Negative feedback on trades

Lol…someone flagged my comment. I guess you can’t call an asshole an asshole anymore. Sad times we live in

Bye now


I can only think of one thing for this sad commentary on how soft todays society is getting


played this one last weekend with the old lady. went through a bunch of frank. she’s a catholic girl, lol.

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Someone sent me nordle, shit, ash, and Devil and I can’t find the message who sent it.

So add me to the didn’t send list.
@PineTarBastard I still owe seeds,
I will have his seeds ready soon. Making seeds from the cut PTB sent.

I’m hoping to eleminate my seed send list within a week. :100::dove:


No worries my friend.

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I crossed the MDS cut to hoper valley gilgit type 2. I’ll be sending them seeds to you by next week. :dove:

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@GregOG Did you cross the MDS with your Copalita too?

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Good ideal. I just dropped some more CVO.

I’ve got Ortega (Mazar-i-Sharif) and Ortega 88 Nevil planned this year to cross into
Heirloom Afghani.
Durban-Thai highflyer F2 x Ortega
Nube Rojo (red lebanese) x Ortega
Panama Red
Copalita Village Oaxacan
Polecat 91
Strawberry Headband
High Voltage
Uncle festers skunk 18
Washington Skunk.

Hoper valley gilgit
Some of the new landraces that are being worked into the breeding projects this year.

And my buddy and I are working on stabilizing his new Thailand cross with Ducksfoot. He’s a farmer there bringing legacy into Thailand landrace genetics.


It’s disappointing, if only there was a song available to describe the real disappointment :sweat_smile::rofl::point_down:

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Looks like your going to very busy!

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Has anyone had any dealings with @Kabuddha ?
I have and it was not a good experience at all.
It has come to my attention he has fleeced more than just me for some free beans.

Has this happened to you?
Would you care to leave a comment?
Please, do your best to stay away from name calling and insults.


What was not good about your interaction bud? Can you expand on that some?


I have spoken of this several times, it gets long and convaluted so I try to let the actual conversation speak for itsself.

I will take quite a bit of time to find it all, since most of it was about 6 months to a year ago.

The latest thing I saw and it was 1 of many red flags to me was this.

This reminds me of another member that has lost everything several times.
I had high hopes that gent would turn things around but it seems that guy has burned some folks here already and a few other places too from what I hear.


Thanks @shag


I sent this user Blueberry Quest twice, because it didn’t arrive the first time :thinking:…. I do agree with you @shag , it does seem like something suspicious is going on here, and for those reasons…. I’m out. Lol :laughing:


My radar went way up on this person…


This is how it all got started.
What a way to start off my life here at OG.
My first 2 testers/growers I chose were @DrGonzo13 and @Kabuddha :flushed:

It really started in the free seed thread.
But all that was there was me saying if I send you these seeds you intend to grow them and post a pic or 2.
He and @DrGonzo13 both agreed and never followed through.
I did not say much, but one day Kabuddha
Asked me for a cut I was offering up.
I said politely please honor your previous obligation to me before asking for more free stuff.
He did not like that and sent me a pretty nasty PM which I never bothered to respond to.
After that he attempted to make an attack on TonyGreen in his thread.
Well maybe he was just poking at me but it had the feel of him critisizing tonys genetics or something.
I am not real sure of the point he was trying to make there.
This was from tony’s thread.

This caught my attention too, could be nothing but it drew my attention.

This was my response…


Just to be clear here, what had happened to me is not why I posted here, I was just letting it go…it had been several months, It was almost forgotten.

But now I hear some others had the same experience so I though it was time to put the cards on the table.


So I can’t find any messages with a member I recall that wanted to do some trading with me.
For some reason I just felt like something was off and I’m glad I listened to my gut.
User is @Scion420 and conveniently his profile is no longer here. Hope he got “weeded” out :rofl:
Long story short he swore to sending an envelope with beans and even a second time as well. When asked for tracking the communication went cold.
If anyone can comment if this user was good or bad that would be nice to know.


Thanks for the info @shag. It’s unfortunate you had that experience, folks need to keep their word, trust is one of the most important things in life. :v: