Mith's 2x4 tent

Thank you.

I must admit, ive been doing these mini runs for years and to this day everytime i open the door im like “how?” :laughing:

But in the end, i make it work!


:man_facepalming:t2:duh LoL I forgot that you have more LoL but it’s just pretty cool to get a chance to see them seeds growing up, didn’t make them but still an uplifting vibe and I was wondering if you’d recommend snipping the bottom set probably popcorn preflowers and I have been growing up Auto’s for a little more than a year and I know that during flower it’s not recommended to trim and I just didn’t know if BOGs would be alright n take away the suckers lol but I didn’t wanna wait to long especially when the stretch seems to be done and I also have another 2ft hlux light but didn’t know if it would stress it cause it’s in flower but I can easily put it up if it’d help her out and it’s brighter than the 3 4ft t-8 LED lights lol actual grow light LoL sorry for the newbie questions and it’s definitely liking it since I raised it to 26 inches away from the LEDs instead of 34-36" but I actually got a smell somewhat right now I’m ready to see what the older Skunk 1 x Lifesavers cross is like but I really want to try the Sour Bubble or Sour Boggle (got a pack of last year around 4/20 )! And is Sour Blu Tooth Jr’s work or BOG Sr and jr’s work together(always seems to be available on shn) just been doing some research on strains and deciding on which one to try in numbers first rambling my bad


I bet you would do great in a 1’ cube competition. Very impressive Bruh.


When i grow smaller plants its mostly for making seeds. In that case i leave them on, theyll still take seed and ripen, albeit much slower.

For smoke, id remove the bottom flimsy needle branches, they wont produce anything but weightless fluff. Then try to figure out how much penetration your light gets, add a few inches and everything under that line can go.

I never used leds. With t5s for exemple, i know they have about a 12" penetration where growth will be nice and chunky, then from 12-16" it gets worse. I keep the top 15-16" and clean the rest.

About the trim timing, the needle branches are easy to identify pre stretch so i cut those early on. Then once in flower and stretch in well on its way, i like to remove branches that didnt reach “the zone”. Sometime a lower branch will reach for the light and make it into the strong enough light, i will keep the top couple nodes and clean the rest of the branch.

A little trick to help plants reach optimum shape in these small setups is to cut the crown of fan leaves up the top shoots. It will slow down the top shoot and while it builds its fans back the sides can catch up.

Hope this helps


Exemple on a ssk12

From a top view, remove the crown of fans, tagged by the blue x’s here. Its a small plant so theres only 2 haha

Leaving you with this.

Its one of the tricks to achieving a leveled canopy :sunglasses:


Yeah i dont know if id perform well in a 1’ cube. It is tight! But it does sound like a fun challenge.

Once upon a time, i lurked on a micro grow sub forum. Dudes are growing in a pc or a speaker and pulling really nice buds. I found it fascinating, still do really :slightly_smiling_face:


Sounds right up you alley. I think there was/is a guy on ICRag thst is called Blink that does micro grows. Vet impresdive to me. Pretty cool

In a way that is like the phototron and my Dad used to use an old emptied out a marshall 4x12 sub box and then got the phototron a few years later on but he was always telling me about it lol! And it’s kinda like fimming almost right or completely different, but I think it makes total sense and I understand what you mean cause you want the nodes to get closer together as it flowers and grows up and that girl is getting thirsty and needs to get some food but it’s looking good thanks for the info and tips have a good evening and I look forward to seeing how things go with the grow!

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So I decided to go for it and it’s really liking the hair cut up top 2 fans and half of another one but before

and after 2 days later preflowers are double in width and getting some good smells and the stem rub is getting sweeter but it’s not lemon more sweet but still very gas/diesel smell AMAZING :star_struck: after the canopy got thinned out thanks for the advice and tips @Mithridate I’m really ready to see her fill out now hopefully! Wwhat’s the average flower time for the strains indoors!?.. how’s it going with your new setup are they all liking the new digs?


Looking good doc.

So the melon LS need about 80 days and the sour strawberry male was quick, its the same pheno as the ss1 female, around 55 days.

Hard to tell how long yours will go, my best guess is 60 something days haha.

I still havent installed the door on the new tent, ive been slacking lol! So its sitting empty for now, ill only need the room once i transplant from 3" to 6" pots.

One of the koh tao thai smell like bio peanut butter on a stem rub, never smelled a plant with that smell i must say.
Its making me miss my banana lifesaver male now lol


6 days ago


I think theyre ready to be transplanted to 6". Once I shake off my laziness, it’ll get done :upside_down_face:


That’s me every day now. Guess I’m getting old because I never used to be that way.


That’s very nice work and all looking happy and is the NL x HP doing good and I just want ur honest opinion on them but I love how you have the seedling setup and do you usually transplant twice with photo seeds and I have been trying to transplant before Flipping to flower and I have been only transplanting from seedling starter cups and into the pot I have grown the whole grow and just curious if you think it’s a good practice to up pot before flower? And I can’t wait to see what you make with the awesome strains!


Well… I’m 32, am I doomed ? Hahah
It’s mostly a weekend thing for me, after a week of work I allow myself to do f all for a few hours, time well wasted lol.


You’re not like that every day, are you? Besides, based on what I’ve seen you accomplish just on these few pages of the internet, I’m comfortable declaring that you are not in fact doomed.


Well put @middleman and I complained about transplanting 4 plants LoL

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The hp x nl are doing good! On par with the other trays. I just finished watering them and gave them a stem rub out of curiosity, I can detect some of the same notes as the 88g13hp which is encouraging.

They are a tad taller than I expected but then I only know so much about them, 2 are squat with thick stalks. One of the taller ones have a mango kind of tropical thing going on. I think I read that its one of the better phenos (?) I’m not entirely sure though.

So far so good :+1:


I have this thing where I’m efficient at everything… so I get plenty of free time, but I also get bored easily. While I know it’s a gift to be able to gogogo, I also learned its OK to stop and smell the roses :wink:


Missed the other questions.

In the mini setup I usually start seeds in 3" pots, and transplant once directly to their final pots, 6".

For bigger plants, I know many like to transplant in multiple steps, and there are a couple advantages to that. Personally, I find transplant to be a chore so I start in 6" and uppot to 5gallons without intermediate sizes. I will be careful not to drench the 5gal the first week or two to give the roots time to explore and conquer their new habitat hehe

I try to give a week of rest between transplant and flip for 2 main reasons, first to let any stress incurred during the operation to dissipate and dos to let roots fill the pot.

There are exceptions, like freakishly tall sativas. With those, if you want to keep them manageable, you’ll want to keep them in smaller pots all through veg and stretch, and only when most of the stretch is done, transplant to a bigger pot.

The root restrictions will limit the stretch, and transplant will allow flowers to fill as much as they can.


After the lights come on later today I have to get some pictures cause it’s doing what you said about the slowing down the vertical growth and tightening up the node space and it’s filling up with flower all around the top ⅓rd now and I have 6 nice preflowers that are all even with the height of growth and I would of NEVER cut leaves off the top of the plant so it’s just nice having a great piece of advice to put in my growing bag of growing tips & tricks and I was just reading about them and it says that NL 1 had more stretch than NL 2 or 5 does and HOLY SCHNIKES they’re only supposed to be a 45-60 days in flower I didn’t know they’re a “fast photo” but it’s a cool thing to get thr chance to see seeds growing up from a swap or hey partial swap​:thinking::crazy_face: just messing around with ya DUDE! And I will be using a 2 gallon pot for the transplant so I am going to stick with what I have been doing because it’s been working for me and slowly start adding some nutrients or supplements like calmag, osmocote and I have been looking for a flower booster and have this

and I have 2 cuttings already rooting!!.. getting excited about growing up and not consumed by seeds seeds Seeds!