Mumen Ryder's Mini Tents

That’s a good question :thinking:

I think it will depend on the zipper/ziploc. The bags themselves are tough feeling, like mylar or similar so I think they will last as long as the zippers last.

Only time will tell, but you might ask in the grove bags thread, some guys in there have been using them a year.


So far I have a similar opinion of the bags, and @Gpaw my impression of durability for reuse is good, consider they are sturdier than say a heavy ziplock.

I will say I tried throwing in a bit overly wet bud and well the end results were as expected without truely getting it down into cure range first.


Interested to hear what happened here. I didn’t see it in your thread, but might have missed it :thinking:

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No didn’t throw it in my thread, just of it put some bud in too wet didn’t burp got mold, odd thing didn’t smell that way when I pulled it out it just smelled like the bud going in.


10 days from sprout on average and so far plants are keeping a really solid pace.

I’m fairly certain now that foliar feeding is helping keep my seedlings on track.

I’ve been dimming my lights as low as they go 1-2 times a day and doing a foliar feed with base nutrients + floralicious. When the spray dries I put the lights back on.

There is something wrong with my process of starting seeds/seedlings, because they usually are a little slow until like day 14-17, but I do think foliar is compensating for it and keeps them on track. I messed with this a little last grow and also noticed a difference.

The seedlings are pretty dark green, so they are getting more nutrients than I think they could normally get from their roots.

The Royal Dwarfs are actually more vigorous than most the Mephisto plants I have going:

This CBD Crack topped itself at the first node. Not sure what to expect from this one, but it’s growing well now that the 2 new tops are forming.

Here is the group shot:

Only a few roots out of the bottoms of the cubes so far, so I’m letting them continue to dry out.

I’ve been working on the flood and drain setups and taking pictures which I’ll try to post when I finish them up.

Thanks for stopping by, good luck in your gardens


Here is my initial proof of concept on a flood and drain system that would fit into a 2x2 tent:

The large black cap covers a 4 inch hole, which is large enough to fit pH/EC meters in, use a shop vac to empty, and pour new nutrient solution in.

Holes all drilled and lined up:

I spray painted the “rez” for each of the systems, after sanding the plastic:

One in each tent:

Super low profile, and they hold about 7 gallons each.

The systems definitely are not perfect, but I think they will work OK for now. The spacing annoys me, but I think I can make it work by putting 2 plants that are mostly just main colas in the middle.

I had to skip out on the egg crate that I planned to use (the black squares in the bottom of the tray) and use raised pots for now.

The egg crate needs to be propped up by something or water pools in the squares, and I haven’t figured that out yet.

Thanks for stopping by, good luck in your gardens


Whats the size difference between the “tray” and “res” just thinking how much you have before you flood level starts getting lower and lower with consumption.

and just prop up the black squares by a 1cm or so


Oh and me seedlings typically take till about day 10-14 before they start going as well, could that happen faster maybe… haven’t really pushed it to hard though foliars do help when things are slightly out of balance


Awesome setup. What sort of flood schedule and timers are you thinking ?

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So the tray and rez are the same size, but I only flood 2 inches. This almost fully saturates the blocks, but the very top stays dry. However, this does leave me a little less wiggle room than I would like.

I think I could only let the rez drop about 2-3 gallons before I might have a problem.
It helps that the pump I have can pump down to 1cm, but I could have given myself more wiggle room. I’ll probably have to top it up 3 times per week once they get going.

I tried a couple ways to prop them up, but it was a little tricky lol… I dunno I couldn’t get it so something didn’t pool somewhere, but I have a couple things to try. I have a bunch of silicon jars, and I’m thinking I could use the lids for feet if all else fails.

Sometimes silly problems like this really get me stuck for some reason…

Thanks dude!

I think I’ll only need to flood 1-3 times a day. It takes about 5 minutes to actually hit the overflow drain so probably just 5 minutes once a day until they get going, then 3 times max would be my guess.

I’m not sure why it is, but I’ve noticed with flooding rockwool I can usually get away with way less frequent irrigations than with top feeding.

It might have to do with the surfactants in the blocks getting washed out with top feeding, or maybe top feeding really does create “water channels” like some people say where the whole block no longer gets wet.

I’m not sure, but after a flood the cubes weigh 1000g, compared to after a top feed to run off they usually only weigh like 6-700g. (I have weighed them on a scale). That’s even with caps and a single 1/2 gal per hr dripper.

I have had good luck with a single flood per day in 6 inch cubes, so I’ll try to get away with that if I can with 4 inchers.


I have seen the flood and drain work. It makes big plants. I like it. I know it will be a great grow. I would be interested in doing this.


Nice work brother…

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Day 30 from sprout

I’m really liking this system so far… plants are cruising to the finish line even if they are small.

Autos can actually be fun wtf :thinking:

Check with me again in about 2 weeks LOL because that’s when I run into nutrient issues in flower… but so far this is way better.

I have always wanted to get small plants going in 4 inch cubes, and having these little autos stay little has been great… They are much smaller than photos that have the minimal veg time. I can pack my 8sq ft of space with 12 different plants. They might only yield 1/2 oz (OR LESS) each, but that is perfect for me.

I think @hush who told me that the 4 inch cubes were made for flood and drain was really onto something. I only flood twice a day and the blocks don’t dry out. I was running my top feed 8 times a day and they were always way too dry. I only flood like 1 inch up the blocks too… Not sure what this means, but I’m good with it.

Couldn’t get the egg crates to work, ended up using a cake cooling rack that I cut with some tin snips:

I take the whole tray out to run some solution through the blocks to waste once a week:

This allows me easy access to the rez, which I change out only every 2 weeks:

Here is a little CBD auto from the little tent:

Here is a Northern Cheese Haze from the taller tent:

The taller tent, with the taller plants:

The little guy tent with the smaller dudes:

A happy little place I actually like to visit:

Getting a new phone with a much better camera this week… hopefully my pics wont be quite so bad :grimacing:

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in your gardens


Things moving along OK Day 38 from sprout

Had to cull a Royal Dwarf, it just wasn’t flowering or growing. The roots were pretty brown and I didn’t want to risk disease spreading since everyone is sharing a rez.

The other Royal Dwarf is a problem in a different way…

You can see her in the back corner trying to grow up into the fan:

I had to bend a couple branches:

They might get chopped if they continue to stretch.

Sorta ironic that the “dwarf” is by far the largest in the tent :grimacing:

Other tent is pretty full, you can see the Seedsman Green Crack auto towering over everyone else:

Random shot of the Pink Panama main kola:

Removing leaves in both tents pretty much every day. Just a few here and there to try to keep humidity at about 55%. Spaces are both packed, so to keep airflow closer to optimal some leaves have to go.


Things moving along OK here. System basically running itself at this point. I top up with plain water in the middle of the week, check pH once or twice and that’s about it…

I did have to remove this guy, because I have a little bit of a deadline and I could tell there was no way in hell she would make it. Also she was running up into the fan, and shading out the rest of the tent:

She was given the boot.

Here are some shots of how everything else is going:


Shorter tent:

Taller tent:

Group shot:


Looking pretty dialed in there, nicely done. I wouldn’t mind taking a shot at a system like that at some point. Any tips ?

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Thanks bud!

I’d be glad to go over any part of my system specifically in more detail, and some people will definitely disagree with my methodology LOL… but here are some loose guidelines I’ve come up with myself so far:

  • First 2-3 weeks I let the blocks get somewhat dry between watering to try and get the plants to root the cubes. Hand watering is easiest for me in this case.
  • Once they are in the flood system, Grodan recommends that you top water them once a week to avoid salt build up. I use a pump to run some solution from the reservoir through the top of the cube, then I change out the reservoir with fresh nutrients.
  • I only use 400ppm of nutrients (start to finish). The blocks are so small that when they dry out EC double, triples, etc. pretty fast.
  • Nutrients definitely build up in the blocks. When doing the weekly top feed, I’ve had run off come out 5X higher than what went in.
  • I only top up the tank with pH’ed water. I used to top up with more nutrients in my recirc systems and I think this was causing problems. I’ve read that micro nutrients really start to build up in recirculating systems when you top up with more nutes.
  • With 4 inch cubes you really only need to flood them up about an inch high. I tested flooding them up 2 inches high, and it only added 60g to their weight (so an additional 60ml is absorbed) definitely not worth increasing the flood height.

Anyways, thanks for following along man! :slight_smile:


Yesterday was day 60 from sprout. Took some pics. Plants are all between 1-3 weeks away. Except maybe the seedsman green crack, which is probably a month away, but will likely be chopped early.

I wish I could get most my autos to grow in this shape:

Fastbuds CBD 20:1

Mephisto 24 Carat

Nice single cola autos like this would allow for up to 12 plants per tent possibly :thinking:

Anyways, back to reality…

Short tent:

Tall tent:



Very nice looking girls. Great growing.

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Did you have some finish? I’m liking the Way you grow.

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