Micro Octopot Grow

Nice side branching on the Mango Smile.
She is really drinking a lot. Res needs to be filled about every 3-4 days now.

Again, she just looks sooo damn happy so far.


The flowers are forming!


This weeks root shot.

Plant still looking super healthy. All great so far! Yesterday, I bumped the light schedule from 18/6 up to 20/4, to try and really bulk up the buds


Mango Smile starting to stretch like crazy now. Currently 23” tall. She’s grown more than 4” in the last few days.
I’ve done no topping or LST on her. Just tucking a few fan leaves out of the way, so the buds get more light.

Lower leaves showing slight yellowing. Looking like minor N deficiency.

To try and fix this I’ve dropped the pH to 6.1, and added a bit more GH Micro, for extra N. The PPM is now 850 in the reservoir.

We will see how she reacts.


Looking GREAT!


Mango smile, still kicking butt.

I did need to flop the main cola over a few days ago because my light can’t be raised up any higher, and the main top was getting too close. The flopping didn’t slow it down one bit.

She is starting to fill the whole 2x2 tent with the awesome side branching.

I mean, look at these side branches reaching almost all the way to the top. Like she’s trying to scrog on her own.

The lower leaf yellowing is getting worse. :roll_eyes: I was reading the octopot site last night, and they recommend pH 6.3-6.5 so I went the wrong direction last week when I dropped it to 6.0. Maybe that’s why it got worse…

Today I brought it back up to 6.5 to try and correct. :crossed_fingers:

If the yellowing continues, I’ll give her a mega dose of nitrogen. Maybe she just requires LOTS of N?


Lower leaf yellowing is still spreading.
I changed the water in res today, and bumped up the calmag and flora micro. PH is 6.5 and PPM is 1000

Hope this helps


Plants look good to me a bit of yellowing on the lower leaves


This plant is darn impressive. So many branches and buds!

I have two remaining mango smile seeds. I hope they are also similar to this one.

I think this might be an amazing harvest from this girl.
I just hope the humidity and heat wave in the northeast brake soon. Otherwise bud rot may become an issue. I turned on another fan this morning, and added my small dehumidifier, because tent humidity is off the charts.


Looking great @firehead
How often are you refilling the res on the micro Octo?

You helped inspire me to grab a few to play with this fall.


It’s about every 3 days the res needs to be filled. If I was going on vacation, I would need a bigger external res piped into the little one, to keep it going for longer periods.


Plant looks great! I started mine as well. Hope it will look as good as this one!


Looking pretty damn good! Very Nice Setup! Best octopot copy-cat I’ve seen and its a mini version! The real octos are huge and take up a lot of space in your tent. I’m definitely going to have to get 6 of these for next run. I personally have 2 real 6 gal Octopots which I’m running currently right now a Wedding Cheesecake Auto and Oreoz (photo)… check me out


Hey @TaterheadJohnson, Welcome to Overgrow!!

Nice grow you have there, you’re really rocking the small tent :sunglasses: :+1:



Thanks @Gpaw! I’m all in at this point! There is so much out here on Overgrow.


Oh yeah!
I’ve been camping here a couple years and I haven’t much more than scratched the surface.
Explore a little and check out the ongoing projects…

It is incredible the depth and width of the knowledge base here and folks here are simply great!



@firehead qq. Is there a reason you went with hydrotons in the net pot? Y not pack it with the same medium mix in the fabric pot like in the real octos? Just curious on your thought process for that step.

My thought was, the hydroton pellets would keep too much of the soil medium from getting into the reservoir.
It probably wasn’t necessary, and a lot of my ideas are half-baked anyway :joy: so there was no real science behind it.

But my other micro grows had a pump in the res, so keeping debris out of the res was important so the pump wouldn’t get ruined.
So my brain was in the same though process when I built this one.


Lol I feel ya, they call me half baked robman sometimes haha. I like that idea tho of trying to keep as much of the dirt out of the rez as possible. So then u won’t have stuff floating around down there.


See what you started. Tyvm