Mith's 2x4 tent

Happy to help !

Nl1 is the squat greasy type :wink:
From royalflush. He spent a lot of time piecing the nl storyline back together and to me he is the most knowledgeable.
“NL#1 is actually the most indica
NL#2 has the hindu kush look
NL#5 has more of the NLD look in her”

About the fast flowering and stretch, the original the seed bank hp x nl f1 were fast, then reproductions would vary, all the way to what sensi is selling now that can flower 80+ days.
Same thing with g13xhp

Private repros stand somewhere between the 2 ends hehe.

I thought you had given up the trade because you felt bad about how it went down. :wink:
Like I told you months back, even with the delays. I will still honor the trade and send you an original BOG pack.
Of course, with 6 months between the original trade talk and me receiving them, it surely raised a few questions on my end and I’d like to flip them before moving forward just in case it’s a cookie cross :crazy_face:


Absolutely I was just messing with you and I was literally just doing some more research on them too! From the 1989 Seed bank catalogue .
NL #5 x NL #2 , G13 x NL#2 , Hawaiian Indica x NL#1 , Hash Plant x NL#1,NL#2 F [3] NL#5 x Hz, Hash Plant / NL#1 x SwaziNevil said
Kush 4, I crossed with NL2(which had the same Kush smell) and this Kush Hybrid is the foundation of todays Kush lines.
He also said this which may be helpful
When I first got the NL varieties, there were 8 types, 1-8.
They came with descriptions, which I published in my catalogue. These descriptions may not correlate with what later developed. The original intention was to purchase seeds from the US NL growers. It didn’t work out and supply dried up. I kept the lines separate and inbred them. NL1 and NL2 stabilised into distinct types and NL5 only produced one unique individual.
NL1 was a full blood Afghan indica. One thick main stem, dark green leaves, modest yield with nuggety buds, a little coarse with good resin production, which when ripe went golden. The high was narcotic. The seeds ranged from tiny to massive. I used to love the big ones. Large fat heavily and darkly mottled seeds. Selecting for these seeds made this Afghan even coarser. It was fun to show people these seeds.
The best line of NL1 actually came from the smaller seeded types, better high and bud structure.
There weren’t many pure indica lines around in those days. Big Bud, Hash Plant and G13 were pure indicas in my estimation, but were cuttings. NL1 was the only good pure Afghani male line I had.( there was Sams Afghani#1, but that was toxic in a bad way) The NL2 was a Kush.
I put the NL1 out there but sold it to a company that was called Northern Lights Crew and it’s from a old site that is mostly people arguing about the difference between NL 1,2&5 and then the quote from Neville is from his story about aquiring it in Holland and never sent the NL to the states originally but yours is probably better info but I am considering dropping a few but I am gonna wait until you flip them and if you are doing an increase than I’d rather hold on to some original seeds but I totally understand that it’s part of how I continue to build my trust back up with u and others so thanks for always being honest with me and I hope you have a good day…u better tend to your little kiddos before they get upset :sob::sunglasses: LoL and I had to mess with ya some but not like I’m strapped for seeds lol (even I can joke about it now)…let me know if you want the website I got the info from but maybe it will help you out with a little more info on them!


The northern lights 1-11 stories go deep! But quite frankly I’m not that interested in knowing all of them since I know I will never grow an original cut, or get early generation seeds.

Same with the chems, ogs, gmo and all that jazz, I know dudes with the cuts, and they won’t share. Then some heard of my skunk and other self found cuts and now they want to trade.

Hah! No. Keep your “ELiTez” boys.

Info on hp x nl seem to be hard to find, little pieces can be found here and there, no full picture.

I’m curious what the hpnl was logged as in the note book? 2013 repro? If you don’t mind of course.


Just finished mixing some dirt

it’s basically 50% this

And 50% that

With some shrimp/Cow fudge compost and


let the uppotting begin!


Too funny!


Well they are going to be happy with that nice fresh soil giphy giphy happy transplanting


Looking good! My plants always show some love when I add fresh soil to the mix. Awesome show you’ve got going on!!! :ok_hand::+1:




First up 88g13hp.



I took #5 as an example, but it’s consistent with all of them. Also they all are hungry/lowest set of leaves started to fade.


Royalflush from IC? If so that’s me.


Bubba Kush (original cut) is a solid representation of what NL1 is supposed to look like.


Good to see you here :+1:


This is really COOL and now you’ll be able to really get some educated feedback LoL but I think they are very similar to what it describes now I’m definitely putting those other dozen aside and I look forward to seeing how things go from here! Everyone up-potted to new homes?

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Almost! Only thais left to uppot

It’s plant chaos right now, plants everywhere :joy::joy:

I still have to lower the shelf, install ventilation to the diy tent, clean everything and figure out who’s mating who. Then I put everyone on the right shelf.

Getting there :wink:


The picture with my foot in it are the hp x nl haha


Strawberry skunk

Koh Tao

The monstrosity

diy tent

Top floor will be 88g13hp + sour strawberry12, melon lifesaver and skunk A cuts

Middle will be hp x nl + thais + strawberry skunk

Bottom is for cuts

I’ll attach the door to the diy tent and call it a day.

To do list
Take cuts
Build or fix light racks


NICE DUDE! I’m loving the way it is helping you with space and I think it’s gonna be a great addition for ya all I have to say is way to bring out the MacGyver skills you have a unique one of a kind grow setup Hmmm :thinking: patent and :money_mouth_face::moneybag::dollar: LoL Happy Growing!..damn there’s some fat fan leaves on a lot of them HP x NL and I am excited to see another member who has truly experienced it so that’s pretty cool enjoy your Sunday

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Gorgeous setup! Plants look awesome!


Thanks man :pray:

Well, there are already a few options for combo tents out there.

I switch setups often so I also have other tents but they won’t fit in the corner lol


What’s the background info on your HPxNL1?

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