Mith's 2x4 tent

Being tall, good teeth


Shit that rules me out .



The only thing thats asked is to credit rocket/royalflush if you breed with it…


Lmao that’s what I needed thank you for the good vibes and I’m definitely out to @ShiskaberrySavior LoL … :sunglasses:

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Well that definitely can happen not sure when I’d run them but sounds like something a guy should try sounds good .


What im growing is somewhat of a mystery, I dont know for sure at this point…

It would seem the ones i have are older than alice inception
Good news is alice has pretty distinctive traits, and the breeder is around, in any case, that should help confirm/invalidate this option.

Im still juggling a few ideas…
But for now i can live with a little mystery. Plants look good and the stem rub has a oldschool vibe.


Do most of the HP strains finish up pretty quick in flower or just depends?.. and I have da da da da da inspector gadget ready to help out inspector-gadget-cartoon lol

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The newer they are the longer they flower type of thing lol.

The old hp line is plenty quick, as seedmakers (sensi lost p1 etc) reworked the line they lost the quickness.

In private breeders hands, they could be anything…
Like im doing with sour strawberry, i kept a rare longer flowering m/f pair and will breed for a 10-11 weeks sub line


It also seems like the only way to get the old original is with clones that are hoardedor coveted by a a handful of people at least the info mostly goes back to that and what is the “Purest Indica” when they refer to it , the NL?. Okay I getcha thank you

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Im not aware of anyone who kept a hpxnl clone since 88 or so, or even preserved the original line like with 88g13hp…

Coastal seeds had hpxnl for sale or freebies for a while for example. (Id guess they are not the 88 batch, probably older sensi? But i dont know/didnt check)

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Not the swiftest when it comes to the strains and lineage of them but I appreciate it and I used to wonder what the 88 was for and it’s just a bummer it was never preserved but hopefully it will be a good representation TBD

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2 days after transplant some had roots coming out the bottom and sides of the pots.

I was checking out the 88g13hp runt, it isnt doing much growing haha. Turns out it self topped.


I once FIMed a plant and it looked like it was stalled out but really I think it’s because the growth was being equally divided between the 5 tops so it just looked slow :+1:


Top and FIM are high stress training methods and can stun plants, some a couple days, others for much longer…

B1, superthrive and the like will help reduce stress duration and/or gravity.

[Insert boron joke here]


Now would be the time to take cuts… problem is, I don’t know if I want to, at all. Eh?

Of course im overthinking it.

Clone everything (resources, time/maintenance, becomes a project)
Clone select strains (half a job, could miss a keeper)
Clone select individuals (based on appearance, luck, participation trophy method)
No clones+reveg (the worst/last option)
Grow for smoke (naaaahhhh)


By process of elimination…
Strawberry skunk, no need for clones… I still have seeds and hold the mother cut…
no clones, will f2, reveg if something spectacular pops up

Koh Tao, fun experiment but highly impractical for my climate and general style of growing…
I’ll try to hit my melon ls cut with some Thai pollen…
no clones, will live through crosses

Hp x nl, even though I have 12 more seeds, I’d like to keep females around (and some pollen :wink:)
(Hp x nl) x (ssk x sk) here’s my polyhybrid contribution!
Clone all, cull male cuts

88g13hp, this ones a no brainer. I’m looking for a partner to cross to my sour strawberry #12 cut and make “strawberry hashplant”. F1 will be regular, and eventually feminized to grow from seeds outdoors.
Clone all, keep all

Bing bang boom


Tomorrow, a full week will have passed since transplant. You know what that means?

Flip day 0 !

Ill flip flop the two flowering tents so that temperature stay constant.

If someone wants me to make a cross i didnt plan for, nows the time :wink:

From seeds
Hp x nl
Strawberry skunk
Koh tao

Skunk A
Melon lifesaver

Stored pollen
Skunk mix
SS 11 14 20

Rip 🥲
Lemon lifesaver
Ssk20 “pretty bastard”


The diy tent creates a nicely hot and very humid climate. Got here and the door is dripping, hahaha.

Even though they were all transplanted in half strength super soil a week ago, I think they are getting hungry (??) already. So I’ll feed them full strength canna nutrients around light switch in a couple hours.

Frankly, for being under t5s I am impressed :sunglasses:
Can’t wait to run some outdoors and under hid !


Nice I think it’s a great setup and I have some new pictures of the big girl who’s starting to get a nice sweet stem rub and still diesel aroma but it’s getting a lot more sweet starting week 4 of flower in a few days but it’s getting pretty nice :+1:t2:

stupid camera flash is going nuts but it’s filling in



Thats a good xray man, hahah

She looks good! I can see she’s starting to frost up.

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It’s definitely starting to get frosty and the top crown leaves are dusted and I have 2 more 2ft 80w LED lights and then the 3 t-8 4ft tubes and I can’t wait to see the difference and is it a bad idea to introduce more light when the plants been under different light intensity?.. really excited about the upcoming creations to come!

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