Mumen Ryder's Mini Tents

Nice set up. I’m only doing a few after this one. I like different flavors. But I’m digging the water growing. I know I said nice before. Nice picture.

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Same man, I like to try a bunch of strains, it’s s great part of growing. I like rockwool, but it definitely has it’s issues. I’ve tried I think every style of hydro possible, and prefer rockwool with drain to waste the most… Never grown a plant in soil though :grin:

Thanks for the kind words dude!


Thanks man. I’m sure I’m going to learn a lot from you.

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Defolation complete for now, might have to do a touch up in 3 weeks.

I try to remove any flower site that will be larfy:

I only have 100 watts in each tent, so the penetration isn’t all that.

The plants are all healthy so I’m not too worried about doing it now.

All plants have been taken to about this level of removal:


I have done it. Most of the time I cut to much. I haven’t done anything these past few runs. Nice trim.

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I honestly just have no use for popcorn nugs anymore, which is why I trim like this if my plants are healthy enough.

I used to use larf with trim to make hash, but hash is way too potent for me nowadays…

Also I find popcorn is a pain to trim, and trimming is already not super fun lol … when you only have to trim around more dense nugs, trimming doesn’t seem as bad I guess :thinking:

That’s my thinking on the issue anyways :grin:


I agree. It is a waste. Trimming is something I hate also.

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Yeah agreed. So much work for a little larf. I cut pretty much anything thats going to be too small.

The theory is that the energy that would have gone into larf will go into the big buds. I don’t even care if it’s true. Death to larf!


Larf? @Foreigner and @MumenRyder . I’m new to hash. As far as me making it. The old ways I know. But most of the time butter. I need to change it up. I’m looking around. @MumenRyder I did clones for a long time. I never did much to them. I do monster crop sometimes. I enjoy your page. I’m trying for new stuff. For years the same plants. Or what you could get. Seeds are great. I never knew you could get them like this. I seen them years ago. But everyone was against seeds. I see where that was something I missed. But not now. I love seeds.

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Seeds are great, but man I don’t like starting them :slight_smile:
Always intense waiting for them to pop…

As far as hash, the method I think that is popular is dry ice or bubble.

I did dry ice a couple times and the yields were good but it’s a pain in the ass IMO…

I also own a rosin press and used to press all my larf in that.

The thing is though, pressing rosin takes time and some resources (like the net bags you use for pressing) and it’s usually not worth it for larf.

Some people take dry ice/bubble hash and then press that into rosin for some truly amazing looking hash.

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One of the Dinamed CBD Plus has a single instance of Polyploidism :thinking:


That’s not an indicator of polyploidism, it is called fasciation… It sure makes for a funky looking bud though!


It is cool looking.

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This is weird… I started googling this and now I’m pretty sure we are stuck in some kind of loop in the space-time continuum.

I stumbled on this post from 3 years ago:

Polyploid, fasciated, whatever you want to call it. Dinamed 64F.
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The plant in the picture above is also a Dinamed… :smile:


It could be, but would require genetic testing to determine. There is some new research coming our indicating MAC1 is a triploid and effectively sterile.


Lots of exposed bud sites in tent # 1:

Same in tent # 2, but it’s less leafy:

Stretch is over, they are just budding up now.

Hopefully I can cruise these to the finish line, now that we are in the home stretch: the last 4-6 weeks.

Using about 8-9 gallons of nutrient solution in 5 days, with 1 gallon going to runoff over that period. I’m surprised it’s so much for plants being so small, but the runoff being less than 15% of what goes in is about right.


Things still going OK, sorta the “boring” part of the grow where things don’t change much.

One little bump: last week I cleaned out the rez, and when I put it all back together I forgot to do a quick test to make sure things were all working.

Plants missed about 3 watering cycles before I noticed and were bone dry… I flushed right away and run off was already at 3.0 EC, which is crazy considering I’m running .8 EC as input, and had flushed 3 days prior.

This is a real problem with small rockwool cubes like this.

This bubble gum got burnt pretty good:

Leaves are curling really hard.

What happened was that I put my ghetto 1/2 inch to 1/4 inch tubing adapter on the pump too far and it was clogged:

It’s basically a section of 1/2 inch tubing, closed with zip ties and has 2 1/4 barbed fitting sticking out.

So… After that happened I decided to replace it with this:

Plus this:

And then just leave two of the ends capped.

So here we were:

But the caps leaked like hell, because they are designed terribly.

So, I looped the 2 ends back on each other and zip tied everything:

No more leaks, everything happy.

Things are still budding up, almost no orange pistils to be found anywhere.

Tent 1:

Tent 2:


I do the same things.

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Looks amazing

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I can’t get over how much work you put into your grow.

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