Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

anyone know what these are found growing on side of dead elm tree


I would drink the whole 1.4g worth in hopes of reaching the first Bardo of ego loss. 0.25 g would be a microdose, 0.7g is a small and light dose that will help you see the edges but not fully immerse you in a state of ecstasy…tripping “hard” would take a good 5g+ dose :joy: I usually dose first-timers with 2g for a light 6-hour tour

I would freeze any unused liquid ASAP, cubes are full of enzymes which break down the active components really quickly once they have been extracted from the mycelium or fruits. It will last much longer frozen… potentially years, or it can break down to inactive if left in a liquid state… the speed depends upon temperature… cool temps may extend the shelf life to 2 weeks, but a lot of heat may destroy it in a day or two.


what about this ? if one takes a little lemon juice with mushrooms - it increases one “trip”(intensity) ( ground mushrooms up then squeeze lemon juice over it) thoughts ???


It’s called lemon tek, and yes it acts as a mild MAOI, thus intensifying the effect. :bear::+1:
Most citrus will do the job, but lemons/limes have the most citric acid.


@hawkman check this out


I’m of the mind that if the mushrooms themselves don’t make you trip balls, a little lemon juice isn’t gonna help haha. There may be something to that citrus thing (I remember when I was younger, people saying,”Drink some orange juice with your acid; you’ll trip even HARDER”), but in general, I feel like I shouldn’t need any extra “oomph” to the drugs I ingest.

And if I do, then there’s a problem.


That was for the vitamin c not the citric acid. Lemon juice helps pull more goodies say if you made a tea heat only pulls some psychoactive goodies the citric acid pulls the rest. I’ve never done lemon Tek myself. Mushrooms are disgusting to me so dried and capsules for me!:blush:

I want to squeeze every bit of drugs from my drugs I mean medicine :joy:. So if it helps make more intense or anything really I game!


Have you ever tried making it into a tea? It tastes like roasted green tea when done right, not doo-doo :sweat_smile: I make tea, strain out the mush, and add a small hint of sugar; it works 100% and tastes much better than chowing down on mushies. And it doesn’t result in stomach aches as readily… It works great!

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Know people who brew it as tea with citrus tea blends or any to help go down. I can’t stand tea like it makes me gag instantly but I have chugged many glasses of mushy tea. It can hit hard and fast which I do like sometimes but capsules no taste easy peasy. @Bobgrows makes an awesome capsule filler to speed it up as well!


I do. Let me know if anyone wants to see it


I actually like the taste of mushrooms, personally, but I make tea whenever I share them, especially when introducing someone to them, because not many others seem to find their taste as acceptable as I do


Yes, I would be interested in one. I hate the taste of shrooms!


Comes with the green capsul holder and packs them with the other end.

The red part is for the large half . Pink is for the top.

They are $15.00 a set


Very cool. I’m definitely getting one when I order the trays. And a seed cracker.


If you have ever tried to hand fill one at a time capsule is long long and boring worse than trim jail if doing a full oz. These guys knock out 30 at a time in about 5 mins if you pack them quicker if not. Wanna take 3.5 grams no worries grab 7 capsules and bang you are going. They fit about .5 gram per cap if finely ground.


Thanks !! so there is something to it backed by “science”

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Yep a bit at least. Now the actual affects and whatnot are debatable but science can prove what’s extracted or what boosts what. Like ecstacy it runs and drains your seritonin so a lot a people take Prozac (seritonin) before or after so not just bro science


Free spores check it out! Don’t forget putting 420noob in any orders gets you an extra freebies with your order.


Arcadian Coast 4 days in the jar PF Tek


Hey take the foil off the top of your jar it needs a little air exchange. Do you have a hole with filter in the lid? If not you can unscrew the top 1/4 turn that’s all they need. The foil is so moisture doesn’t go through your filters and saturate you jars. You’ll see a jump(as much as mycelium jumps lol) in mycelium and it will look stronger and “ropey”. Otherwise looks like you are doing well.

If you have grown before and used this same process then go with what you know please. Just a little fyi.

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