Micro Octopot Grow

Very interesting. Since starting this octopot, it seems that my ph drifts downwards from starting ph. Still learning at this for sure as well. 100% hydro noob here. Thanks for letting me learn through your experience. Sound like sensei Papalag has prescribed your remedy. In for results!


@George what do you think my friend , looks like ph to me

Also I’m not too sure about those black spots
I don’t think there bug ?

I figured if you didn’t mind invited George the party


Same thing happening here. Doesn’t seem to effect the plant growth so far. I am running coco with rare dankness nutrients not measuring but just winging it, haven’t measured ph or ec but can to see. I was thinking some sort of nutrient burn to be honest. Because it starts as what looks like wind burn, and then turns the leaves like that. Some of my leaves were curling for a min also. My guess was that I was locking out something causing something to not be converted, as it only happens minimally and seems to happen most on top fan leafs for me.

Glad to help, I’m no expert but my guess is Potassium deficiency, spots included … beer3|nullxnull



That is a really cool idea, great job.


Good tips.
Im gonna drain the res tomorrow, and fill with new mix. Shooting for pH 6.0, and add a bit more of the Flora Grow for a potassium boost.

Thanks, friends!


Ug. Also, my one surviving LGOG x Orig Haze turned out to be a male.
I think I’m gonna keep it and cross it to the FHL, and maybe save some pollen for later…

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Anybody find another site that’s selling anymore of these?


No I wish lol

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I created a shortcut on my google homepage to the listing someone posted and just randomly check when I think of it and have never seen them available. It’s been at least a month now.

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Can try a bit lower pH wise if your still having issues as when it rises you have a bit more room for the swing and watch what the K boost does as even though you have deficiencies it could be caused by your pH swinging out of usable range and you maybe be already feeding enough.


Keep checking on Amazon. I’ve bought a few over the last 6 months. 9 times out of 10 they are out of stock, but then they are in stock once in a blue moon and they go FAST. You can almost watch the inventory deplete by hitting refresh on your browser.

Keep checking. Took me a while to accumulate mine (plan is to use the to keep moms)

I’d say check pH, and they are having issues accessing potassium as a result. Do you use a pH pen? Check that too. I had one drop nearly two points in a 4 month span, meaning I was pH upping my nutes WAY too high (it read 5.0 pH when it wasd 6.8 pH). Calibrated with a 7.0 solution and things look better.


I keep checking also I want to get 4 for the small tent


I’ve been eyeballing this container when its empty.


So. It looks like my potassium deficiency has now also reached some of my plants that are growing in soil.
Now I’m very confused, as I’ve never had this before in several years of growing. And it seems to be hitting most of my plants.

I need to revisit the GH charts and see if I’m measuring/mixing one of the nutes wrong. This seems unusual for soil. But the plants effected by it are getting bigger, and only in 32oz containers…

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Looks like your in small containers ?

Ph lock up
Flush light feed add calmag
I would root prune if staying in small containers or transplant to a larger container

Just my 2 cents


Yeah. You are probably right on that one. Growing in small containers has its own set of weird problems, and a flush would do them some good.

But as soon as I saw the weird K deficiency that my octopups are having, my brain went all Steve Martin “Agh! There’s cans in there too!"


Lol :joy: we definitely need a laugh button


I’d say these little octopots do thier job.


That’s a great looking plant!