Well, I was feeding my autos with like a Tbsp of MC to like 4 gallons of water once a week and I was getting a slow lime color, So, I am feeding them the same but twice a week now. I actually may increase that to 1 1/2 Tbsps each feeding next week since they are past preflower phase That covered 5 plants and spare left over.
in my 3 gallon pots they get 64 ounces of water each I believe. Umm 2 quarts
I still prefer the smell of mint and Basil in my room now that I’ve had it in there. I love gardening as a whole, but I need to plan ahead next time. I’ll be using this soil again if I can eliminate the bugs before next grow, but I’ll use different pots. If I want to use it again though I have to work with it to fix my issues. I’ll be mixing in more pearlite, innoculating it and before any of that I’ll be doing a soil drench to kill any nasties and I’ll add in micros if I have to. Before I plant my next crop I’ll definitely be planting the companions that take time first. I want it bug free before I plant again. Damn drain flies are coming now thanks to my slob roommate. At least I killed all the house flies that wanted my plants babies LoL damn things were my biggest nuisance. The gnats look awful, but they don’t seem to be damaging the plants TBH. Lesson learned though. I’ll be using scrog if I want to fill out space. Next time I won’t be planting enough to cull males in one planter. Big mistake and I’ve been dealing with the issues ever since. How big would I need the container for girls that get this size? I’m sure they’re bound on the side a bit, but in bottom I thought they had enough room to spread down with a 12 inch deep container. I swear it looks like it’s deeper. I see it’s only 27 gallons now.
So actually better question: what size pots am I looking for for this size plant?
At least with all the seedlings dead I can add topsoil with no issue. I’ve heard sand or vermiculite can help with gnats. I honestly just want to cover up the exposed roots on Harmony and Holly.
Also I turned the AC down to 64. The meter said it was 80 on there even when I had it on 70 for 4 hours. It was way too hot in there, so now with the room at 64 I still see 80f on the meter, but I’m down to 40% rn. It’s 16° lower on the AC, but the meter says it’s unchanged for the plants LoL. Gotta find out why that is.
I have a pitcher for that too😏
My original watering container actually LoL
I’m pretty sure I use less than that if we’re talking physical size of what we use with MC. I use my scale to weigh out mine though. I always am extremely OCD if I’m instructed to do something I don’t deviate. To me they test that shit so I don’t have to make the mistake. 10g weighed out exactly and it can fit in a measured tablespoon easily. Now you’re making me wonder if the seedlings week just weak and the plants are begging for more nutrients. Well Harmony is anyways. What I do know is I don’t think i want it in 80 in there. Every time I leave it at that temp I see issues, so I’m don’t with that one. It never stays there and if I let it get warm in there the lights always raise it by 10°. At this point I’m hoping the 64 will bring it to a nice 74 lol
My plants have been out in low 80’s weather with 67% RH for months. Actually as high as 90’s for a few days at a time. And there fine. Umm it depends on how much room you have and how long you grow them. I would say 3 or 5 gallons each
They definitely have that rn. I still wonder how far down the roots go
It’s only a foot deep right? Probably all the way down.
I’d hope not out the bottom of the bin, but I wouldn’t be so lucky
Well then… Look who I just caught and killed?
2nd one I’ve found in there. Somehow only 1 at a time. I doubt it. Possibly aphids, but to see only 1 every few weeks is making me think a random leafhopper finds it’s way in from outside where they probably have a nest
I checked every leaf on all 4 plants. Only gnats chilling rn, but no eggs or larvae at all. Seems I might have lucked out and the apples or roses outside brought the white apple leafhopper or rose leafhopper in.
The gnat population has increased since letting the soil dry. No drooping yet. Apparently I have resilient plants.
I can’t wait to give them food and water again. At least they don’t seem too affected by the drought I’m giving them or the gnats somehow. I might have had the temps too high though. 80f room with 40% humidity made them very active. Even with the AC on 64 the temperature stays at 80. The plants measured 76f on the tops and 68 at the lowest where density is lower and airflow allowed it to be colder. I’ll update if that seems to change, but I’m just confused why that is.
I just checked the room and I got the temp down to 65f and the humidity is up to 65% as well.
Should I try to aim for a specific temperature? I’ve been trying to keep it around 70f average. I just have spikes here and there I can’t seem to control them.
The lights went out around 8-9 this morning. I was passed out and had no idea. At 1:28 I switched the timer to off. I really need a way to fix this issue. Hopefully they finished working on the electric already.
Anyways aside from that I will be buying safer brand pesticide. Thank you @Meesh for the tip! The plants have still yet to droop after 2 days of dry soil.
Not that I’m complainin LoL . I see a lot of trichomes all over and even some of the leaves near the sugar leaves are getting trichs growing too.
The temp despite the AC on 64 is at 70 and the humidity is 65%. So far I don’t see it up to 80% for more than a spike before it drops down just as fast as it came. I’d actually better on a lot of the humidity probably coming from the water the cuttings are in. I might plant them soon, but I’m really curious how they’re gonna be in water tbh. Like a mini practice grow if I ever want to try my hand at hydro. Though I’ll be keeping away from standing water. Airstones for days. Plus I’ll have a way to circulate the water. I’m honestly wondering why I didn’t start with hydro actually LoL. There was even a tutorial for my exact bin I’m using now on YouTube for 8 plants too😅
I really can’t wait until I can improve my setup. This grow I’m pretty much stuck with this shit, but at least it works. Poorly, but still works. At least my efforts to coax out more essential oils seems to be working. Now I just want my garlic to help with the release of fungicide already. I want to say it’s 10 weeks though until garlic does that. It’ll probably only be effective in the end of the grow if it survives that long.
I’m just rambling now. I’ll cut it here. I’ll update if anything changes for better or worse.
I turned on the lights at 1am and adjusted the lights up a bit. Tuesday or so I’ll be raising them up all the way. The corncobs are almost touching the buds, so I used some coated wire to tie up the splitters higher and at a better angle. The corncob lights are too heavy for the “industrial” metal joints.
The temperature after lights on is 80f and the humidity is at a 65% high range and currently at 50%. On average I see it at 40% humidity by 2 hours after the lights turn on. I know warm and dry is what gnats love, but without a humidifier or a dehumidifier I can’t adjust the humidity.
I’m pretty sure it would break it, but it would be cool if I could use nutrients in a humidifier to foliar feed through ambient humidity. Sadie is slowly changing her smell towards a cereal smell now. Nice strong vanilla notes like what I can only describe as frosted flakes. Skunk has all but vanished on her. Holly is almost all skunk, but with a whiff of cheese mixed in. Almost a B.O. smell LoL. Harmony was definitely the right name for her as she smells like Sadie did last week. At this point I’m not going to be surprised if they all end up the same. Ingrid was stunted most likely during the initial pruning when the was almost cut in half while my roommate zoned out. He’s not allowed to use the shears anymore. Ingrid is continuing to stretch though, so who knows, she could catch up to the rest in height.
Still no drooping, but at least the gnat population was reduced again. They all got stuck on Sadie and died on her. Lovely.
I’ll stay strong though. If I’m fortunate enough they’ll keep going strong until the gnats are reduced enough to eliminate with the pesticide I’ll be using. I plan on harvesting near December unless the girls tell me they have to be harvested sooner. I’m just happy to see them still making new trichomes. Maybe once they are finished throwing out new trichs I can find out the final smell they’ll be throwing around my house. If everything goes according to plan I’ll have bud to smoke on Christmas LoL
I’m actually curious how the air around the room is 64, but the air around the plants is 80😅
At least the lights are a little better arranged.
If only I had a way to get the lights all into one even light above the plants. Too bad glass seems to block par. I’d make a lens I could use to both magnify and evenly spread the light as one source of light instead of uneven lighting.
Once I harvest I’ll have enough to last me until I can save for a better option. It’s looking like Sadie alone might last me a month. I will say my usage rate would be considered dependant and heavy both. Ah meds. I’m so glad I don’t have to take blood tests weekly anymore. Overall costs actually even out LoL it cost my mother with insurance about 1100 a month in therapy, blood tests, doctor appointments, and the cost of the meds themselves each month. I wasn’t having any of that and I’d much rather smoke a pound of bud or equivalent in concentrate a month. Especially when a pound I can get for less than 1k if I ask around.
I’ve found that top shelf isn’t really worth the cost when you need to keep constantly medicated like I do it else I’ll end up having a psychotic episode again. I’ve started to microdose when I want to smoke as outside of extreme pain I don’t really need a lot. Sadly my bones all hate me and basically everything hurts in it’s own way now. Smoking helps me to tolerate the pain of having to pop my elbows and shoulders to allow blood to return to my hands. If I don’t handle that I lose all feeling in my arms and hands. It sucks. My favorite is when my neck won’t turn without sharp shooting pain at the base of my skull. Turns out my atlas bone pinches my nerves sometimes. I’m just falling apart apparently. I don’t wanna think of how I’ll be in 10 years. It’s already painful to sit, stand, lay down, lift my legs above my waistline, and especially walk.
I miss when I was 9 and didn’t feel constant pain.
Dayummmmm I don’t think my last pic compared to this one of Sadie at all
Harmony looks really good too. I love the tight bud structure and all the trichs. I heard of fan leaves growing them, but just assumed I’d never see them.
Can someone explain to me why they look to be doing better during a drought? Sorry if I’m dense and need something explained a million times before I understand.
I literally just caught the garlic comment.
Well now. I’m at a impass. If I want to keep them out in case they try to wander back I want something to help. I definitely like using companion plants even with all the troubles
Put simply, roots need oxygen and water. When over watered, they lack oxygen.
Good to know. I must have not waited long enough fornthe soil to dry last time. My mistake. Still no drooping. As long as they’re happy and healthy I’m fine with the situation. I saw a large increase in bud size after doing this.
I’ve heard plants will also work hard during a drought. Is it possible that this was the case as well? If not then holy shit was I suffocating my girls! I’m just happy they are hearty plants.
If it’s somehow possible that they haven’t filled out the bin with roots yet I can only assume that’s what’s going on rn as they find the wet soil down below. So many lessons this grow, but that’s why I just did it finally. I can only learn so much with research. I can only understand the information if I have experience. Otherwise my eyes gloss over or I get angry. SMH I wish I had control over that. Won’t stop me from trying anyways though.
Feeling like it’ll be a week between watering. I’ve never given them a drought this long before, so it was due soon.
Also to anyone who’s thinks I’m shutting you out or refusing help and advice I’m not. I just get overwhelmed easily and I’m a bit stubborn by nature.
I wish I could be open minded to things that confuse me. At least im open minded about lifestyles. Always have been. Seeing where the general public is leaning towards I’m glad I’ve always had this mindset as I would not fit in in this current day and age if not.
I have no idea what this is. I’m tempted to cut it off to be safe
Sorry it’s not in better focus. Up close it almost resembles a bud with the shortest pistils growing. At the same time I’m getting flashbacks of the hops balls on the males.
I got a better pic. I’ll be using pro mode from now on. I definitely like it better. Even the auto focus is more accurate.
I just cut off that leaf altogether. IDK what was going on, but I’m not risking pollen. The odd growth did appear to be something. It was smashed in pruning and looked a lot like the little flowers on basil when crushed. Not like the males at all. I might have been rash, but I’ll see I guess.