Micro Octopot Grow

This looks like it’s gonna be awesome! They really are tiny next to the original octopots, aren’t they?!


I my get a couple of the mini Octopots for moms


@papalag to thank for my Octoposse membership.


I packed only coco/perlite in mine. Initial watering I let drain to waste. Just checked this morning because I’m impatient. Rez water was clean.


So. I went out of town for 5 days unexpectedly.
I just got back. Found the tent humidity at 95%, and water dripping from the walls, puddling in the bottom of the tent, and outside the tent too.

I had turned off my 4" inline fan and dehumidifier while moving some components around the other day… and never plugged them back in!! :hushed:, and the transpiration from such a big plant in there, turned it into a rainforest inside the tent.
The buds are not very big yet… but, I hope I didn’t trigger bud rot.

So, now my Mango Smile is sitting in the middle of my basement while I try to dry out the inside of the tent.

The res was still holding a tiny bit of water, so the plant wasn’t drooping… but this was a serious mistake for this big mid-flower plant.

Hoping she recovers ok.


Can you run Fans for circulation ?

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Yes. there were two small, but high power, fans running in the tent the whole time. Hopefully that saved things.
I’m sure I’ll find out in a couple days if things have turned bad…


Check buds for bud rot regularly especially when they get fatter ,


So far, no signs of bud rot.
She looks ok, and smells amazing. Just like a tart mango haze.

Tent humidity is back to normal but it is still way too high (75%) but that’s what the air is right now in the northeast. Hoping after the big storm passes us this weekend it drops down some.

Still some leaf yellowing, and it looks like Cal deficiency. I am going to bump up the calmag next feed.

She has at least 3 weeks left to go, and looks like she’s gonna make some massive buds!


Great job my friend
She looks healthy and happy :blush:


No real updates today. Humidity in the northeast still crazy high. In the tent it is hovering around 75%. Not good, but plant seems ok still. Buds are a little dense, but not really bulking up big time yet.

Gonna add a little GH kool Bloom to the mix tomorrow.


Your telling me!


Only thing I got going for me is the temp is staying above 68, and keeping any botrytis from germinating.


Ouch. Yeah, my numbers look almost identical to yours. I’ll be glad once this breaks and we get some cooler September weather

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Yikes… It’s always humid here in the south. Get you guys a dehumidifier ASAP best investment if where u live in a humid climate.

The one I have. Worth every penny! I just keep it in the room where my setup is outside the tent and “Voila, Magic” lol



Thankfully, humidity in the northeast is dropping. Hovering around 62% now.

Yellowing has stopped spreading. Seems like she just wants a LOT of nitrogen and cal/mag!

Also, the buds started plumping up the last couple days, and her smell has cranked way up.

Top cola showing signs of light stress. She is way too close to lights (about 7-8” away). But otherwise ok.


Looks like she is stacking nicely.
Are you still using GH nutes?
What is your current recipe?

Yes. Still using the GH trio (mostly)
Here’s the mix I did these last 2 weeks (per gallon)

FloraMicro - 4ml
FloraGro - 4ml
FloraBloom - 4ml
CalMag Plus 8ml
KoolBloom 4ml


Elemental PPM breakdown.


Here for fun, I mangled some numbers and ingredients - just for comparison - not making any suggestions, just sharing tech breakdowns.

I’m rusty with GH, ran it a few years ago. Worked great.
Let me know if you want a spreadsheet to what-if mangle for yourself.
Just change the values across the top.

Last techno bomb on your thread - hope of some help. :peace:


I am noticing, that if I fill the reservoir too full… a LOT of moisture is getting wicked up into the cloth pot. So much that the bottom of the pot feels really wet and heavy.

Not sure if regular octopots do this also?
@Papalag, have you noticed this before?

Maybe it is caused by the clay pellets i put in the net pot?
So far, It doesn’t seem to be hurting anything, but constantly having its feet wet like that could cause some root problems for the plant.

I need to start letting it dry fully out, and then only filling the res to the point where the net pot just barely touches the water.


The bottom few inches maybe 3 is wet then tapers off as you got up the bag

The Octopots people do not recommend using clay balls
The soil is the wick

Let’s see how they do

I would try 1 res fill 1 res 1/2 full

I always let them empty between filling
