeds at a deep discount. That’s cool, but it would be even cooler to get something in return with some consistency. I truly believe I’ve seen more plants fail than succeed, coming from that guy. He sells stuff listed as autoflower at F1 or F2 photo 2 auto, which isn’t quite there yet. I’ve seen people question whether or not a plant is of the cultivar he sold it as. In fact, the only thing from him that I’ve seen more successes than failures is his FogDog auto, and even that hasn’t been all positive. And lastly, there is zero transparency with the source of his genetics.

I think Mark from Strainly is a great source for discount seeds if you’re willing to take that chance, and if you have the time to go over your plants daily, and that’s only IF they sprout. Seems like a lot of failure to launch with his gear, although there are tons of variables at play there, so it probably isn’t all on him.

Again, I don’t wanna bag on the guy for no reason. I’m just stating things I’ve observed and conclusions I’ve felt comfortable jumping to, in the hopes that you don’t drive yourself insane looking for a light leak that probably isn’t there. I truly think they’re just genetically fucked up, and it might be best to move on from them if they’re intersex. With your projects going on, even if they’re in different tents, you could end up with a real big problem on your hands.


Ok, thank you! That made me feel better bc I chopped that BK yesterday… it was driving me nuts lol can’t pick all the balls off, can’t breed w it, why even risk it. I left the other one but I’m going to be checking it like crazy lol

I feel the same way. I hate to point fingers especially when some of our people buy his gear to give away and I don’t want to hurt their feelings. Or some people just need a good deal bc they can’t afford hundreds of bucks for a few seeds.

BUT JPS sells his gear for the same price on here and he’s part of our community. I haven’t grown his stuff but plenty of us have and if the intention of buying is to give, you’ve already started w that purchase imo.

Hell I bought 60 mark seeds that I’ll be scared to pop lol I’ll probably give them away with a caution label for anyone that has the patience, time, and space to hunt through them.

I stuck one of my 3 Ewok x CDLC clones in the place of the BK. So if that one herms, I’ll know somethings up on my end and I’ll definitely update :ok_hand:


Just an update: the Lipsmacker clone has been flipped for 10-11 days and I’ve been spraying w sts like crazy - sometimes 3 times a day :grimacing: - for the last 8-9 days. With the 1:9 chemical to water ratio. I haven’t seen any changes so I got a little paranoid and washed my spray bottle out (was almost empty anyway) and mixed a fresh batch with a 2:8 ratio. I want this to work :joy: and I sprayed twice today.

I’m not seeing any kind of stress so I’ll keep this up (maybe skip some days if it has a negative effect) until I see stress or balls. Whatever comes first. Hopefully whatever happens, will happen soon. If it doesn’t throw balls, I’ll have to just chunk it bc the bud won’t be good from it anyway :pleading_face: but I’m still hoping

I really want some (Ewok x CDLC) x lip smacker. I’ll update again soon.


Ok so I’m about 100% sure the lip smacker clone is starting to throw balls. Finally! I have about a week or so before she actually drops pollen. My last go with sts - from this point it took about another week before the balls were big enough, then just when I thought the sacs were empty, the next day they started opening up and dropping pollen. So anywhere from 7-12 days? We will see…

Anyways, I was scared I had accidentally reversed the top two branches. But they look pretty female still. So I plan to pollinate those. With the pollen from the bottom branches.

My question is… after I’ve collected pollen from the bottom and everything is pollinated that I want, can I just cut those bottom branches off? To keep her from continuing to drop it everywhere? I have another area I want to make sure doesn’t get impregnated. I like to let the pollen drop long enough to get plenty, then dispose and get everything cleaned up. In this case, part of the same plant will also be making seeds… so I have to keep at least that part of her. Will it stress her out too much? Stunt her or mess up her seeds?

A pic of the top (not reversed)

Pic of a bottom branch (been sprayed w sts)

@BasementBeans @Mr.Sparkle i can’t remember who else uses sts to reverse at the moment.

Also, the other clones: bubba kush and the Lipsmacker clone of the same plant as above have 12” roots in the aero cloner :grimacing: I’m about to get those transplanted. Just in case I accidentally reversed the whole Lipsmacker clone, I had a second one to catch pollen and make seeds. I’m not sure it’s even needed at this point but I won’t throw it away so I have to decide what to do w her. Either flower and pollinate or find somewhere she can veg quietly by herself and wait for the others to get moved around.

That’s a lot of rambling :sweat_smile:

@repins12 do you know how I should go about this? Can I chop the bottom branches with balls and the top 2 branches be ok and continue to make seeds?


I questioned him a lot publicly after running his autos. I was always told he’s a nice guy and will talk to ya. Well what about my autos that don’t auto? Lol. You live and learn. Been running all OG’s stuff for a while now and no complaints!


I hear ya! I haven’t grown any of his autos tho so I can’t comment. But just about everyone who has, has a lot to say lol

I have a lot of OG beans myself! I just haven’t got around to them! Yet :grin:

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I’ve been using CS up until now, next reversal will be the first with STS (thanks @ShitSeeds).

As long as your plant is healthy you should be able to pollinate what you want, chop the reversed branches, and let the rest ride out :v:


Exactly the info I was looking for! I didn’t know if chopping those bottom branches would freak her out or not! Thank you :blush:


Personally, I wouldn’t chop any of it. I would just let the entire plant ride it out. That’s what I did with the White Widow auto, that I just finished but, that’s just my humble opinion. I’m sure it will work either way though. Bottom branches could even end up, making a few seeds :v:t4:


I have used both and the STS, sure seems to be easier :v:t4:


Keep this in mind too @hollyho! You’ll be fine either way :+1:


Ok. I was thinking if I left them, I could just try to pick all the balls off and spray it down. That way I wouldn’t have to chop them and stress her out. There are 4 bottom branches and 2 tops. So I would be chopping a lot of her off.

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once you collect pollen off your sprayed part yeah you can chop those and continue on with your other non sprayed parts, just be watchful of them is all for obvious reasons

You think that’s bad… I messaged him asking how long my “105-day” Foxtail Skunk would take in flower about 3 weeks in, which was about 102 days from seed. He messaged me back two months later telling me they were 105 days from seed to harvest. I told him that I’d already chopped it down at 149 days, and that they didn’t even start flowering until ~80 days in after I changed the lights, and he repeated that they took 105 days from seed to harvest as if I didn’t have evidence right in front of me that made him into a liar. I asked him about the apparent contradiction, and he just ignored me. In my case I got lucky, it was at least a full female. The smoke is… um, better than hemp, but I’ve still stopped smoking it now that I have a few other plants harvested. :wink: I don’t feel too bad about spending 40 cents on that seed, but it wasn’t exactly a great deal.