My first bagseed grow

So far it seems I overreacted to a combination of things or I snuffed it out somehow. It’s 75% humidity in there ATM and I can’t find out how it it that I can’t get it out of my house and why it’s trapped in there. Too bad I don’t have any way to get s dehumidifier, but them’s the breaks.

It seems it might have been a salt buildup or de getting on her somehow. In combination with her hairy stem it seemed worse than it was.the white spots are just that now. Like bleach stains. They don’t rub off or anything. The stems at the trunk area are starting to get a Woody bark like look. The words escape me rn, but it’s looking like it wants to protect itself from outside forces. I’m just glad the stems are thicker. With how things they were originally the fact that I have more than 1 plant makes me happy. The soil though isn’t really the issue. The problem lies mostly with myself and the fact that my family has no clue how to make compost. There’s no tarp. It’s just sitting in the driveway. I have to step on it to get in my house.
The entire garden out back was all purchased from various nurseries. They all had issues. Every single one got shock from being transplanted and then some of them required an extreme neem oil treatment. I got the gnats after they started to buy plants from anywhere they could. With my fungal dominated soil it was a matter of time once they smelled my place from out there.

All the smaller seedlings of basil I had planted originally have all started to wilt and I had to pull some out before the spread that shit further.
Looking like I’m screwed, but as I have no way to stop it I’m just gonna practice LITFA and play some games to keep my mind off things

You mean like this?..

My big older Mofos all have stalks like this. I assumed it was like a rose bush where it starts green then turns to wood. Never looked it up or even thought about it until now. I think it’s normal. My newer autos still have green stems, but these plants are healthy as all get out as you can see here…

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Yeah . I figured it was Normal too. I hear about training and Woody stems being untrainable or something, but if it’s not like that apparently I still can, but my girls stems are still very unbending.
Maybe I still can train them who knows :sweat_smile:
Harmony is throwing out orange hairs like no tomorrow. More than the rest like her pistils are all turning a Amber red hue. I had a thought earlier. I wonder if the orange hairs photosynthesize light at all. I know white plants usually don’t at all, so maybe the tannins in the hairs will help it to get more light?

No idea on the orange hairs, but probably nothing to do with it as many strains have darker pistils and make great bud.
I seriously doubt that I could bend or train my main stalk, but all the branches will bend. Not an issue outdoors for me :relaxed:

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With the HPS and the UV lights the light penetration seems to be pretty good at least.

Though I wonder if I should be pruning the smaller branches instead of letting them flower. Maybe even try my hand at rooting clones if I have to prune them anyways.

The stems are so thin and the buds they’ll make will be so tiny if the branch survives the weight. IDK. Any advice?

So it does appear to be DE on harmony. If that were mold in a 80% humidity room I’d see a lot more on her. The damping off was probably from spraying so heavily with the peroxide and alcohol. I regret nothing as I don’t see a single bug in there and I shook the bin, checked all of them thoroughly both on top and bottom of the leaves, I found 1 flyer that I killed, nothing flying around the room, no sign of anything. If I somehow killed them I’m calling that luck. There’s no way it was that effective with what I did, but I mean there is peppermint in the soap I used. :man_shrugging:t2:

Time will tell. I’ll still let the soil dry fully before I water again. The soil does become hydrophobic after it goes dry, but I’d rather deal with that then gnats. If only, but I’ll keep up the IPM as it seems to be working. If I see them again I’ll drench the soil or should I do that anyways? If I should lmk. Also send me where to find a recipe I can mix if that’s something that’s good with soap for a drench too. I have a sense of hope rn, but at the same time I will kill them all. IDC what I have to do as long as I can smoke the bud. I can buy stuff tomorrow. I was going to buy a slice of oil, but if I should spend that on the plants I will. My meds can wait. I need a T-Break anyways. I was going to use 100, so that’s my budget.

I double checked and saw young flyers just pop out of the soil. I squashed all the ones I saw. I saw a good amount to concern me, but they can’t fly yet. They had wings, but couldn’t fly away when I teased them to check. I sprayed the soil with the little bit in the bottle left. Just to be safe. It did appear to help when I did it last time.
Also I’ve had a IPM, bit apparently I didn’t realize it fully. The nicotine was the start. Then the essential oil drench helped. After that my watering before this last one I mixed in basil leaves, mint leaves, whole cloves, some ISO, a tiny amount of soap, megacrop like usual at 5g per gallon, and it was by accident but I added some coffee my roommate had in my kettle I didn’t catch in time :man_shrugging:t2:. The DE applications helped too each time I did them. This last watering the water was 90f when I was watering. Just megacrop and water only. My companion planting has helped mildly. IDK when garlic starts to release it’s fungicide in the soil, but when that happens I’ll see a lot more healthy soil. If the catnip ever pops up I’ll have a defense against aphids too. The mint and Basil should be helping too. With Wolfie in there on top of all that I’m having new hope.

The 100 isn’t on the table anymore. It’s only being spent on oil. Not my :moneybag:. Next chunk of change I get I’ll spend on the girls. They need more soil on top. I was thinking something like sand, vermiculite, or anything else recommended that I can use to keep them out now that I’ve severely reduced the population.

12:38 is the time the lights cycle. Somehow I fixed the wonky timing it had before and pretty much kept the same cycle too.

I see very little pests rn. I can hope that the peroxide helped. I’ll try to get more tomorrow and drench the soil with it. The sooner I can leave them alone the better.

My plan is to let the soil dry fully before my next watering. It’s drying out pretty quick today. I should really try to do some about the humidity.

Holly has some chlorotic fan leaves now. I’m seeing leaves cover up buds. Do I need fan leaves at all? If is better to prune them off I will. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do? I want to remove anything that will be bad to keep. I was thinking of lollipopping them. If it’s possible to train them still I should. The colas will be too tall for the lights soon. I don’t want to kill them, but Sadie especially has to be lowered somehow. I can’t raise the lights any higher and she’s about to touch the lights. She’s already taller than the HPS light. I can try super cropping, but I don’t want to do anything bad.

I’m tired now. I can’t think of anything I Forgot.

Edit: here’s a pic of the plants.

I added a tiny chunk of megacrop per group of cuttings in water. The basil seems to be in full flower. At this point I’m just going to let it as it won’t stop.tge stems are very rigid, so if it’s not too late to supercrop them that may be my only option unless someone can offer any advice. IDK what to do about the height now. I’ll need to train them somehow. I never got to as planned during veg. I got a second wind. I’m still tired. The HPS has been having issues staying on. The switch is janky. The UV bulb the right isn’t turning on right. I have to slightly unscrew it to get it to turn on at all.

@Kingaizen69 @funguy @ReikoX @Skiball any advice? I’m at a loss and need someone to point me in the right direction. I don’t want to deal with this next grow. I’ll be getting all the supplies for training and IPM ready for next time. I want to add some topsoil to replace the eroded soil exposing roots. I can add some Dr Earth tomato and herb to the soil I add on top. Probably too little too late, but if it helps I want to try


Stick with the Megacrop didnt you get some? 5g/gal

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I got some yes. That’s the feed ratio I’m using rn.
Should I let it dry fully now that the population has been reduced?

Yes, keep on keeping on.

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I’m seeing the leaves go chlorotic and die or wilt off from the bottom up. Only effecting the lower growth. Here’s the effected leaves young and old

only the big leaves came from Holly. The rest came from Harmony.

Is it nitrogen deficiency like it seems to me? I know that Harmony is making the most dense bud sites forming the cola now. Sadie isn’t forming a tight structure like that yet.

It seems somewhat similar to what I see on other grows, but a little more extreme probably from the peroxide and iso I poured on Harmony. All I do know is the mold hasn’t come back and it’s been 80f and 65% all day for 2 days. Somehow I’ve locked the humidity there. Wish I knew how.

The plants aren’t drooping yet, but I do see the soil evenly dry on top today, so the hybrids are heavy drinkers finally like Ingrid and Sadie. They always had damp spots around the mound while the rest was bone dry. Now the soil dries evenly too. Probably tomorrow or the next day I’ll have to water.

I’d like advice on what seems to be happening. I increased the feed strength and it went away for a bit, but it came back with a vengeance when I stopped watering to deal with the pests hopefully once and for all. I don’t see anything close to what others share when they have a infestation. Maybe I’m just freaking out, but even when they go on the leaves they usually die on them. The trichomes are so sticky they can’t get off and die on the leaves. I see only about 3 adults per leaf if they go on them at all. No larvae on leaves at all. While I do leave them alone I do inspect them often. Gotta keep the gnat population down as much as possible

I still see some gnats on the soil, but none on the plants. Just a few only. Seems I might have won the war, but I’m sure the battle isn’t over

I don’t think the soil is that bad tbh. I see way worse infestations form people using “good” soil on here a lot. I’m pretty sure I acquired the gnats from the outside garden. With all those transplants in there the odds are in my favor that I didn’t bring them. My fungal dominated soil did attract them though and because I didn’t innoculate the soil they were able to start breeding. They aren’t out of control causing issues that I can see though. Is it the garlic and transplanted mint&basil that are sucking away too much nitrogen from Holly and especially Harmony? Also seems the catnip seeds aren’t going to sprout. Ah well. It’s for the best

It’s hard to know. To me it looks like some sort of root rot, overwatering mold issue.

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Not sure how root rot anymore. It is following a deficiency pattern though. The mold is gone now. It could be my roommate’s spit tbh. He carelessly spits wherever he wants. The seedlings I’m sure it was fusarium wilt. They were too small to handle it all. Are you sure it’s mold or over watering? The soil is bone dry ATM and the issues happen when I don’t keep the soil watered. I’d think drying out the soil wouldn’t make mold present like this. IDK. I’m not denying anything, but I’m just trying to wrap my head around this. I’m stone cold sober for awhile now, so I apologise if I’m a bit grating until that’s solved. There’s a important reason I smoke and it’s for mental and physical health. Oh damn I’ll be bored out of my skull now… I live a boring life with no food ATM. I finally broke down and I’ll be applying for a job soon. Though it’ll be with rules. If they won’t hire me for them I don’t want to work there. my demands are simple. Don’t work me like a slave and pay me like one too if you want my employment. If you want me to do more than my job I expect to be paid accordingly and not given 3 people’s jobs and only paid for 1 of them. I have severe autism and I can’t handle stress. Either give me a job that’s routine or don’t give me extra work while I learn my GD Job.

On another note the trichomes are so frosty Tonight. I’ll take pics at lights on. All 4 joined the cheese party. Harmony is giving off smell finally. She just didn’t want to for awhile.

I don’t remember if I mentioned it, but I did have it at 80f-90f for the last couple of light cycles. Seems to stay at 65% humidity at most rn. Definitely almost out of water in the soil if that’s the highest it can get to. Now I will say that Harmony threw out buds like no other before this happened. IDK if I’m not giving her enough nutrients or what, but she seems to be the heavy feeder if that’s the case. Really dense bud structure and lots of trichomes. I put the AC back down to 70f and I might lower it even more if this could be from heat stress. The leaves look somewhat similar to what happened when I accidentally sprayed them with citrus oils. I probably went a little too heavy with the spraying. I did notice the seedlings basically all died afterwards. Nothing I can do. The cuttings are almost fully rooted in the water. Soon it’ll be time to plant them around the soil. Or I could just keep them in water too. I didn’t have a airstone, so they are in stagnant water. Somehow perfectly happy though. I wonder if it’s the intense light. Thinking of it isn’t that bad for roots?

Not sure, but keep using the mega crop. I haven’t had any issues with it thus far except feeding too lightly. I just upped their feedings to twice a week at about 1/2 dose per feeding to bring it up to the suggested 25 grams per week. I may even bring it up more as they don’t seem to burn with it at all. Have you tested the soil ph? Maybe they have nute lock out if the megacrop is still showing a deficiency. I worry that the Miracle grow from the past has lingered in the soil and is causing problems. tbh your grow has been complicated and riddled with issues from the start. At this point it could be any number of things.

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True haha. I haven’t tested it in awhile, but tbh I stopped when no matter what I did it always measured at 6-6.5. megacrop or miracle gro.the runoff actually only measured at 5.5 pH back after the waterlogged issue was fixed and I waited until it dried first before watering and measuring the runoff pH. No smell on the runoff other than the smell of soil.

It has had it’s issues, but most of them were caused by doing stupid shit TBH. I get panic attacks and the world is ending unless I can fix what’s bugging me. I can’t count the times I’ve destroyed priceless shit because of it. I wish I had more freedom in my grow, but I’m working with what I have. I just want to bring these girls to harvest. Then I can treat the soil and ensure they’re all dead and gone. If anything it was the composted soil I used at first as it was sitting outside for 2 years and almost finished the composting of the roots of my rubber tree that died from neglect when I was working nearly 24/7 every day and no one at home could help.

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