Negative feedback on trades

I know exactly where you’re coming from and I take no offence. I only take offence at liars and scumbags.

You can say whatever you like as long as it’s in good fun.


Truss yous two to clutter this topic again lol


Your like me. I couldn’t care less what’s said about me as most of the time it’s correct. I won’t lie. I’m a cunt. But at least I know what I am instead of hiding behind people avoiding the truth.
You can be a cunt and non malicious. That’s me. 🫡


I’m a pompous ass but also a really nice guy :joy:


I’ve seen both sides and I like both :fu:

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Fuck sake why do I feel flattered??? :rofl:
I’m gonna have to stop reading upwards as we all know by now I’m a cunt. Haha


You don’t need to say anything. Your actions speak for themselves.

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What about the 5th one? What are they here for?

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The women of course @LoveDaAutos
: )

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Just so you all know, this is not about crying the blues.
This is about cleaning house.
I just hang out here, but I will surely rid it of the riff raff when and if I can.
Deceit and lies has no place anywhere near me, and when it touches my life or my friends and family, I will surely call a rat a rat.

Time is money and I spend a bunch of time making seeds and my own money to give away seeds to good people.
I do this with a happy heart.
But I take issue with those that take advantage of a good thing.
We need to police our own, keep the order.
Otherwise the rats will take over this place and ruin it too.

I ask who here is cool with folks getting free seeds sent to them on someone else’s dime just so they can profit.

This is not about helping them out at all.
It is about leaving the Halloween candy bowl unattended and they come along and grab the bowl.

Those that give beans away put a ton of effort into doing so.
There should be some respect there.
If you see someone grabbing the whole bowl of candy will you just let them run off with it saying nothing?

In my world you trip the bastard take back the candy and restore order.
You know…you ain’t getting away with that shit in my neighborhood kinda thing.
"Fuck around and find out."


Here is the summary of complaints concerning Kabuddha

[quote=“shag, post:238, topic:2690, full:true”]
This was my latest reply in his thread.


Like that British cooking. ewwwww :rofl: oops shit off topic. my bad

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Not cool at all. Thanks for the recap.
Maybe we’ll get this discussion back on track. :wink:


Have you tried a British roast before??
Yorkshire puddings covered in beef gravy :wink:
English mustard on beef.
You’ve never lived.


I tried really hard and continue to try to not get involved with who is getting what seeds from whom. But a question that needs to be asked using Shag’s analogy would you stop a guy making off with the whole bowl of candy? Well then why wouldn’t you stop the guy that keeps going back to the bowl over and over and over again taking candy from it? The only difference is that one is taking all the candy at once while others get away with taking smaller amount of candy but do it repeatedly. At the end of the day there are kids not getting candy because of greedy trick or treaters.


That sounds pretty fuckin good.

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Bro it’s the best thing, I don’t know if you have carverys over there but they come a close second :drooling_face:


I could be wrong but I thought that that was the whole purpose of having a moderated fourm. :thinking:
Again I could be wrong.

My message just seems to get buried over and over not hardly even seen because it keeps getting buried let alone being discussed.
Maybe I should start a new thread, the mods love it when I do that. :relaxed:


Has anyone had any dealings with @Kabuddha ?
I have and it was not a good experience at all.
It has come to my attention he has fleeced more than just me for some free beans.

Has this happened to you?
Would you care to leave a comment?
Please, do your best to stay away from name calling and insults.