Mith's 2x4 tent

Started the day with a sour melon octane drink, tastes like ass.

Skunk A has 14/18 poking out the dirt after 1 or 2 days… Can’t remember haha. Each week is like one long day it seems…

Skunk B has 5/8

Melon lifesaver is pushing some nice side branches and is about to get chopped into cuts.
The second one will get shaped into a bonsai and introduced to the mom lineup

At least one skunks cut is starting to grow 5 finger leaves, and that make me very happy.

Once that done I’m off to the chain seed packing station for a few hours.


That’s a lot of skunks you got there hope you don’t that special lady!!

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Thanks. The cut I keep certainly is the one to beat. To add variability I have 26 skunks from various generations from different mothers that I’ll open pollinate.

Selfing the cut is also very important. I fear I may lose the clone eventually due to it being very challenging to grow and keep healthy… to give you an idea… simply taking a clone will stress that shoot enough for it to grow all funky/start flowering.

I’m hoping to find a plant with even more skunk but easier to grow…


Yes gotta find the Pheno that deals well with stress and other trait your looking for! It’s definitely a lot of work.

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First of 3 C99 ladies to be knocked up with some oger99 x C+ pollen. Both her sisters will get it tomorrow.

This is the shortest of the 3. Got a short, medium and tall pheno. Lol


Good pop :slightly_smiling_face: you get to see the 3 main types without growing too many.

I definitely remember the one I kept was on the shorter side and loved to branch out in a vertical setup.

Old picture, the two on the left are my c99 bx1 keeper.


Cool bud. Thanks for the info.

Here’s the medium size girl. She’s looking a little shy because she just got knocked up! :joy:


F-king hell, I wasn’t ready for that comment :rofl::rofl:

Man, you definitely grow them right, look at that frosting.


Lol thanks. Hopefully I can keep them straight. Only in 2 gallon pots that have organic soil I mixed up.

I’ll post an update in a few weeks.

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I took about 20 clones from the few revegging skunk “A” mothers last night and that felt good.

Melon skunk feminized
Skunk s1
There’s a few cherry whites in there, so cherry skunk fem is a possibility…

Skunk A reversed could be the only pollen flying this round, unless I can find a good male in the 26 f2s I got going. Which is less than certain.

Top floor would be crosses and s1
Bottom floor would be the f2 open pollination.

I wanted to 1:1 the two long flowering sour strawberry but am afraid to contaminate the skunk line, which would be a disaster.


One thing I noticed right away when growing my old skunk is the capitate sessile trichome production. When I first looked into these stalkless trichomes I quickly found out they weren’t psychoactive and thought well WTH purpose do you serve? Then read about how they can enhance aroma and flavor, ok interesting…

This morning with my morning coffee I read that they can be CBC rich, cannabichromene baby.

With the quest for high thc and cbd strains these compounds are now rarer than ever.

CBC amongst other fascinating things is known for

Brain Cell Development

Astroglia are star-shaped brain cells that provide nutrients to nerve tissue, help the brain repair itself after a trauma, maintain the extracellular ion balance, as well as support the cells that make up the blood-brain barrier.

Researchers have found that cannabichromene has a positive effect on the neural stem/progenitor cells that transform into cells such as astroglia, neurons, and others. This development of new brain cells, known as neurogenesis, is essential to brain function and health.

Well shit, let’s try to breed FOR this.


I need me some CBC @Mithridate. My noodle got overcooked a bit and needs a reset lol. Very interested in this for future projects.



I was already very interested in the enhanced aroma thinking it may be one of the secrets to skunk…

But now, NOW we talking :wink:

Luckily, sessile trichome is an easily observable trait so in theory it should be something even a knucklehead like myself can pull off lol


Gonna have to start scout those trichs from early flower now to try to find this trait


I had a strain called washing machine I grew a few runs back, one of its parents was exodus cheese. Stinkiest plant I have ever grown but nearly all the trichome stalks had no head on them. I don’t have the plant anymore but very interesting info Mith.




A bunch of my plants are acting up since I switched to canna, needs a little adjustment hah

And my orange#10 cut may be gone, she spontaneously combusted…


As soon as I regain control of this punk deficiency, it’s flip time for melon lifesaver, skunk A, ssk12, ssk1, lemon lifesaver, cherry white and orange1. All will get hit with reversed skunk A pollen.

My only regret is to not have started a dozen strawberry skunks due to lack of space(im not yet immune to that apparently). A perfect opportunity to make strawberry skunks bx, missed.

Giant strides baby.


OK, deficiency is (I think) under control so I went ahead and transplanted the skunk f2s to 5" pots.
Out of 24 f2s I hope I have at least one male, they’re as rare as hens teeth.

Then, I trained the melon lifesaver and sour strawberry1 as they are way too big. I just bent the branches down and outwards using bend-a-bitch™️ rubberized wire. Once they begin to stretch, I’ll crush the stems to create a knuckle so they grow upwards. Luckily ss1 doesn’t stretch much, but I might have to cut or twist the melon LS in a spiral.

I also transplanted the 15 skunk A cuts that rooted. On top of that there’s 6 or 9 revegged skunk A moms…

I’m about ready to flip the top shelf. All I need to figure out is how many skunk A do I need/want on each shelf, how many do I reverse etc.
It’s a matter of staring at the tent for a good hour, and it’ll be done lol.

pictures later.


I still have to take cuts from a couple things, but I’m out of space…
A 2x 4 x 3 tent to sit on top of this 2 x 4 is looking better and better, I’ll buy one on Monday or Tuesday :upside_down_face:

I just snapped a sour strawberry 12 in half… let’s try to root an 8" top hah


Are you using a diy shelf? Looking good otherwise.