Mumen Ryder's Mini Tents

It’s a bit too much LOL…

The main thing this type of setup eliminates for me personally is hand watering, which requires me to be in the grow room at specific times of day, and it also requires me to remember something everyday… which I am not great at.

Once I get this all ironed out, it shouldn’t take much to keep everything going.

On a normal week I spend about an hour in the garden total, but I think I can eventually get that down to about 30 minutes.

My next round I’ll be using 6 inch cubes instead of 4 which should eliminate some of the problems, and hopefully I wont have to flush once a week.


The Blueberry Cheesecake freebie I got from Female Seeds is a speedy one… she will be coming down this weekend at around 55 days of 12/12.

Smells like berries and has a weird earthy undertone. Hard to describe, but not a cheese smell.

She is a frosty one and if you look close you can see some purple in the buds:

Going to try curing this time in Grove Bags. My normal method is jars with humidipacks, but in theory grove bags will be a little easier… lets see.


I’m skeptical of the grow bags. Let us know how it turns out.

Looking good


A few people over at AFN swear by them.

I’ve seen you have those IKEA jars, which I would definitely try over mason jars if I end up going that route again.

One thing I like about the bags is I could maybe cure a whole plant worth in a single bag because they go up to 4 ounces.

It’s a pain to store 2-3 jars per plant because sometimes the pint jars only hold half an ounce of the fluffy stuff.


The IKEA jars really are great. A little pricey but I have very old weed that’s still at 60% humidity. Super stable.

I’m just suspicious of new things by nature but I’m looking forward to your feedback.

And you’re right, small jars are a PITA.



2 Plants came down:

  • Bubblegum #1
  • Blueberry Cheesecake

Both are 56 days after 12/12 with 21 days of veg for a total of 77 days (11 weeks from sprout).


Overall good structure, but excessively leafy… dreading the trim.

Blueberry Cheesecake:

She is heavy as heck and strong enough to hold up some pretty dense nugs. She also is super fragrant and frosty… glad I popped this one for sure. Good node spacing, average leafiness.

Removed all the fans and hung them both up like this:

Probably at least 10 days drying, 72 degrees F and about 50% humidity.

Going to use a moisture meter (not an RH meter) to see when the plant is ready to cure.

In theory, 11% moisture in the stem means it’s ready to bag.


Nice and fat. That’s great time.

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Congrats on your harvest!

Interested in your moisture meter approach. What kind of moisture meter are you using, the ones for wood?

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This is the cheaper option recommended by a rep at Grove Bags.

They are a little pricey, but if it takes the guess work out of when drying is done and it’s time to cure then I’d be good with it for sure.

Normally I test the branches “by feel”. Like if the smaller nugs on the branch just snap off, then the branch is hopefully dry enough.

This will hopefully be a little more exact… hopefully :slight_smile:


Well the plants were dry after 8 days, which is OK by me. I aim for 7-10.

The grove bags easy cure did not work out for me… more on that toward the end.

Trimming really is a breeze now with the Canna Brush. Took me about 30 minutes to trim up both plants. Could have done a better job, a great job in about 45 minutes. However… I really don’t mind my buds with a little sugar leaf on them.

Here is the Blueberry Cheesecake before and after:

Took about 15 minutes.

Just shy of 1.5 ounces:

Measured humidity with a moisture meter in the stem:

Slightly less than 11% which should have been fine:

Bagged up at 42% in a grove bag, using a Calibre 4 RH meter:

And the humidity dropped to 39 over the next few hours.

By feel, the bubblegum was not dry enough to cure yet, so I thought OK, let’s put this in a grove bag and see what the humidity was. The stem moisture read was 12%.

Bagged it up and the same thing… started at about 42 and continued to drop over the next few hours…

The Bubblegum was much more disappointing during trim. So many more buds, all kinds larfy and real leafy. Got another almost 1.5 ounces from that plant but it takes up way more space.

Anyways, the plants are in mason jars with Boveda packs for now. Have an Inkbird Hygrometer on it’s way tonight so hopefully can get a second opinion.

The little RH meters that I bought on Amazon were absolutely terrible… even in the same jar they disagreed by up to 5 flippping RH WTF…

Both plants already have pretty great smells, and I think a good cure should bring out some interesting stuff.

I bought some mason jar lids that have a silicon gasket because my jars are all years old now:

In the tents…
The remaining bubblegum is foxtailing like crazy and has been nutrient burnt to hell.
I’m watching her carefully for nanners. She smells legit like bubblegum.

Here she is with a Dinamed in the back that has yet to show an orange pistol lol… god damn it.

And the other tent:

Leafy plants all around, I think I used too much N in flower.

For the grove bags, I still have some ideas of how to use them and make them work for storage/transport… I just couldn’t get them to work as an easy cure using a moisture meter like they claim.


Looks like a very nice husband.

Glad to hear the cannabrush worked out. I’ve been curious.

Surprised at the cheap RH meters. Mine are super cheap and they all tell the same time.

The bags - don’t think I’m sold yet.

Either way they look tasty :+1:


Note: I don’t know why autocorrect turned harvest into husband :joy:


I’ve used the brush for 3 harvests now and I will never go back. If you do mostly a dry trim, it’s a massive time saver, and cheap too.

For the bags, here is what I’m trying for now:

I will split my harvest between bags/jars both with a Boveda pack. Once the bag hits 56-58% RH I’ll remove the pack (since the bags claim no need to burp once you have good RH due to a membrane with proper oxygen exchange ). The jars I will treat like I always do and burp once a day for 2 weeks after RH hits the cure zone.

I’m glad I’m trying the bags because they are making me question things. I’m wondering if I’ve been over-drying.

To test if my plants are ready for cure, I normally see if popcorn bud stems snap as opposed to bend.

This time the bubblegum popcorn stems were still bending and didn’t snap. Normally then I’d consider this too wet, but even in a closed jar the humidity was in the low 40s…

I have been relying on Humidipacks for a long time now and stopped measuring RH years ago. I’m glad I’m getting some more visibility now with the RH meters.


My cannabrush was delivered yesterday. I have only wet trimmed to day. getting old so…brush the next.

I intend to hang my plants in the cool cellar with RH ~ 60% for 3 weeks then brush and jar them.Tracking what/how you go with the bags.


Yeah, it’s tough. An inkbird and a humidifier take a lot of the guess work out of it. The snap test is a balance. Just because the small branches are dry doesn’t mean the big buds are.

I set it to 60% and let it ride 7-10 days. Then I put some branches in a bag with an RH meter just to be sure. Then into jars no burping required.

I’d say 40 is quite low but boveda helps. I wouldn’t remove the packs, just leave ‘em there.

Perhaps I will invest in a cannabrush. Is it stiffer than your average kitchen silicone brush? If so I might try to DIY one by making the bristles shorter.



I wet trimmed for a long time before switching to dry. After doing dry, even without the brush I found it a lot easier. I just used a gloved hand to pluck the trim off the buds.

The brush though is definitely the way to go IMO. Let us know how it goes, I’m curious if you will like it as much as I do.

One of the FAQ’s in the Amazon questions is people asking if it’s the same as a pastry brush. Cannabrush reps have some answers noting some important differences, but personally I’ve never used a pastry/kitchen brush so I don’t know how they compare… It could be marketing hype lol… It could absolutely be a glorified pastry brush, I’m not sure.

I dunno if this link works, but there is a video answer to that question:


It is encouraging that you are so positive about it. :+1:

I looked at the brush initially and wondered how much damage it might be doing to the trichomes…

So you are not seeing any? I assume you are adding the 'crispy bits to your trim stash for extract?

An aside note… Have you ever tasted a crispy sugar leaf?
…They are slightly addicting to munch on… :laughing:


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I don’t think it does enough to be noticable. You can be pretty careful with it and probably avoid 99% of potential damage.

I’m not super careful with it at all and I don’t notice any difference. Buds still look covered in crystals, and my trim bins have really minimal amounts of kief in them when finished. The brush has some kief on it at the end, but really not much at all.

I think all forms of trimming probably have some risk of trichome damage though, so it’s definitely possible. For me the speed of the trim makes the risk worth it in this case, and since I don’t notice a difference in end product it’s the way to go for me.

I actually don’t keep my trim anymore… Just don’t have time or equipment to do extractions, and the yields when pressing were not worth the cost of materials (bags, parchment etc.).

A younger me would have considered throwing out my trim some kind of Cannabis blasphemy, but I’m lucky enough right now to be able to spare it :wink:


Very nice turn. Colors look amazing. Nice my friend. Now if you need help. @Foreigner and I know what to do with it. Lol nice again.


Two more down, the Afghan and a nannered up Dinamed CBD Plus

I wont be growing any Dinafem again for a long while. Out of 4 plants:

  • 2 Full blown hermies
  • 1 Threw tons of nanners at the end
  • 1 Shows no orange pistils after 70 days in flower and is claimed a 60 day strain

I have had good luck with them before, but I think it’s time for a break.

Anyways, no big deal really, just sorta disappointing.

Hopefully not too many seeds in the Afghan or the Dinamed Plus, but there were a ton of nanners on lower buds that I did not notice.

On the other hand I will say the SeedSupreme plants so far have been solid.

Only a smoke report will say for sure, but the 2 Bubblegums and the Afghan are all hearty plants and didn’t have any intersex issues, and the Bubblegum that I pulled down does indeed smell like bubblegum already and it hasn’t even cured yet.