Mith's 2x4 tent

I would’ve if I had the space and hopefully the BMR seeds will be able to make it a success and he has the other 6 and trust me I wish I could of grown up and collected pollen from it and I’ll get there but I have confidence in Doug and this one upcoming!.. still can’t get over the size of the fan leaves!!


That plant looks good :ok_hand:

And hey i just spotted something haha

She has double serrated leaves on the bottom, cool stuff.


DAMN that’s pretty cool LoL I’ve got horrible eyes and it’s in a pot that’s just under a gallon and a half but definitely interesting! Now I can’t not notice it and it seems like it’s every other node it’s showing on the leaves and just curious if it’s an indicator of the pheno or just something that can occur in most strains or crosses I’ve never had it before but LoL good to get other :eyes: on it and I vegged for 56 days but the next time I’ll have the 4 hlux LED lights instead of the 4 T-8s 4ft LED tubes so it’s going to be a big difference super stoked about it but I’m so used to my phototron with side lighting so it’s been a little learning curve with just top lighting and it’s just frustrating trying to figure out how close to put the lights. Just gonna take a few grows but I’ll get it down and I will hopefully beginning to learn more about collecting pollen and trying to dust some branches but it’s a long term goal for the end of this year’s grow season so I will be having some new experiences with Growing and being a productive part of the Community again with time and patience


I still hadnt got a good look at the 4$ door i bought, until now. Just looking at it i can tell its going to be a POS to install hah :grimacing:


I considered a few ways to do the reflective cover, and building the bottom tray and top piece first seemed like a manageable way to do it.

First i put the frame on a 5x3 piece of black and white and trace the outside with a sharpie. (I moved the frame so we can see the line :wink:)

Then i apply tape on both sides of the sharpie line. This serves a dual purpose, first to give the b/w some body and make it easier to work with, and second, it will reinforce where frame sits once folded

I trace a diagonal from the corner as well extend each of the sides line

Bring 1 to 3, put a piece of tape on the inside to hold it
i take 2, and fold it behind, its hard to see in the picture. Repeat for each corner.

Fit test, not bad.

Then, i go back, and tighten each corner. Remove the frame and tape all around the base and corners permanently.
Dont worry about any wrinkles and such, once all sides are done, ill heat the b/w with a blow dryer and make it smooth :wink:

Now the sides…


I ran out of tape ! Lol

Anyway, this is where im at

I folded the exess b/w from the bottom tray back onto itself thinking it would somehow be better. It leaves a white trim on the lower outside of the tent which make it look sloppy. Plus the double layer makes it impossible to tighten the tarp, it slides loose.

Just updating as i go.
Trust the process :grin:


MacGyver skills at there finest and I will be interested in the final product…so how much are you going to charge for them after the prototype is complete :sunglasses: and I would be going bonkers but I’m now your 6’1" 190lb cheerleader and may you be blessed with the power of MacGyvering and I trust the process!

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Haha thanks doc.

This is meant to be something accessible and easy to build for cheap. I went with a 4x2 but a smaller tent 2x2 or 2x3 could be built for a handful of change.

One thing leads to another :upside_down_face:
I looked for bulk 600d tent material to see how cheap i could make small tents (to flower a male, or keep a mom etc)
Well they wouldnt cost much!

The real Macgyver stuff is what ive been working on in silence :yum:
After youve been growing for a while, it becomes routinely… so you might start to put strict rules to try to push yourself ie how efficient can you be, can you produce a pound for 4.50$, small or big…

This is what i put all by brainz into.
The challenge is to produce 100 pounds per run in a 15x15 room using only 5kw of lights😂

Impossible? But is it?


I love it especially when I had to eliminate that BMR male but I just didn’t want to have pollen everywhere on the first time growing in the new room but I was still bummed but I have been trying to figure out how to isolate a male in the space I have available so I’m intrigued for real and I have sat down and set certain goals for myself by the end of the grow season and I officially have every obligation in the mail and 3 left that I have to get some more stamps for and it honestly feels like a F’ing mountain is off my back but it’s just the start but I am also keeping at least another dozen of them NL HP just in case they’re needed. And I can’t wait for this plant to show sex and does BOG gear take longer to show sex , supposedly I was told?

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Its mostly a sour bubble/crosses thing. They show sex just fine when you flip them, but take forever or simply wont show in veg.

And welcome back🤙

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OMG :heart_eyes: it’s a GIRL! Got lights on and it’s got nice white pistils coming out from the preflowers closest to the top and the top basket (my lingo LoL is showing them and it’s a week tomorrow since I flipped them to 13off 11on and after the first 7-10 days I’ll go to 12/12 just trying something that my Old Man did and the smaller Blue Tara is getting removed it’s got something going on with the soil and I don’t want anything else in there with the plants and it’s a break in grow but I will wait until after the weekend to be sure and sorry just took some dabs of MotorBreath 15 live resin(87%thc2.3%cbd) and I just got my dome blown up :woozy_face:and then saw the female parts :relaxed: LoL and I am so happy and stoked n it’s about growing! Really interested in what pheno will show up more and I’ll keep you updated and hopefully with a little input I’ll be able to get you a decent report for the whole grow cause it’s been documented and I still do old school handwritten journals aka my precious so TTY later hope the little ones keep chugging along Happy GROWING The Doc

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I thought id get flamed for my 100 pounds comment. Hah

On with the show :yum:

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I backtracked a bit, removed the sides and cut the excess panda film at the bottom. Then i put the sides back on one at a time doing my best to fix it in place tightly.

The sides overlad, so i taped the inside joints with white tape and the outside ones with black tape.

Then ran out of said tape. Again. Lol.
I bought small rolls, 7.6 yards. I used 3 and will probably need 2 more…

Heres what the tent look like pre heating (and taping the top part)

Im not sure if I should blow dry it now or install the door first.

A few things to note… the original design called for less panda film than i actually used. I went for overlaps on each panel for stronger joints.

I also used a lot more tape than i thought id need(lol), so the cost is closer to 60$


For some reason my blow dryer doesnt make the tarp shrink :thinking: maybe its not hot enough…

I remember partitioning rooms with panda and torching the walls with a propane torch to remove the folds etc

Any idea ?


Maybe a heatgun? They get hotter than a blow dryer. Should be less dangerous than an open flame


Hp x nl
These arent loud, and i dont think they are supposed to be. They smell like high quality hash. They got taller and leaves are a bit slimmer than i expected.

The legend. Never had the pleasure…
a couple are real smelly. Half have the same stance, then 2 mutants, 1 runt and 3 taller with smaller leaves. I can already tell I’ll play around with these for a bit :wink:

Left:Koh tao thai right:melon ls reveg +1skunk
5/7 koh tao are quite squat, 2 are much taller.
Faint smell of peppery purple
Koh tao + reveg feb14
Strawberry skunk
First test grow.
I can see some leaning toward either parent. Im keeping an open mind but ultimately a 50/50 mix is the goal. The gems will be found in the f2s.

Melon LS and other of various sizes

Skunk cut back to 5 fingers leaves

At this stage with the seedlings, i like to take a good whiff out of each of them. The goal is to spot the ones that come out the egg stanking, but also to keep training my nose, to identify, categorize and watch each element evolve.


Ps: oh the crosses possibily :face_with_monocle:


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

Everyone is happy.

Most were starting to look a bit sad, so i flushed them with strong nutes and bing bang they exploded. Side branches are taking off too.
If all goes well, in 2 weeks i should be able to take a cut of each and flip!

I have to remind myself to watch for dehydration, tent runs a little hot. Last night i checked on them for the heck of it and a few were limp.

Melon lifesaver x 88g13hp
Sour strawberry12 x 88g13hp
Skunk x 88g13hp
How do those sound? :sunglasses:

Also a simple 88g13hp and hp x nl seed increase is in order. Im still not sure what to do with the strawberry skunk… i want to go to f2 but also dont want to have too many pollen sources. We’ll see.


Damn that’s a good looking group of little ones and I just love the sound of…well all 3 LoL Melon lifesaver x 88g13hp
Sour strawberry12 x 88g13hp
Skunk x 88g13hp
And I can’t wait to see what becomes of this one! And here’s a shot of my Melon Lifesaver x Sour Strawberry starting week 3 of flower on Tuesday and I have a mellow aroma of kinda gassy with some sweet smell (not sweet fruit) I’m horrible at describing them and we need smell-o-vision LoL so Day 18 for flower and I vegged it for 56 days (Day 74 overall)

looking forward to seeing how things progress but IMO this is one stable, great structure and healthy cross and I have one of 2 cuttings from her starting to get some White bumps! So I just might be able to keep this pheno going :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2: ! Also I do have another 10 NL x HP that I originally set aside just in case :wink:so there if needed & wow-oh-my just thinking about those potential X’s! I know that I’m not gonna have a big yield but I’m adding in my 4 2ft hlux LED lights and 2 are in there for the rest of flower and it’s already starting making a difference in the size of the main cola and I will hopefully get a nice chunky cola Happy Growing n creating @Mithridate


Yeah under low light levels its hard to get them to yield! Usually, tops the size of 2 fingers under t5 translates to tops the size of a 1k hps bulb outdoors or under 1ks :yum:

The melon lifesaver by itself is slow to initiate flowering, i think yours is leaning toward the melon so its on par for 18 days id say.

Sweet and gassy sounds good to me haha

Here is a current pic of the melon LS mom and a cut


Outside she was much leafier. Its hard to tell from the pic above but she can stack nodes and produce nice buds.

I dont think ill need more hp x nl, im growing 12 now to check em out, ill open pollinate and keep cuts to eventually grow my remaining 12 and OP the 2 batches. Of course the more the merrier but i dont think i can fit them in with everything else on my dreaded schedule lol

Thank you for offering though :pray:


@Mithridate don’t know how I have missed this thread up until now but very impressive you got all this going on in a 2x4.
I’ll be watching and taking notes