Mith's 2x4 tent

Yeah, pure diy. It’s not pretty but it works :laughing:

I’m not satisfied about how they look… it’s collateral damage from running 50 different plants in small pots with different needs…

I sometimes miss monocropping thats for sure. That’ll come back when I find a melon skunk keeper and then I got something special in store I’ll journal on og :wink:


Quick update.

So I flipped everything and sprayed sts on 3 teen skunk A. Now we wait.

I won’t keep males from the cherry white. The only pollen flying will be from skunks and I’m pollinating EVERYTHING.



Melon lifesaver tied like a roast lol

Sour strawberry1 - she looks a little dense, once she stretches a bit it should be just right…

One more thing.
This skunk cut is INSANELY cunty - any stress and she’ll try to flower, then unless babied she gets stuck in a perpetual reveg state… and oftentimes only 1/4 will reveg properly…

One question I had regarding these kind of insufferable ladies - can you reverse them properly when they’re in this time loop of fucked growth…

The three teens I used sts on look like this.

Plan b is to reverse some of the 15 skunk cuts I got…

Obviously I want to make a maximum of s1 and “f2” to find an easier one to grow… yeah they’re not all like that :expressionless:


I might be exaggerating a wee bit, admittedly my soil game is trash :grimacing: but I’m a stubborn mofo.

Anyway. Hah

The reversed skunk As are doing OK, I can see the first signs of balls forming. Good stuff.

Surprisingly, the 10" top of sour strawberry 12 I snapped rooted vigorously, already filled a solo cup and ready for transplant.

I almost killed my precious #20 ssk male, took emergency cuts which died… but the dude in a 6" pot is making a come back.

I’m down to 2 cherry whites, I culled the males.

Then, uh… the skunk f2s are stretching, smells are following what’s to be expected, about 10% are what I want. Good news, I have at least one male. Well male for now… lol.

Out of 28 skunks there is one absolute giant, 3x as tall as any other… very strange. I still have to take proper notes but from memory it’s a sweet-ish freak.

Now… I don’t know for sure how ill go about it with the skunks… op is step1.

No pics. Get used to it. :wink: when ill go 100% there won’t be no pics. Cheers





Hahaha, the pictures thing, you know I don’t mean that :sweat_smile::rofl: trololol


Skunk tray #1

Runt hiding in tray1 :joy:

Skunk tray#2

Skunk tray #3

Possible male Skunk, I think I can see 1 or 2 pistils though…

Melon lifesaver 1

Melon lifesaver 2

Sour strawberry 1

Sour strawberry 12

Sour strawberry snapped top rooted

Melon lifesaver cuts

Not pictured: 3x TNR, 3x cherry white, 16x Skunk “A” cuts, orange 1, more Sour strawberry, 5x chem91 x bg x deadzone, 5x monster banner etc I’m sure I forgot a few.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Looking freaking great there bruv!

:fist_right: :fist_left:


Hahah, oh you :rofl:

I’ll show the rest tomorrow, I have to take care of something else before I fall asleep lol

Thanks for the compliment, I’m struggling to keep everything happy honestly… I can’t figure it out, I’ll hit the plant diagnosis thread tomorrow. I need help man.


It’s the season i’m sure. You got this, just keep at it and you’ll find their equilibrium. A swing one way often comes back so long as you’re being proactive :+1:

I’m going to eventually print this large scale and laminated but for now I just double check this image every now and then when needed:

It’s too big of a file for OG so the link provides. :hugs:


My skunk cut reversal failed to drop pollen, that means a bunch of crosses and cut s1 didn’t happen. As to not waste a tent full of skunks, I open pollinated the whole thing. Nice.

Clones clones sexy clones. I still hold multiple self found keepers, some never shown.

I have reached the dreaded moment where I stop divulging what’s growing in here and what’s being crossed to what.

For this run I went with water only nerdganics, wish me luck.
6 strains have hit the towels.
12x weed1
12x weed2
15x weed3
5x weed4
5x weed5

Cuts 1,2,3,4,5 etc.

This is the last time I’m going to flower plants in this 4x2 tent for a while, I need more room to play. I’m turning it to a backup clone tent…

That means after this run I’m going to f off and who knows, I might start a new account and show off :kissing_heart:



To set the amount of alcohol in wine we weight the sugar carefully.
Some skunks go through a sugar stage.

You have to think outside the box (of wine :wink:)


The runt in the second pic ended up being a keeper.

She’s slow, really slow growing. Most importantly, she’s a match for my skunk cut. They are not the same, they would beautifully complement each other, possibly :thinking:

I thought 100 times about culling it, she didn’t budge for weeks. I’m happy I kept her.

@Alaskagrown RUNT WINS AGAIN MY FRIEND :man_dancing:


My cuts are looking better everyday since I transplanted them in nerdganics. Yes even the skunk. Damn.

I decided against starting 100 seeds and to focus on 3 strains to maintain a semblance of control. I got 12/12, 12/12 and 15/15 and everybody is in 3" pots now.

There are still a bunch of skunks to shuck, not a huge haul but at least i manage to refresh this batch, this skunk line went from endangered to safe. :v:


Most are up

As you can see, some stretched more than others, ill tag the ones that stayed short for dataset and ill go agead and raise the trays right under the lights.



Newest addition. These will get tall. How tall? We’ll find out.

Sour strawberry #12 cut

I used premixed water only soil and cut it by about half with promix hp as per the hydro shop guy instruction. So far so good, almost boring lol.


Today im making a diy 2x4x3 tent to put on top of my 2x4 :slightly_smiling_face:

I had spotted one for 80$ locally on a hydro shop website, well they dont have it. They had a similar one for 200$.

200$ for a baby tent?! Lets make one for 50$ hah


I am back from shopping around!

I must say, i failed this 50$ tent challenge miserably, FOR NOW.

I ended up buying threaded iron tubes, the ones cool people make shelves and tables out of. Way over budget, but its modular. Ultimately itll be a coffee table. Right now its doing to be a tent lol

My first idea was to use 1/2" pex pipes and put bamboo sticks in them for some added strength. Well, without fittings, pipes only, i was at 92$ tax in! Wow.

I looked at rubberized garden stakes, they are made of metal and are quite sturdy, plus they are under 1$ a linear foot. But being 5/8" i couldnt find the right fittings, and im not interested in modifying/bending/milling those. It has to be easily reproducible.

Under 50$… just when I thought i was out of ideas it hit me. There is something mass produced thats way cheap and sturdy.

Metal broom sticks! 4ft long, 3/4" thick. I found some at 1.75$ each, with a few fittings, it puts me at 18$ for the frame.

To be continued…


1/2 emt tubing has been my ghetto tent pole of choice forever.


In the US those are 6.28 per 10ft, here in canada its 26.18 per 10ft 🥲

Id need 5, for 130$ before tax (15%)

It is more challenging than i had originally thought, hah

50 CAD is 12 cents US :joy: