Negative feedback on trades

Breeding from fems is bad so since my hobby has been breeding for the last 5 years I have embraced regulars. I’ve done a lot of pheno hunts so I’ve wasted a lot of little plants and their space. But it’s all in the sport of the hobby. I put from 3-6 seedlings in a 2 gallon pot and put in flower after a few weeks. I cull it down to 3 plants by gut as they enter flower. In flower one is usually female and 2 gallons can feed a little plant. And I cull females/phenos I don’t like after a month in flower.


I agree on not using a female s1 to breed with I was talking strictly for bud.


Nice to see a glimer of happiness amongst the doom and gloom : )
Very og @SativaKid @DougDawson


Sounds great, thanks bud.


You’ll have to PM your address and I’ll send 50 or 60 beans, is that enough?


Sounds good to me, thanks bud. PM sent.


I’ve bred fem seed females with regular photo males and have produced seed lots with nothing but healthy offspring. Many breeders use the feminizing process to evaluate the S1 seed lot for locked in traits and valuable breeding stock. Not sure I would agree that breeding with an S1 female should be avoided. Stress testing the hell out of any female that is to be put thru the STS process is the key. Unfortunately there are a lot of genetics out there that are polluted by using a standout , but not stress tested specimen as the intitial P1 in the femenizing process which pretty much ensures unstable offspring… nanners or full blown hermies.
One of my favorite personal lines was made with a pre 98 bubba kush S1 from the verdant green releases. That female was absolutely stable after over a year of putting her through hell on purpose moslty. Anyhow this conversation is best in another thread LOL


@DougDawson where will these amazing fems be given away ? , so @ShiskaberrySavior @George and I can keep an eye out for them ?


Either in my threads or the FSFC thread. I am going to pull out of this thread now as we seem to be filling it with off topic stuff and I don’t want the mods to have to clean it all up. Those hard working folk have enough to do without me adding more work for them :v:


Someone indirectly blamed me for bumping this old thread :sweat_smile: ( I admit in a devilish way icon_twisted|nullxnull) and now someone ask to go back in topic :joy:. I was curious if it would be nowadays tolerated and how would people behave, we are (mostly) all adults, aren’t we? high-five

LOL, you infer blame where there is none to be had. In order for there to be blame their would have had to have been some kind of wrong doing. I was simply stating the history of the thread.

Doug, of course wasn’t you :innocent: the one I was referring to, the thread was cleaned so that part is missing … beer3|nullxnull

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Ah, I was not aware that the thread had been cleaned up. I had said the thread was bumped when I gave someone the history since they thought it was a new thread. I also said I was going to back out of here since it was going off topic. Seemed like you were talking about me :slight_smile: Either way I certainly didn’t mean anything negative when I said the thread was bumped, just that it was not very active which meant very few were on here complaining. Have a great day George. :v:


One of the best things about OG.


@SHSC-1 You have partially explained breeding for fems. I had fun testing and learned a lot. I learned there is probably a mathematically definable rating that each parent donates. And the sum of 2 parents ratings is the ability to hermie of the offspring. And as you said you can breed a healthy regular male with a hermie and get workable seeds. But only a real healthy male. I’ve tested that thoroughly. And your stress testing is the key to revealing the whole truth on this subject. But be careful as a lot of people are touchy on this subject, because it reveals the lies they happily believe. If you want to talk more on this start a new post and tag me. I have a lot I’ve learand even found 2 strains that are almost hermie proof.


Hermies are the effect of unstable genes linked to the ethylene production within the plant. Some plants have these unstable genes as dominant, some as recessive or double recessive. If you breed with a plant that have these traits, you’ll always find them in the offspring at some point in time. Its better to try to eliminate this as much as possible so my recommendation is to only use plants who doesn’t herm, and to really try to get them to herm!

If it’s a double recessive trait, it can hide within your breeding stock until F4 and them you might have alot of hermies which you will have a hard time to breed away from.

In selfing plant you’ll get to notice these hermies alot earlier. This is awesome, because you can relatively quick determine if a female is fit for reproduction if you look through her genetic makeup.

Pz :v:t2:


I just wanted to make sure you were aware that Mon morning I had 11 envelopes go out and one was to you and also I’m following up on this post because I realized that I was in a bad spot mentally and emotionally and you especially didn’t deserve it but I’ve been getting a little better but you’re 100% right about the way you sent me a list of seeds and let me pick out a few to get my growing started the first month on OG and I have been gifting out the Blue Tara I received 50 of. So u @CanuckistanPete , @DougDawson , @Mithridate , @misterbee , @Slick1 , @nefrella , @MoBilly , @PineTarBastard , @Pigeonman , @sardinebags , @Randar and @V4vendetta and I have to pickup some more stamps tomorrow and then I will have a more names tagged above & if it’s tagged it’s confirmation that it’s in the mail but I only ask that u all post either on this thread or you’ve received them but just wanted to address the post and to anyone else concerned so thanks to all and Happy Holidays The Doc… Please feel free to PM me or post publicly on here with any questions or concerns about it but thanks for helping me out during the hardest time of my life losing my Dad Sept 1st so I am just hoping to get back to what I’m here for GROWING and support for others grows and life sincerely mean it but actions speak louder than words so until then…“Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped and fondled like a priceless diamond.”


Sorry about your Dad man! :frowning_face:


I’m unfortunately I lost my Gram and him in back to back months, my two miniature Dachshund’s , and I just got back home from my uncle’s funeral back east so I just cannot wait for the New Year I’ve had more loss this last 9 months than the rest of my 38 years and I admit that I was pissed at the world and didn’t really realize that I was taking things out on the ones that are not deserving of the way I was so I just wanted to make sure that it’s been talked about but then it’s water under the bridge and time to push through and I don’t have any excuses other than it was on me so I have a feedback thread as well if so I appreciate your words @Jetdro because this Community is about the BEST place I’ve ever been a part of and it’s a blessing…


Sorry for your losses pal. Life is a long March and as long as everyday you take another step forward you’re making progress. Keep you’re chin up.