Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Im excited too! How will I know when the seeds are mature enough to take the plant down? I thought they would just be popping out all over the place I guess. :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile:


Banquo has the right answer, even 4-5 weeks from pollination you’ll have mostly mature seeds, 6 weeks is the safest bet.

In 4 weeks you can just start plucking the odd bean and checking them! If you pollinated early, your plant is going to grow around those beans. You won’t see many on the outside, but you’ll find them when you shuck.


Came back to say this same exact thing. At 25 days I pluck 1 or 2, then if those look good, at 30 days I’ll pluck 5 or so more and go from there


Awesome! I can’t wait! It sounds so exciting!! :joy:

What do you mean by “checking them”? Just look for the brown color on them?


Yeah, color is important but so is the squish test. If it’s not fully developed it’ll smoosh pretty easily lol. In general, if they’re dark and/or tiger striped you’re good to go.


You don’t even know how excited I am! :grin::grin:

Have you started any of the ones I sent to you yet? @BasementBeans

I can’t wait to see how the anvil grows! I hope you post pics :rofl: and the purple pope! I have a sour crack going right now and she’s a beautiful beast! And almost all weed I’ve smelled has some kind of “funkiness” to it. This one just smells sweet. No funk at all. It’s weird. Maybe as she grows it will change but idk. When I rub the stem, no funk. It still smells good but I’m super curious how she will smell in late flower and even after cure. Frosty af and gorgeous!


I’ll do what I can! I haven’t started any yet, I’ve got a small auto run going just to pre-test this CS since I’ve only got one of each of those beans, have to get it right!

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I know, dirty ass 3 packs :joy: good luck with the CS! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Typically the really purple plants whether say dark based or red undertone they transition over into a brown hue when the age up, once you’ve seen it a few times it pretty obvious with the color change.

As for seed maturity 4-5ish weeks from pollination, though number one way to learn is to pluck some seed pods as you go, say one every 4-5 days from about 2 weeks in, you’ll have plenty in the end and it will show what’s up as you go and loosing 2-3 seeds in the process is nothing

Once the seeds are brown and start to loose that green tinge they get when they are still maturing they are usually viable at that point, though you want to wait till that green tint on the tap root side of the seed goes away as can hinder the seed germination later as it’s they embryo sac essentially that remains a little to tough to easily break free at times.


Thanks for the detail!! I forgot to tag you earlier! I have a list of you guys somewhere but I was in a hurry lol! How many do you guys get when you pollinate a whole plant? It’s not a huge one. So about how many per bud site would you guess?


Depends on how well it’s pollinated, and if say it was earlier or later in flower, though say a plant in a 400ml pot being a solo cup size more or less can net me 800-1200 seeds if it was really well pollinated.


Like this little bud will likely be 10ish seeds depending on how the other side looks.


I’m hoping to get better at it… like learning exactly when to pollinate to get the most seeds, how to tell when they’re mature, etc. When do you usually pollinate? How long do you wait?

And I dusted this whole plant for 4-5 days lol I wanted to make sure. Now the one next to her, it was a little earlier by the looks. But again, I’m not experienced w this at all and am just learning as I go from you all.


As I’m reading this I am seeing multiple dustings have occurred …meanwhile I took my ladies in gave them the one and done :face_with_monocle:
Now I’m thinking lmao buttttt all signs r pointing to yes 20 seeds I’ll be happy :sweat_smile:

Anyways I feel as if you have done the best to one abilities also very thorough job !You shall be rewarded plenty of seeds

Thread was a good read !


depends on the plant, i usually wait till there well into flower like say when they are working on the second flush of calyx vs initial flowering , you get more seeds though the trade off is the plant material usually is over ripe by the time the seeds are done. So wanting alot of seeds i wait a little longer, if i want bud and say a couple seeds thats where hitting them early is nice cause your seed will all be around the base of the buds and finish in around the same time the plant does bud wise.

Ans multiple day dustings is how you get good coverage, i usually do two times 2-3 days apart


Call it beginners paranoia lol I was scared it wouldn’t work. I probably used 1/2 of my pollen over a week or so on those 2 whole plants :sweat_smile:

I was thinking if it didn’t work it sure as hell wouldn’t be because I didn’t try! :rofl:

That’s probably all it takes man :woman_facepalming: Is this your first go at it too?

I think I got it covered then :grimacing::crazy_face: this has been a learning experience for sure!!

:green_heart::green_heart: I appreciate everyone here who has helped see me thru this so far! :green_heart::green_heart:


I SCARED WITH THAT!OMG DUDE! :cold_face: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :cold_face: :cold_face:

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Will auto plants pollinated later in flower sometimes not bring the seeds to maturity if thei don’t have much lifespan left?

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Yup first time here as well ! Took some reversed black cream auto pollen and hit a moby dick fem auto and a ghost rose cookie devil as well …I feel as if it should do


if way late in flower sure though you kinda have to be really late in flower for that to happen like to the point the plant is already shutting down