Mutant leaves on bagseed grow - what is it?


Looks like catnip! Strange…( very first picture)

Oh, it’s strange alright. Have been told it looks like a young strawberry plant (as a seedling), and catnip (during veg). My next question will be how to best collect pollen.

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Looks like it needs a little more time before you could cut off a portion of that plant and have the flowers continue to develop somewhere else till maturity. Can it remain where it is without risk of pollinating something you don’t want it to hit? Or do you have a sunny window you could put it in, on top of a piece of wax paper?

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It is in with 3 females of varying stages of flower (all GG clones). One has been flipped in the past few days; another is on week 3, and the other is just about to start week 6 of flowering.
I have a seperate area I can move it to. My question would be how soon do I have to move it?

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I would say close to a week, but I gave someone else that advice and it started kicking off pollen in 4 days. The first male flowers to open are often not at the very top, but down four or five sets of leaves along the main stalk. If you want to leave it in the flowering room a little bit longer , you should pinch those off now so one doesn’t open on you before you are ready. If you can get a picture of it every day I can better judge the growth of the flowers


Thank you @Upstate! Gives me some idea. :+1::grin:

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Heres my duck currently


It looks like a cross between a strawberry and Bok Choy or something. Cool plant! Ugly, but cool :grimacing:


Got some better photos just now…


He handsome!

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Yeah, he a stud! :joy:

Look out for this flower spilling pollen soon…

Upper left hand circled area…maybe its not as big as I imagine…but the creases are looking lighter in color which usually means its getting ready to open…check all leaf/ main stem junctions…


Oh, thanks @Upstate! I will watch it like a hawk!


Terrible photo, but definitely seeing the stretch and some sacs developing quickly! @Upstate


without anything to compare it to size wise, It’s hard to tell, but these sure looks like they’re getting close… probably within a couple days or a day of opening. If you start to see lighter shades of green on the creases of the male flowers, you are very very close. If I’m looking to take a cutting to get a bunch of pollen, and only a couple male flowers are big enough that they will open shortly oh, I just pull those off, and I wait until there’s a whole bunch of male flowers that are close before I take my cutting.


I think I see some that are close up above the highest circled Spot too.

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Pollen has started dropping! Did not expect it to be so fine!


Thats a fat stem

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What did you do with it?

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