Mumen Ryder's Mini Tents

Thanks man! None are harvested quite yet, though there are a couple that are within the window for sure.

Really enjoying the speed of these autos. Looking like everything will be done in less than 80 days from sprout, most around 70 days.

I have some kind of ADD because I start to get pretty bored of my grows around days 60… So this works much better for me lol :laughing:


Same with me. I’m loving some autos. The colors are amazing.

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4 plants are done at day 64 from sprout, but I can’t harvest any today…

1 of the Northern Cheese Haze is done a day early :smile: 65-75 days is what Meph website says, but there is actually a little more than 10% amber, and otherwise cloudy trichs. 99% non-white pistils…

The buds are small, but they are spears that are stacked way down and feel dense. Definitely some cheese smell to it!

This is my favorite plant so far:


Harvesting some plants, here is the 24 Karat:

Just a stacked little plant. Interested to see how this one turns out after dry/cure.


More plants coming down.

FastBuds CBD 20:1 plant 1 and 2. Both Smaller autos. The first one tried to bush out a little more, but very similar plants:

Double Grape. Not super happy with how skinny the branches are on this plant. It has an OG type structure, which basically means “weak-ass stems”. Here she is falling down:

Seedsman Green Crack Auto. I like this one a lot except it got larger than I would like for an auto. Strong stems, large dense buds, and smells (as promised) like mangos. Smells awesome… If the high is an uppy green crack high, then Seessman will have nailed this one:


Everything looks great.

I had a plant literally fall over. The buds weren’t even that big to explain it. Just weak stems.

Perhaps not the most desirable breeding trait but a hell of a nice smoke


Sort of a marketing gimmick too. “Buds will be so big, that you’ll need to support them!”

AKA the stems are weak, better watch for that haha… There are plants with weak stems that turn out OK otherwise, and it’s probably one of the last things I should care about, but it does make them harder to photograph when they are constantly trying to fall over :smile:


On this we agree :love_you_gesture:

It was funny. One branch went. Then another. Then another. Then the whole damn thing was on the ground.

Mine was a nice cross made by a friend of ours and I swear it smells like lavender. Strange, but good.


hey Mumen! had not stopped by your corner before. everything looks incredibly kosher, congratulations - did you set up your drippers or did you buy a kit? (


One of my fav smells for sure. Sounds awesome…

Hey bud! When I was top feeding I setup my own drippers. For 4 inch cubes like I’m using now, I think flood and drain works much better.

One thing worth mentioning is that Netafim brand drippers are worth the slightly higher cost if you are thinking of going that route. The ones you get at hardware stores are really garbage in comparison…


Things have been a bit nuts, did a week long road trip with some friends and then about a week later got a pretty nasty COVID variant that kicked my ass all week long.

Before I left for the road trip, I made a way oversized drying rack and set it up in a spare bathroom witha humidifier hooked to a 1/4 line and a controller.

The humidifier was behind a curtain in the shower and I had a carbon scrubber running so the whole house didn’t skunk out. Plants hung in there about 14-18 days 100% automated and I think that part actually worked quite well.

Overall though I’m actually really not happy with how the run turned out. I think several factors made about half my plants turn out really larfy. The plants that actually needed 2 floods a day did great, the others were over watered. The new grodan blocks really hold water a lot better than the previous generation.

I also kept my temps at about 83 during the day and I think that was too hot. I’ve heard 82-83 is about right for LED, but I’m skeptical now. Hard to say if this was the problem, but for now I’ll go back to mid 70s.

The other issue was that I only had about 80% germination rate. I noticed a fungus on some seed shells that didn’t germ, so I’m testing some modifications to my process on some free seeds right now. Additional sterilization steps have been taken and I’m testing out using Mykos as both a light shield and an innoculent:

The guy from Mykos Xtreme says this is how to use Mykos with rockwool starter cubes. We’ll see :slight_smile:

The Northern Cheese Haze came out great. Nice density, flowers smell great and a pleasant stoney high:

Definitely recommend that one, it’s pleasant to grow and smoke.


Perhaps the drying rack is a bit too big but great work on the automation. Especially for such a long time. Do you have a humidifier with an extra large rez?

Yeah, even in standard pots they all want different things and it’s hard to keep up. The trade off is you have to do it manually which is a pain when they all want water at different times too.


I’m sure he has more. Lol

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I actually hooked this one up to a quarter inch line that comes out of the shower.

So the humidifier takes water from the water supply. It has a built in float valve, so it just takes enough water to fill itself then shuts off the incoming water. I ran it for 10 days before leaving town, and everything went smoothly…

I got it on a flash sale for 250.

It’s this one:

I’ll get some pictures up today about how I setup the 1/4 line. I originally added it for my water filter because I wanted to filter chloramine out of my tap water for my flood and drain systems, but it came in handy when my harvest dates lined up with a trip out of town.


So I got one of those things that lets you install 2 shower heads, and you can have water go to one or the other:

Instead of a second shower head I installed a couple of adapters that end in a quick disconnect. So I can just sort of pull the cover off:

Then I have a couple more adapters, that go from quick disconnect to the 1/4 line, so I can just sorta shove that on:

And then I run that line to my series of water filters that sit in a bin above a bucket. The bucket catches all the filtered water:

I used to run a lot of filters to come out with 0PPM water (RO), but I didn’t notice much of a difference except that I had to use a lot more CaMg… Now I just run a sediment filter, carbon and a chloramine filter since my city users chloramine and I was using Hydrogaurd.

Next run I am actually going to try using tap again.

So, that same 1/4 line connects perfectly to that humidifier, and I just let that thing run while I was gone with the water barely on incase it leaked.


DIY gold. Very clever stuff.

Am I a chicken if I admit that automated water makes me nervous? :love_you_gesture::joy:


Dude believe me… I thought about it every night I was gone LOL… I was able to run it for 10 days with with monitoring before just leaving it, and I had the water on so that it was just barely a trickle. I set it up so that if anything leaked it would just leak down the drain.

BUT still with all that… I would definitely rather not do it again :slight_smile: I’ll probably continue to use that setup for drying because even with my 4 gallon humidifier I forgot to fill it sometimes during the drying process, and this way I can’t really forget.

However, I’ll be able to just open the door and check on it daily which is a massive peace of mind :grimacing:


That’s a good move.

If I were growing in a basement with a drain I probably wouldn’t care but in my situation if I spill 100L of water on the floor it’s a downstairs neighbour problem.

Just freaks me out.


The man is a genius.


LOL thanks bro :wink: Honestly all I did is screw a bunch of adapters together… and now I probably won’t even use the filter anymore :grimacing: So maybe not so smart HAHA…